Status: active as frick ((((hopefully))))

My Summertime Soundtrack

Chapter Three

Tori shook her head with a chuckle before grabbing Ainslee’s arm and leading her out of the crowd of people, completely ignoring her protests. Every time Ainslee would protest how she wouldn’t leave her great spot in the crowd, Tori just tugged on her arm and basically dragged her further out.

“Trust me okay?” She said, looking at her best friend with a pleading look on her face. “Text Tay; ask her where she is.” Ainslee opened her mouth to argue again before Tori interrupted her. “Ainslee please. I know what I’m doing.” Tori wasn’t sure if she was saying that to convince Ainslee or to convince herself.

“Fine.” The older friend huffed, pulling out her phone texting Tay. Tori shifted her weight from foot to foot, anxiously watching the stage to check if the band was coming on. She hoped and prayed that the band would start playing before she got to the glorious seats Jack had told her about. Now that the girl thought about it, she wasn’t really sure why she chose to trust the boy; she didn’t know anything besides his name. She couldn’t help but smile at how cute he wasn’t and something told her that he wouldn’t be the type to just lie to her for no apparent reason. “Alright, she’s on her way.” Ainslee said, looking up from her phone.

“Alright perfect. C’mon we’re gonna be late.” Tori grabbed Ainslees hand before exiting the crowd making sure not to lose her best friend in the midst of all the people. Her eyes surfed the crowd of people looking for her much smaller friend, and bolted in her direction when finally spotting her. Ainslee struggled to keep up, while Tori particularly dragged her through the sea of people. “Tay! Tay! Taylor Jardine god dammit!” The girls shouted, before getting the singers attention. Once they reached each other Tay smiled at her friends.

“Alright where’re we gonna be in the crowd?” She asked, hands on her lips and sunglasses over her eyes. She started to chew on her gum again; the peppermint scent flowing from her mouth when she spoke.

Ainslee opened her mouth to speak, mostly likely complain about how they had great a great view before Tori had made them move. Before she could even start to moan and whine Tori interrupted her. “I don’t know yet. We’re going to go meet up with that kid now.” She said honestly running her free hand through her hair. She didn’t miss the disapproving looks that her friends shot her way. “He said they’d be great spots though!” She tried to reassure them, but felt as if it didn’t make a difference. She sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket so she could text Jack.

Please tell me I’m not too late?

Impatiently she waited for a reply, worried that she wouldn’t even get one.

Not at all pretty lady. But if you keep it up by the time you get here the band will be playing. Not like they’re gonna wait for you or anything.

When she received a reply, she sighed in relief. “Alright, let’s go come on.” She said hurrying, leading the way to where she wasn’t even sure of yet.

Where am I meeting you again?

Round back to the stage.

And you expect me to get passed security because??? Plus how the hell’d you get back there?

Trust Tori, trust. Tell them you’re there for Jack.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but led her group passed all of the people in the crowd and sidelines, and through the mobs of people who were still engaging in the party. Behind her she could hear Ainslee and Tay talk about her, and how she better not be messing up a perfectly good opportunity to watch the set. She ignored them though, just like she was ignoring all the weird looks she was getting from girls as she walked further and further away from the crowd and closer to the back of the stage where no fans were allowed to go.

“Tori where the hell do you think you’re going?” Ainslee asked, tugging the girl’s arm back stopping her from going any farther. “Look I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here but how the hell do you expect us to get back there?” Tori stood silent, looking down trying to think of an answer. She couldn’t see Jack anywhere and was seriously starting to doubt that there was going to be any way that she was going to even be able to see the set at this rate. It was most likely starting soon.

“I..just trust me Ann.” She said confidently, pushing all of her doubt to the back of her mind. Tori continued to walk forward, until she reached the gate that separated where the band and crew would be and all of the fans. A security guard raised an eyebrow at her, before crossing his arms over his chest and stepping closer to her.

“May I help you?” He asked looking down at her as if she were an insect. His voice was booming and intimidating.

“Uhm, I’m looking for a boy named Jack? He’s tall and pretty skinny. Weird nose.” Her voice shook as she talked, the fear of embarrassing herself overtaking her confidence she managed up a few seconds ago.

“And whats your name?” The security guard asked, pulling a clipboard from under his arm. He flipped through a page or two before looking at the girl, waiting for an answer.

“Uhmm Tori. My name is Tori.” She said looking up at him, biting her lip. The security’s eyes scanned the papers before he pulled out his radio and called for a Jack Barakat to come see him.

Minutes later, the boy was making his way to gates with a guitar on its strap around his neck. He smiled when he saw Tori, and she returned the smile, with a confused look on her face. What in god’s name was going on? Jack exchanged a few words with the security guard, before he opened the gates and let the girls pass through. “Sorry for the trouble ladies.” He said before resuming position.

