A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Rebekah sat on the bed within her designated room, which happened to be the one she’d awoken in, and stared at the wall opposite her. The door opened and Ryan stepped in and closed the door again behind him. Rebekah’s eyes immediately widened as he made his way towards her causing her to cower back into the headboard. He sighed and sat at the foot of her bed watching her closely.

“It’s not that bad you know,” He stated, his soft voice startling her. “Living here that is. We’re all nice guys if you look past the vampirism,” She lifted her head slightly and looked at him and he stared back with curiosity. He took in her appearance; her cheeks were tear stained, her eyes threatened to release more tears and her clothes from the night before were crumpled from sleep.

“William told me to tell you the rules and what you’re going to be doing for us,” Ryan stated after realising he wasn’t going to get a response from the 23 year old. She nodded slightly and brought her knees up to her chest.

“You’re not to tell any one about us, you’re going to quit your job tomorrow and one of us will come with you to make sure of it, you’re not to leave this house unless we send you out to get us food, any shopping you need doing just tell one of us and we’ll get you the stuff you need, we won’t hurt you if you follow these rules. If you break any however, we kill you.”

“Why me?” She whispered; the small sentence itself would have been barely audible to other humans, however to vampire, it was perfectly clear.

“You’re a good fighter and you’re strong. William gets this vibe from you that he doesn’t get from other humans, there’s something different about you that he likes,” Ryan stated and scooted closer to her.

“I don’t want to have to kill people,” She mumbled, a few tears spilling from her hazel eyes.

“You won’t be killing them, you’ll just bring them back here or down to the warehouse William owns down town. You then go and we take care of them.”

“I’ll be bringing innocent people to you, it’s not fair,” She exclaimed slightly with a hint of urgency and anger lacing her voice.

“I’ll tell you what isn’t fair Rebekah. Living yet not having a heartbeat is not fair. Only surviving because of the lives that we take isn’t fair. Not being able to properly die quickly isn’t fair. It’s not fair that you got the choice to carry on living and I never, I actually had family and friends who cared,” Ryan hissed, his mood changing rapidly from the kindness he’d previously shown to an anger that was flaring deep within his veins. He stood up from the bed and stormed out of the room, leaving Rebekah to sit there surprised by the whole episode that had just played out in front of her.
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Heh heh, another update because i'm in agood awesome mood :tehe: