A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Without any luck, Angela had paced the streets for the whole of that day, panic and worry being the only things fuelling her to keep on searching for her best friend. She trudged back to the shared house and through the front door.

“You’re back then?” Andy asked with a smile. Letting the dog off of its leash, she allowed it to run through to Gabe who was talking to Adam, one of the new hunters.

“I’ve come to get some guns,” She uttered darkly, still annoyed at the fact that no one else was bothered about Spencer’s whereabouts.

“Fine, just don’t go against anything you can’t handle Ang,” Gabe called back to her as she opened the door to the basement. Turning on the light she then walked down the creaky old stairs that reached into the dreary concrete box. On the walls were an array of different stakes, each one made of different materials and in a set of five. In the corner of the small room, laid a large oak trunk. Opening it with ease, Angela then stared down at the guns and smiled slightly. She slipped a pistol into the front of her hoody and then went for one of the larger pieces of machinery and swords.

After collecting the slaying equipment she would need, Angela left the basement and shouted a good bye to the guys. During the time she’d been within the shared house, the burning sun had dropped in the sky, allowing the moon and stars to take over. The large gun that Angela held limply in her left hand, went unnoticed as she walked into town. She was heading for Armstrong’s hide out.
Billie Joe Armstrong had a deal with the hunters; they leave his vampires alone and they leave the people of Chicago alone and feed only on animal blood. Armstrong’s group tended to stay on the low however happened to know all that was happening within the Windy city due to the fact that he had people spread around the city’s crevices. Angela headed towards the forgotten end of town and banged on a certain metal door with force. Her brown eyes twinkled with that familiar excitement when the door began to open.

“Mikey, I need to see Armstrong,” She addressed the vampire she was familiar with.

“Sorry Angela but he doesn’t want any outsiders to see him right now,” Angela’s face contorted in confusing for the briefest of minutes before she sighed heavily.

“Mikey, Mikey, Mikey,” She sighed. He watched sceptically as she removed the gun from her left hand only so that she could slip her right hand into the metal with ease.

“What the hell are you doing Angela?” Mikey asked with an urgency in his voice as the gun Angela held was suddenly pointed directly at his dead heart.

“Let me in or you’re dust,” She hissed, her face hardening like stone.

“You have issues girl,” Mikey muttered as he moved to the side and let Angela walk through, gun still poised
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Right. There are three groups now, The Hunters, The Dandies and Billie's group which doesn't have a name as of yet.

I am going to make a list of the characters and what group they're in and post it somewhere, maybe in the main description so that it doesn't get confusing as there are quite a few characters now.

Comments would really be appreciated. <3

Todays update was inspired by watching Blade last night whilst babysitting :tehe: