Status: In progress... we will see

The Lantern

The Prologue


It was fresh on the undersides of his rough hands. Blood was smeared along the corner of his lips, and dripped down along his smooth chin.

If you were to imagine a tall, brooding man beneath the harsh lightning of a ghostly lamp, with heavy shadows cast across his face, you would be imagining him exactly. His longish dark brown hair was smoothed back in a handsome style. In short, he was very handsome, but his look could make ones skin crawl.

The body of a helpless grave-keeper lay limp at his feet. He had killed him from taking to much blood. He meant to kill him. There was a pool of blood beneath his exposed neck, and two distinct bites along the major artery that ran beneath his taut skin. He was an older man with a troubled life. Maybe he was doing him a favor...

A grotesque screech of bats filled the beautiful graveyard. It was terrifying, and would drive a human to insanity. A sudden pungent smell of them finally hit him.

Yes, they were also bloodsuckers, just like he was, but these were the untamed. They held no humanity, and there souls were forgotten within their twisted minds. As humans, they had various mental disorders which evolved into a more critical problem as immortality became their life.

There eyes were flooded a coal black, and their skin was a greying white as their hung mouths wailed dull cries into the night. They were horrifying to look at; they were also dangerous. Fortunately, their occurrence was rare.

“Oh what sweet blood I can smell.” One of them hissed, stalking towards the body rapidly. It flung itself upon the body, their head diving, their fangs beginning to rip open flesh. Another untamed joined the feast, tearing through fresh skin as well. That was one of the things with them, they loved the taste of dead flesh. A few fell from the high branches of giant trees, pulling themselves towards the body.

He still stood above them, taking a few steps back. All that was heard was the steady smack of tongue against skin, and the moaning of taming hunger.

The handsome vampire tucked a hand into his coat, and pulled out his black handkerchief. It was given to him by an ancient ancestor who also gave him the gift of day-walking. He began to wipe the blood from his mouth and chin.

He turned with his back facing them and peered around the Gothic graveyard. It was located on the outskirts of the city, and held great historical value.

It was huge, built within a forest full of giant oaks. You could easily get lost within the countless numbers of gravestones, and gargoyles.

He picked up a fallen leaf that was slowly beginning to yellow, and traced the outline of it with his fingertip. It was the smallest things that gave him pleasure, like holding this piece of dead nature. To him, it was the closest thing to humanity.

He peered up and listened to the savage sound of a hungered feast behind him. Turning his head over his shoulder, the body was now unrecognizable. A sudden ping of pain hit him mentally. A sliver of humanity was suddenly exposed. He turned it off as quickly as it came on, and turned away, walking away beneath the quarter-full moon.