A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Brown curly hair flew behind her swiftly as the eighteen-year-old hunter walked through the busy streets of Chicago. Angela managed to weave her way through the bodies of businessmen and women alike and into the suburban streets of The Windy City. Dark sunglasses covered her hazel eyes and shaded her face partially until she arrived at her destination. Opening the mailbox she checked the small pile for any addressed to a ‘Miss A Shuntle’. Without finding anything, she entered the house silently and walked through to the back garden. Angela angrily glared at the several bodies that were laid out sunbathing with the small black and white dog lazily lying in the grass.

“Spencer is missing you know,” She stated, causing them to jump in surprise at her presence.

“Missing?” Joe asked half-heartedly at realising it was only Angela.

“He never came back from hunting last night,” She uttered with a hint of urgency lacing her voice.

“He’s a big boy Angela, he probably just decided to go have a drink afterwards. You can’t really blame him after the break up he has just endured,” Gabe muttered, eyes still closed. Angela however had originally thought of this as a possibility but when she’d rang his mobile and it went straight through to voice mail, she knew something was up. Lets just say it was her best friend instinct kicking in.

“Fine, I’ll go and find him myself then. Gizmo,” She called for the small black and white dog and beckoned it over to her. Putting it on a leash, she then turned and left the house silently, without another word to the others.
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Okay it's short I know, but it's an introduction to a shit load of characters :).

Sorry if much didn't make sense, I wrote it just now, and i'm half asleep and delusional ^_^

Comments are love <3