Dreams We've Made

hear it calling like a siren

Now, don't get the idea that I love one more than the other.

I love both my boys with all of my heart. Matt- with his hazel green eyes and rough hands knows me better than I know myself, inside and out. Brian- with his long black hair and pierced tongue knows exactly when I need a break from reality, from my own mind.

We're best friends first, lovers second.


The computer beeped; an e-mail.

"Gotta.... get that," With a grunt, Brian eased himself from between my legs and kissed me sweetly, as he then went over to the computer. Stretching out I nestled into the bed; Matt was in the basement working on the newest batch of drugs for Brian. Sitting on the chair in all of his nakedness, he clicked a few times, loaded the e-mail up, and frowned.

Brian didn't frown often; only when he was troubled by something.


I whisper from the bed, rolling onto my side as he clicked a few more times before beginning to type. He ignored me. I was used to that. I had been ignored almost all of my life when I lived with my mother in California. She was in love with a man who had given her a perfect son, my brother Richard. I was nothing more than the spawn of her first husband.

"Can you get Matt for me, Kimber? Please? Tell him I got an e-mail, he should come up for that."

He muttered without taking his eyes from the screen. I nodded and got up, grabbing his shirt from the floor and slipping it on over my naked self. I left the bedroom in lazy strides, skipping down the stairs and down again another set of stairs into the basement. I waited five seconds, then knocked on the door shutting me off from Matt and his chemicals.


"Matt! It's Kimber, Brian wants you upstairs, please."


"He got an e-mail....?"

I stepped back and began the trek back upstairs when I heard the door open. I turned and looked at Matt as he closed the door and sealed it off, coming up behind me. He was very serious looking, and for a few seconds I was scared of him. Matt was very lively and was more or less in a permanent good mood. Seeing him like this sort of freaked me out. Taking his hand I led him back upstairs and took a seat on the bed, as Matt craned over Brian to read whatever was on the screen.

He was totally unfazed by his nakedness.

"So ... what's going on, boys?"

I asked from the bed, pulling the sheets over my legs as Brian turned to me.

"There's something we need to tell you."