A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


The supermarket was packed with shoppers who, like many others, had decided that they’d get their weekly shopping done on that dreary morning. Under Brendon’s orders, Rebekah had gotten a trolley and was pushing it down one of the isles whilst he stood close beside her. She watched from the corner of her eye as Brendon bit his lip whilst darting his eyes around the shoppers surrounding him.

“Look, just go back to the car and wait for me there,” She whispered after he’d asked her, tight jawed, if she wanted pasta.

“So that you can run away? I don’t think so,” He hissed only loud enough for her to hear.

“No, so that you don’t massacre all these unsuspecting shoppers,” She hissed right back, “Plus I know that if I run, William could find me easily as he knows my scent now,” Brendon studied her face for a few minutes.

“Fine, I’ll be in the car waiting. If you’re not out in fifteen minutes then I’m coming back in to get you. We won’t be coming shopping that often so you need to get everything that you need for the duration of this month now. Including any other necessities that you women need,” Brendon uttered out quickly, slipping a wad of money into her hand. She nodded her head to show she understood before he rushed out of the store and back to the confinements of the car. Rebekah sighed and started going down each isle, picking out food and products she’d need; she never thought in her entire life that she’d be controlled by vampires, but then again, she dated one so she knew she should have expected it. How did she react when she found out her first love was a vampire? Well it wasn’t the way James had wanted her to find out.

The picnic bench sat clear, in the dusk of the mountain. The young couple, previously occupying the wooden table had now packed up their things because of James’ insistency.

“James, I just want to see the stars,” Rebekah smiled brightly, staring up at the darkening sky.

“Another time, come on, we have to get back before darkness falls completely,” James insisted, tucking the empty picnic basket into the back of the car.

“Please, it won’t hurt to just stay for half an hour longer,” Rebekah begged, feeling complete with her boyfriend by her side. He sighed deeply as she sat on the grassy terrain and looked up at the blackening sky.

“It’s too dangerous!” He exclaimed annoyed without meaning to.

“What?” Rebekah asked confused at the desperate tone James had suddenly taken on.

“It doesn’t matter, we just have to get going right now,” He stated, rushing back and forth, putting things in the car. Rebekah stood and took a hold of his wrist, stopping him from moving.

“What aren’t you telling me?” She asked, staring into his startling blue eyes.

“Nothing,” He uttered, pulling his wrists out of his grasp.

“Don’t lie to me James!” She exclaimed to his turned back.

“You want to know why we have to go? You want to know why I so desperately want to get you away from here?” He yelled, turned back to look at her with fiery eyes. The wind that rustled the trees suddenly gave out an eerie feeling as James stormed towards her and grabbed her shoulder, unintentionally hurting her in the process. .

“You’re hurting me,” She gasped out, suddenly afraid of her loving partner.

“I’m a vampire Beki! I don’t want you to get hurt because the others hunt here at night sometimes!” He yelled angrily.

“Don’t be stupid James,” Rebekah whispered, a shiver running down her spine as what James had said hit her. “Vampires don’t exist.”

“Well explain these then,” James whispered now, the anger draining from his body and his grip leaving her shoulder. He let his fangs out causing Rebekah’s eyes to widen and for her to back away from him.

“Beki, you know I’d never hurt you intentionally,” He stated softly and walked up to her now shaking body as it backed into the car. “I love you.”

“You’re a vampire,” She stuttered out.

“Yes, but this changes nothing. I love you still and that’s what matters in the end. I can explain everything to you if you give me the chance.”

Sighing at the memory that played in her mind, she got the rest of the shopping and paid for it. Once arriving back at the car, Brendon jumped out.
“I’m surprised you never actually tried to run,” Brendon pointed out, helping her put the shopping bags into the boot.
“Yeah well I didn’t see any point to do so,” She uttered getting back into the car along with Brendon.
♠ ♠ ♠
In a sense I had such an awesome day yesterday XD

Thank you to everyone that has read, commented and subscribed so far <3.
Comments are love <3.