A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Spencer sat on one side of the warehouse room whilst Rebekah sat on the other. In her mind, Rebekah was trying to build up the confidence to walk over to him and explain, like she was supposed to, what had happened. However, this was easier said than done. She rubbed at her shoulder blade and flinched as she felt the blackening bruise. A loud crash at one end of the warehouse attracted both of their attention, both of them rising to their feet because of the intruder.

“Spence?” Angela’s familiar voice called out in relief as she saw him. Rebekah’s eyes widened and she backed into the wall slightly when she saw the large gun, stakes and other weapons that were visible on the female.

“Angela, don’t come near me,” Spencer uttered quickly, stopping Angela just as she began to run over to her previous best friend.

“What?” She asked in confusion. She glanced across, following Spencer’s eye line and saw Rebekah, backed into the wall.

“I’m a vampire now,” He stated solemnly, snapping Angela’s attention away from Rebekah and back to Spencer. Tears immediately came to her eyes.

“You can’t be,” She stated, trying to act as though this was all a joke Spencer was playing on her like in the old times at high school, before they’d even learnt that vampires existed.

“I want you to kill me,” Spencer breathed out. It was hard for him to say but he saw Angela with the stakes and he was a vampire now, it was her job to kill the living dead before they caused harm.

“No, I need to get you away from here,” Angela stated in determination. She strode towards Spencer.

“No!” Rebekah yelped; she knew she’d be punished if Brendon came back and Spencer had disappeared. Spencer and Angela’s attention snapped to the terrified girl against the back wall. Angela’s eyes narrowed and she poised her gun, aiming for Rebekah.
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Holy shit! I found an internet connection!

So if i can keep this internet connection strong then I will be able to carry on updating, if the connection goes, then I won't be updating for two weeks. I hate being at my Grandmas house when it comes to my writing.