A Dangerous Face and Illegal Taste


“Who’s hunting?” Rebekah asked confused as Brendon had a hold of her hand and pulled her down the street.

“Remember when we said it wasn’t safe for us to get food ourselves anymore? It’s because there are vampire hunters, they know of us and want revenge… and I’ve made the situation worse,” He whispered the last part so Rebekah let the questioning look on her face drop. He seemed tense… well tenser than usual anyway. After walking ten minutes in silence, they arrived in front of an old decaying warehouse. Beckett’s Warehouse. As soon as Brendon unbolted the door, Rebekah saw his fists tighten as if trying to control himself. She cautiously entered the warehouse, she was in a hallway it seemed, with two doors, a black one being closet and a red one being furthest.

“Go through the red one, I’m right behind you,” Brendon said clearly and placed his hand on her shoulder as if to make she knew he was still there in the dim light that the over head hanging bulbs provided. Pushing the door open was hard but she managed to do it before letting her eyes get accustomed to dim light again.

“Oh my god,” She uttered, looking in shock at the guy lying on the floor in the center of the room. There was a bloody mess around him and he was lying on his front.

“Brendon what have you done?” Rebekah whispered, turning to look into Brendon’s scared eyes.

“I turned one of the hunters. I didn’t mean to, I was just so hungry but I ran into him and he started fighting me,” Brendon uttered, sounding faraway.

“Is he dead?”

“No. Before I was turned he was my friend, I couldn’t just kill him! You have to understand that Rebekah,” Brendon exclaimed, seeming more and more like a defenceless child as time passed. She’d never seen this side of him he was almost gentle. “I had to turn him into one of us for him to survive. I didn’t realise I had done so much damage to him; I thought he was going to survive until I saw what I had done. So I turned him. Please Rebekah, please stay with him until he comes around,” Rebekah turned to look at Brendon with wide eyes.

“You turned him though, what if he tries to attack me when he comes around?” She asked scared all of a sudden.

“He won’t. When you become a vampire, you don’t need to feed for the first five days. I have to get back to the house, I’ll make up and excuse for you,” Before Rebekah could respond, he’d turned and fled the building. She sighed when she heard the heavy bolt of the front door being locked. Cautiously she walked over to the man’s body. Grabbing a hold of his arm, she pulled him over with all her strength so that he was at least lying on his back. She stared at his face for a few minutes before recognition hit her. She had been watching him when she had gone to the bar after grabbing Lucy. He had looked so shifty and anything but relaxed.

She guessed he was just a searching for vampires to pick out that night. The large room echoed with the soft thump of her footsteps as she wandered the warehouse room, looking for a cloth or anything that could be used to wipe the blood from him. Two single bulbs hung from the high ceiling so the room was only scarcely lit. She returned to the young man, whom Brendon hadn’t told her his name, and sighed deeply. She was going to have to use the water that Brendon had left for her and her top.

She pulled her hoody off and then the vest top beneath it before slipping her hoody back on. Damping the blue vest top, she then began to wipe the dirt and blood from his cheeks. She sat beside his body on the floor, pulled his head into her lap and began to wipe the dirt away again. She smiled and looked down at his innocent face, well innocent for now. He was a vampire so would that mean he’d become just as heartless as the rest of them? She hoped not.
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For Angela as she wanted it for when she got home :).

I know Brendon rambles a bit but it's because hes nervous. Come on, wouldn't you panic if you'd just turned a person that's friends would want revenge.

Comments would be awesome :).