Jack started to lead the girls to the back before Tori stopped him. “Wait. What the hell is going on Jack? How’d you get back here and why do you have a guitar? Do you know the band or something?” She was completely and utterly confused, as Jack was almost guilty for not being completely truthful with her. Tori had learned that the band playing was All Time Low a band she definitely knew and enjoyed to listen to. They weren’t very big or known, but were enough to have a steady fanbase already. The second the girl heard one of their songs she was hooked. Did Jack know the band or something, she wondered.

“You’ll see. I’ll explain soon I promise. Just follow me.” She turned back to her friends to see their opinion on the situation, and began to follow the boy seeing that they agreed to trust him, seeing that he had already got them backstage. He led them a few feet away from the stage, where there were three other boys with instruments.

“Jack where the fuck did you go? We’re on in like 5 minutes!” One yelled his hair almost like Jacks but not quite. It was a dark brown and covered most of his forehead, a few strands covering his eyes.

Tori stopped in her tracks as Jack yelled back a reply to the boy. Her head was spinning as a million and one things ran through her head. She could hear Ainsee and Tay freaking out behind her but she couldn’t think clearly. She tried to remember what band Jack had said he was from, and almost choked on air when she remembered. He had said ATL, which she now realized was short for All Time Low. “Oh my god. Oh My god!” She exclaimed, pulling on Jacks arm. “Fuck why didn’t you tell me?”

Jack scratched the back of his neck looking at her. “Tell you what?” He said innocently.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were in All Time fucking Low? I knew you looked familiar shit oh my god.” She was in complete shock that she had been so oblivious to it when it was literally right in front of her face, and extremely obvious.

Jacks cheeks started to heat up. “I kind of, sort of did?” He tried. Just as Tori was about to respond Jack was being pulled towards the stage by the same boy who had yelled to him earlier.

“Don’t mean to be a cock block or anything, but we’re on in 1.5 minutes Jack.” He said, shooting Tori an apologetic look. The crowd was screaming ‘All Time Low’ and the boys ran onto the stage, as Tori stood there, mouth wide open.


After the initial shock had left Tori's system all three girls made their way to side stage where they watched the set. To say that they were having fun was an understatement. Watching from side stage was a whole new experience that all of them loved. Tori sang along to the songs she did know, and fell in love with those she didn’t. Though she wouldn’t admit it, one of the reasons she enjoyed watching the set so much was because she loved the way Jack ran around like an energetic puppy who was overly excited. He looked like he was having so much fun, and it made a smile form on the girls face.

The set was coming to an end, the boys in the band saying their thank yous and goodbyes. Tay leaned over to talk to Tori, without having to scream her words. “I didn’t know you knew the members of All Time Low?”

Tori let out a chuckle. “I don’t!” She smiled before closing her eyes for a brief moment. “He bumped into me earlier on the beach, and then found me again at the party to apologize. I just met him today.”

Tay wiggled her eyebrows at Tori, before winking. “Get it girl!” She exclaimed laughing.

“Oh god, no way. I just met the boy!” Tori laughed in response. “Alright, shut up they’re coming back.” She swatted her friends arm playfully as the boys came their way and off the stage. “You guys were awesome.” She said, as Jack passed by the group of girls.

He turned and smiled at her before grabbing a towel and wiping his face with it. “Yeah?” He asked, throwing the towel over his shoulder.

Tori nodded her head. “Yeah. It was a great performance.” Tay and Ainslee both agreed, giving their own opinions on how much they enjoyed the show. It put a smile of Jacks face, a huge proud smile that looked like it could change the world.

“Thanks that means so much.” He stopped talking and looked over his shoulder. “Yo Alex!” He yelled, motioning for the lead singing to where they were. “They thought the set was great.” He said proudly.

Alex smiled at the girls too, a smile that had all of them weak in the knees. “That means the world, honestly thank you!” He looked back at Jack with a sly smirk. “Jackaray you never introduced me to your friends here.” He said.

Jack just laughed. “Well, the only one I know is this pretty lady here.” He motioned towards Tori. “And her name is Tori.”

Tori blushed and waved at Alex. “Nice to meet you, Alex.” She turned to Jack. “This is my best friend Ainslee. She came with me to support her.” She pointed out Tay. “Her band is going to be competing in the battle. She’s in that band We Are The In Crowd and they’re totally kick ass.” Tay blushed at her friends comment, and waved at the boy.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He said with a smirk. “Would you girls care to join us back at the party?” Tori looked from Ainslee to Tay, who both gave approving nods.

“Of course we would.” She said playfully, a grin glued to her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is chapter three! I hope you guys are enjoying this and I really hope I'm not moving this too fast x; I have chapter four written and I'm working on chapter five right now comments would be lovely. But you guys taking your time to read this is wonderful in its self so thank you! I'll be writing a lot this vaction because I have a total of two weeks off of school so look for updates soon! :)
I love you and I hope you have a very good and happy day today :) Make sure to smile and stuff and OH if I dont update before the holidays I hope you have an amazing holiday as well.