A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


The familiar grey building stood in front of her as she stepped through the large school doors, which were in much need of a new lick of paint. One of the Dandies, Brendon, closely walked beside her to make sure that she did what William had ordered. The school was clear of students due to it being an hour before the designated time for students to come to class. Rebekah’s heart thumped within her chest as nerves racked her body; what if Mr Hondel noticed something was not quite right with his secretary who had been one to boast about having a job that she loved only two days previously?

“You need to calm down. I swear any vampire in a ten mile radius can hear your heart thumping within you fragile body right now,” Brendon whispered in her ear as he gracefully walked beside her.

“I thought you people couldn’t come out in daylight,” She hissed at him and ignored his taunting of her nervous state of mind.

“You shouldn’t believe everything you read. We don’t come out in the day because often the temptation of being surrounded by so much fresh blood gets too much and we just attack without thinking,” Brendon hissed in her ear, moving behind her and placing small kisses on her neck as they walked towards Mr Hondel’s office. “That’s why we used to hunt at night, it was less suspicious but now there are vampire hunters which is why we now have you,” She clenched her fists tightly, she couldn’t do anything to stop him, after all she was in the Dandies control now. She felt his teeth gently bite her neck causing her whole body to tense and her heart beat to quicken even more. Brendon backed off of her and chuckled to himself and took his position beside her again. William had told them to pretend that they were dating so that no questions of Brendon’s existence could be asked. However Brendon was taking full advantage of this demand and had laced his cold fingers with Rebekah’s whilst placing small kisses, that panicked her, on her neck every few minutes. “You smell sweet,” Rebekah’s eyes widened and she moved away from him quickly only for him to pull her into his chest and weave his arm about his waist. “Don’t worry, I’ll only bite you if you ask me to,” He said winking at her.

“Shut up,” She muttered just as they came to Mr Hondel’s door. She knocked lightly and heard the booming voice from within telling them to enter.

“Oh, Rebekah, what brings you here? Isn’t it your day off?” The balding, fifty-five year old, asked and got the two to sit down in the chairs opposite his desk.

“Mr Hondel, Rebekah is having to resign from her job immediately, I hope this doesn’t cause too many problems for you,” Brendon spoke smoothly before Rebekah had the chance to even open her mouth.

“And who may you be?” Mr Hondel questioned with raised eyebrows.

“I’m Rebekah’s fiancé, Brendon,” He stated with an easy smile. Mr Hondel glanced at her hand looking for a ring however this action never went unnoticed by Brendon.

“We’re getting a ring soon, it was a spur of the moment thing last night,” He explained and Mr Hondel nodded cautiously.

“Well Rebekah, if you wish to resign then you can pack up your thing at the end of the month.”

“No, I’m sorry Mr Hondel. I know that you’re meant to give a months notice but this is an urgent matter,” Brendon uttered quickly yet smoothly and persuasively.

“And what is this urgent matter?”

“It’s a personal family problem,” Brendon answered calmly whilst Rebekah just sat there shaking like a leaf with her heart beat racing a mile a minute. Brendon sighed audibly and took her hand in his before squeezing it, trying to calm her nerves.

“Right, well I’ll allow it only this once due to Rebekah have being such a dedicated employee these last few years,” Mr Hondel said with a kind smile.

“Well we need to get going. Thank you for your time Mr Hondel,” Brendon stated and stood up but avoided giving the man an ice-cold handshake.

“That’s quite alright,” Mr Hondel said as Brendon pulled Rebekah up.

“Rebekah, would you mind if I had a word alone though before you run off?” Mr Hondel quickly asked before the two could make it out of the door.

“I’ll wait outside,” Brendon stated and glanced at Rebekah who was staring at him with wide eyes, silently begging him not to leave her in case she let something accidentally slip.

“Is everything truly okay?” Mr Hondel asked with worried eyes once Brendon had shut the office door behind him.

“Yes, everything is fine,” She squeaked out nervously. Mr Hondel looked at her worried; this wasn’t the same flamboyant girl he’d had working beside him for the past three years.

“If you need help or somewhere to go, just call me, you still have my number right?” Mr Hondel whispered, standing close to her. She nodded her head and he forced a small smile.

“I best be going,” Rebekah spoke quickly before turning and rushing out of Mr Hondel’s office to join a smirking Brendon. Quite a few students had entered the school premises whilst they’d been in Mr Hondel’s office so Brendon made sure of holding onto Rebekah’s hand tightly; humans had a tendency of running away into crowds of people.

“Wasn’t that just heart warming?” Brendon uttered with a dark smile.

“You could hear?” Surprise laced her voice causing Brendon to smirk.

“We have excellent hearing you know, I thought you would’ve learnt that from your old buddy James,” Brendon uttered causing tears of grief to come to her eyes.

“What happened to him?” Rebekah asked as they walked out of the building and she cringed when she noticed Brendon staring at a few of the pupils, licking his lips.

“He broke one of the rules, Beckett tore him apart,” He stated with a shrug as they both slid into the black BMW. He glanced over at her sitting in the passenger seat and smirked before moving swiftly over the gearbox so that he was straddling her waist, holding her in place. The tinted windows allowed Brendon to start kissing her neck, much to her discomfort.

“Tell me Rebekah, how does it feel to have a vampire make love to you?” Brendon whispered in her ear, letting his hands wander over her body. Rebekah’s eyes widened as she squirmed in her seat.

“That’s why he was killed?” She asked trembling, remorse of what she and James had done, filling her body.

“Yes, it was against the rules to have a relationship with a human,” Brendon whispered into her ear, licking the shell slightly.

“You know, I’d like to find out what its like with a human again; I haven’t had a good fuck since before I was turned,” Brendon grinned, roughly pushing his lips against Rebekah’s. She struggled and put her hands to his chest, trying to push him away.

“William will kill you,” She said quickly, trying to find a way for him to back off, after all, the vampire was bound to be the stronger one out of the two.

“See that’s where you are wrong sugar, Beckett owns you now, you can’t even leave us without being killed. So if we want to fuck you, we can fuck you,” Rebekah cringed at the words spoken and more tears came to her eyes. “But we’re on a tight schedule so that’ll have to wait,” Brendon added chuckling, sliding across and back into the drivers seat. He glanced over at her curiously and watched as she stared straight in front of her, counting under her breath whilst breathing deeply.
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I have a tendancy of updating new stories often, I haven't forgotten about my other ones though, i'll start writing an update for "No you no..." right now :tehe:

Comments are love <3