A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


Silently, Rebekah lay in the array of colours that radiated from the bed sheets and thought to herself. The door opened almost without a sound and in the blink of an eye Ryan was by her side smiling cockily.

“Do you have to do that?” She muttered with her back turned to him. If it weren’t for his sweet aroma she wouldn’t have known he was there. That was the thing about the Dandies; they all had that certain alluring aroma to them.

“Of course. It just wouldn’t be fun otherwise. Anyway, Brendon wants to see you in his room,” Ryan spoke with a smirk playing on his lips. Fear almost immediately engulfed her body as the words that Brendon had spoken before infested her mind.

“Well I don’t want to see Brendon,” She uttered, pulling the covers over her further more.

“Come on,” Ryan said with a smirk and placed his hand on her shoulder. Immediately Rebekah’s body disobeyed her mind.

“The quirks of being one of the undead aye?” Ryan laughed softly, leading her out of her bedroom and down the long empty hallway.

“You’re a bastard, you know that right?” Rebekah muttered before Ryan opened Brendon’s door and pushed her in, slamming the door shut behind her. She turned around confused when she found the room completely empty, well so it seemed anyway. Within a matter of seconds, Brendon had collided his stone like body with hers, sending her to fall onto the bed.

“You mother fuc-” Brendon quickly slapped his hand over her mouth, shutting her up.

“I need your help,” He hissed, barely audible. Rebekah lay back on his bed with his hand still securely over her mouth. “I need you to come with me and I’ll explain on the way,” He hissed, eyes dark. Rebekah was barely able to nod and before long, his hand had been removed and he was pulling her up and into the hallway.

“I realised that we haven’t shown Rebekah the warehouse yet so I’m going to take her down there,” Brendon stated once he and Rebekah had arrived at the kitchen where William was stood with Mike.

“Okay fine. It’s late so I’m guessing they’re hunting. Be on a look out, I wouldn’t want to lose you to them Brendon,” William uttered being waving them out of the door slightly, getting rid of them
♠ ♠ ♠
Still kind of short but it's a lot longer compared to chapter Seven :tehe:

Comments are Love <3