A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Spencer had moved ever so slightly so that he could lean back against the wall. He still had Rebekah’s head in his lap as he gently played with her hair. She sighed faintly and wondered why it was never like this with any of the other vampires; the thought that kept popping into her head though was if any of them had ever loved before, especially Brendon.

“How touching,” Rebekah shot up and away from Spencer’s lap when she heard that sneering voice that belonged to the man she’d just been thinking about.

“Brendon,” Spencer acknowledged with a low growl emitting from the back of his throat. A small smirk played across Brendon’s lips as he stepped towards the two. Spencer silently rose from the floor with his eyes dark. Rebekah stepped forward slightly only for Spencer to push her back gently so that she was against the wall. He advanced towards Brendon, his facial features hardening.

“Spencer you’re still weak, if you try and fight me you’ll regret it,” Rebekah watched the whole scene play out, her heart beat increasing in both of the vampire’s ears.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Spencer hissed before pouncing into his attack. His vampire form came into place; his teeth mutated into fangs, his nails turned into claws, his iris’ turned ebony and finally his body was elegant and lightweight as he flew through the air towards his experienced opponent. Brendon chuckled openly and winked at Rebekah just as Spencer tackled him to the floor. He soon changed positions and instead pinned Spencer down to the floor with a menacing hiss being thrown at him.

“I can’t believe you was once was one of my best friends,” Spencer coldly spoke causing anger to surge through Brendon’s body. The tables were beginning to turn and Spencer was getting the upper hand of the situation.

“I never changed Spencer, I’ve always been like this,” Brendon said with denial lacing his own mind.

“How stupid of me. Of course you’d rather not think of the times when your only passion was music, not blood and how you had a loving boyfriend-”

“Shut up,” Brendon hissed down at the smirking man beneath him, digging his fingers into the other vampire’s shoulders.

“- of course you thought turning him would help you stay together, but no, he fell out of love with you, didn’t he Brendon Boyd Urie?” Spencer carried on, testing the man above him.

“I said shut up!” Brendon yelled before slamming Spencer's head into the hard warehouse floor.
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I'm sorry that I never updated this story sooner but I just didn't feel motivated to write it. I'm sorry. I have a load of ideas for this story though, and may I point out that Brendon is infact bisexual, not gay ^_^.

Comments would be appreciated :).