A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Spencer pulled the gun out of Angela’s hand swiftly.

“She’s not a vampire,” He stated.

“Who the hell is she then?” She hissed back at him, making sure Rebekah couldn’t hear what she was saying.

“I’m still trying to work that one out-”

“You can’t take him,” Rebekah yelped out, urgency lacing her body as the intimating brunette went closer to Spencer.

“And why is that?” Angela asked rudely. All she wanted was to have her best friend back.

“They’ll punish me,” Rebekah spoke quietly, the possibilities of what they could do to her, filling her mind. Angela eyed the girl closely, watching her for any signs that she could be lying.

“Either kill me or go Angela,” She looked hurt as Spencer spoke those words. “It’s nothing personal, you know that, I just don’t want you getting hurt,” Without speaking another word, Angela hugged Spencer tightly, before turning and leaving the way she’d come, taking her gun with her. She knew that would be the last time that she’d see her best friend even remotely human again and that tore her apart inside.

What disturbed Spencer the most though was that he could smell and feel the pulse of Angela’s blood as it pumped through her veins when she stood near him. He could still hear a heart beat in the room and when he listened closely he could hear it racing.
Groaning, Spencer sat down on the floor as a silence spreading across the room.

“Come here,” He spoke softly, patting the floor as an invitation for Rebekah. Cautiously, Rebekah walked over and sat down in front of him crossed-legged.

“Whom do you work for then?” He asked curiously.

“I don’t really think you can say I work for them,” Rebekah laughed nervously. Spencer gave her a curious look so she carried on, “The Dandies, they well, um… just take it as I have no choice in doing things for them, its either doing the things they want, or death,” She stated, tears coming to her eyes.

“The Dandies? Shit,” Spencer stated, not remembering a thing of what had happened the night he was turned.

“I’ve been told to explain to you what happened okay? Like how and why you turned,” Rebekah told him, wiping the excess tears that had leaked over he lid.

“Okay,” Spencer stated, listening as her heart beat slowly returned to an above average speed – she was still scared of him.

“Um well last night, Brendon was out hunting and ran into you. You started fighting him so naturally he fought back. He didn’t want to kill you though as you used to be best friends apparently. He turned you into a vampire to save you – he hurt you bad without meaning to and the only way you were going to survive was if you was turned. That’s why you’re here with me. It’s my job to watch over you until Brendon returns,” Rebekah uttered quickly, not spending too long on each detail. Spencer’s blue eyes had melted into a darker colour. He muttered something coherent under his breath before his eyes went back to their usual blue.

“Can I ask you something?” Spencer asked after a few minutes of thinking.

“Okay,” She stated unsure.

“When I woke up, why was your hand on my cheek?”

“Oh, erm, I don’t know really it was just calming to feel your skin and know that I wasn’t completely alone here, I guess,” She uttered, a slight blush crawling onto her cheeks. Spencer laughed lightly and nodded. They sat for a few minutes in silence until Spencer suddenly stood up and strode towards the door.

“What are you doing?” Rebekah stuttered out as she watched Spencer try and open the door, only to find it locked. He started pulling harder, ignoring Rebekah until he had successfully pulled the door open, breaking the lock in the process.

“Look I just had a thought; you said that I can’t leave as you’ll be punished, so come with me, we can get away before any of them come back,” Spencer spoke quickly as Rebekah stood up, watching him.

“No, we can’t!” She exclaimed, frustration attacking her body.

“Why not? It is actually your choice to be with them isn’t it? You’re grooming me into believing your lies,” He stated, a false realisation filling his mind as he backed away from her.

“No it’s not my choice. You don’t understand Spencer!” She exclaimed, tears of frustration coming to her eyes.

“Well make me understand then!” He yelled back at her. Ten minutes previously everything had been calm and collected, now however, the air was tense.

“William knows my scent! He’ll be able to hunt me down in a matter of hours and kill me, slowly and painfully for breaking the rules!” She exclaimed as tears finally escaped her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks. “I don’t want to die Spencer,” She whispered. She sank to the floor and closed her eyes, sobbing heavily and wishing none of this were real. She heard a loud crash of the door being slammed back into place and then footsteps coming towards her.

“I’m sorry,” He said softly, going on his knees in front of her.

“I just want my life back,” She whispered before Spencer pulled her into his body and comfortingly rubbed his hands over her back. He truly did feel bad as apparently she hadn’t wanted any of this to happen, sure he hadn’t either but he always knew there was a chance of him being turned when he decided to be a vampire hunter, Rebekah however hadn’t known what she was getting herself into by dating James.

“I haven’t even asked you your name,” Spencer said softly as she moved so that she was curled up into him.

“Rebekah,” She mumbled into his chest, closing her eyes. The fact that Spencer could hear the beating of her heart still scared him, yet it comforted him in a sense now that it had slowed down to a steady pace.
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Longish update? Anyway, could i ask a favour of some of you commenters. Could you please comment this story in the 'comments' thing at the top of this page instead of my profile? It makes it easier in a sense for me :). So anyway;
Comments are appreciate :).