A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Rebekah laid on the hard warehouse floor, her head resting on the unconscious male she’d been left with. It was nearly 11am according to her watch so she was getting hungry. She stiffly moved into a sitting position and stared down at him. His brown hair flopped slightly into his eye line so she brushed it back delicately and ran her fingers across his cheek bone, feeling his cold, soft skin. Rebekah jumped and retreated her hand when she heard the large bolted door being opened at the front of the building. The red door then opened and Brendon entered the room.

“I brought you some food and coffee,” He stated, handing her a brown paper bag with a bagel in and a takeaway coffee.

“Thank you,” She uttered.

“So has he stirred at all yet?” He asked and stood still, just looking down at her.

“No, not yet.”

“Oh okay. Well I’ve explained the situation to William. He’s not happy but wants you to stay with Spencer for the rest of the day,” Brendon explained quickly.

“So I take it Spencer is his name then?” Rebekah asked, taking a bite out of her bagel.

“Yes. Well I have to get going, I’ll come back later to check on you both. When he’s awake I want you to explain what has happened to him the best you can,” Brendon spoke softly; she still wasn’t used to this side of the vampire and found it quite strange.

“See you later,” She uttered. Brendon glanced down the blue scrunched up top which was covered in dirt and blood before quickly leaving the building, bolting the door behind him. Rebekah was alone again.
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Sorry about the shortness, it was either this or no update :)

Comments are love <3