A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Hugging her jacket close to her body, Rebekah walked quickly down the deserted road. She had an uneasy feeling that she couldn’t shake off so she glanced behind her a couple of times and saw nothing but darkness, however, the third time she turned, she swore she saw someone but she couldn’t be too sure in the poor light. She still quickened her pace and carried on checking behind her every few minutes. She suppressed a gasp when she saw a flicker of a face in the darkness. She’d chosen the wrong night to wear heels apparently as the coble road made it so much more difficult for her to run. Her ankle wobbled before she fell and hit her head on the uneven surface.

Rebekah’s eyes opened slowly but closed again almost straight away. A warm thick quilt was hugging her body so she curled tighter into the array of colours. However, something clicked in her memory and she sat up quickly. Her eyes darted around the room to find that the king sized bed, which she was lying in, was not her own and the dresser and wardrobes in the corner of the room were also not her own, in fact, she’d never seen them before in her life. The room was dark as the heavy red curtains were blocking out any signs of daylight. Scared, Rebekah pulled herself out of the bed and carefully made her way over to the door as quietly as she possibly could. She was dressed in the same t-shirt and jeans as the night before, however she was now missing her coat and heels.

The bedroom door was open a crack so without making a sound, she peeked through it to see if she could get to the front door without being caught; she realised she’d have to leave her shoes and coat behind but she wanted to get out of this unfamiliar environment as quickly as possible. She cracked the door open a little bit further and it made the slightest sound. Once in the hall, she let out a sigh of relief of not having seen anyone yet, the hall way was completely empty. She pulled the bedroom door shut and turned around, only to yelp in surprise and terror at the figure suddenly stood in front of her. The young male flashed a quick smile at her before putting his hand on her back and gently guiding her in the direction, which he wanted.

“How…” She didn’t carry on her sentence due to the slight whispers she could hear from behind the closed white door that they were coming up to. In her mind, she was trying her best to move away from the male’s touch but her body was not responsive.

“A word of warning, do not speak unless told to do so,” The unfamiliar man whispered so softly into her ear that it sent a sharp shiver to hurtle itself down her spine. Rebekah watched the man reach around her and push the door gently open, all the while with his palm and long fingers still stretching across the small of her back. The whispering immediately deceased and she was gently guided into the room where she was met by a table of males, all of which had their eyes on her trembling posture. One man stood up from the table and advanced towards her.

“That was quite a terrible fall you took last night Rebekah,” Rebekah’s mind was going into over time, how did this strange male with long, sleek, brown hair know her name?

“Ryan, you can sit down now,” He addressed the man stood behind her. Ryan gave a small nod before removing his hand from Rebekah’s back and taking one of the two empty seats at the table. As soon as his hand had left her back however, Rebekah felt as if a huge weight had left her body and she let out a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding in.

“Please, take a seat,” Rebekah took the seat he’d offered. The two guys now sat either side of her seemed to inch closer to her body until William hissed something illogical and they backed off with a wince.
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New story due to Beki's nagging!
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