

I listen to the cold voice coming from the speakers. It echoes in my chamber, spilling lies so easily. I only half listen to the mono tone voice. It says, "Be polite. Don't make enemies. Be friendly. Never put elbows on the table."

I focus on what I'm drawing. A small doodle of a bird with soft feathers. The drawing pencil awkwardly fits in my hand. They never get the right size. The voice's volume rises, trying to get my full attention. "Please be careful. Guests are visiting today. Be on your very best behavior and don't kill anybody."

The last part is a small surprise. It makes me mess up on the veal. I sigh. I start over again. The second drawing looks better. I start to think bigger than just the bird. I'm thinking of the colors and a person. The thoughts blossom in my head like flowers in spring. I make a small note of them in the back of my sketch book. The last message is more personal to me. "Lastly, your mother called."

I look up at the white speakers, waiting for more information. The voice doesn't say anything else. I'm a bit disappointed. I thought they would stop trying to brake me. I thought I was broken enough. Now they want some sort of reaction from me? I wont show them anything! They don't deserve my reactions. So I just stare at a spot on the indestructible floor. The shine of the white floor reflects my face. My eyes are green and my long hair is white. I haven't seen my face in a while.

I press a blue button on the indestructible wall. A small drawer pops out and I place my sketch book and pencil in it. The drawer immediately closes. I lie on my uncomfortable bed. It has no blanket. I take a quick nap before they call me out to recess.

They use the speaker too loudly and I jump awake. This time i completely block out the voice. They don't care and they know i don't either. I lift myself up from the bed. I slip on my white sneakers that are too small for me. I ignore the pain and wait for the retractable door to open. It opens after a few seconds. It slowly slides up, making this 'sshhh' noise. I cautiously step into the rec room. The room where I eat, talk with others, and feel a little less like a freak. I breath in heavily the filtered air. I sit on my too-big chair and wait for my communication session.

The first one who comes out is a girl without a face. She can easily steal one if intimidated. She curtsies in front of me. I nod. I don't know her real name. Everybody just Calla her Maya, except for them; they call her S-tre-1. Maya is shorter than average and looks really fragile. It is why men underestimate her. The next thing she's doing is strangling them. I don't know how she can just use those 3 senses, since she has no eyes, mouth, and nose. I am comfortable around her since she refuses to steal faces from her 'friends'.

The second one is a man who looks brittle. His head is shaped oddly. It's not his true form, he says, he looks really ugly. We call him Quentin. They call him CAH-S-9. The third is a young man who looks normal. He acts normal too. He says it's nice to pretend once in a while. We call him Joker. They call him Spi-cal-4. He says he doesn't want to reveal who he is to them. I think he's more scared than all of us. He waves, giving me a welcoming grin.

The fourth is an old woman. She always is the last one to come, since she has arthritis. The old woman has a hunched back, making her look more weak. She is the most sinful; she made spells for children to come into her seemingly peaceful cottage. She would eat them there and would sometimes torture her food before killing it. Maya isn't afraid of her. They both have equal power, but Maya is stronger. The old woman is called Honey and they call her Trik-Ple-8. She ignores me as usual.
No one waits for Guy. He is a 10-year old and is the smallest one in our group. He is a little kid that gets angry easily. He doesn't like his small room. He is doing a strike, refusing to eat, to leave his room, and to obey. Guy is always called by them 'A-2-muk. They think of him as the less important one. We think of him as a little brother.

Everybody sits quietly, waiting for the games to fall from the ceiling. A shift from the ceiling, and we reach to catch them. On the normal size table, Quentin and Honey play Go Fish using a deck of cards. Maya plays chess with Joker on a different normal sized table. I lie down in front of them, being the referee since Guy isn't here. Maya doesn't play card games anymore. No one wants to play with her because she can tell the other players' cards. Maya is a total cheater. We still love her.

At lunch time, I set the games on my big table. No one can reach them now. I sit cross legged on the floor, eating green gunk on my tray. Maya gets her food on her arm. She doesn't mind. She has faced more pain than a simple large needle. Quentin eats a sandwich, Honey eats red pills with liquid inside them, and Joker eats crackers with cheese. I finish my goo easily. The others enjoy the food slowly. Between bites Quentin says, "It's my turn. Before dinner with our guest, F Bomb will get me."

We stay quiet, thinking this might be the last time we see Quentin. Honey pats Quentin. I gently poke his back. I say kind of hopefully, "Maybe we'll get a new person."

What I say is possible, though it happens rarely. No one believes me. I am too distrustful for them.
We entertain ourselves, trying to find enjoyment. No one wants to be sad; we've had too much of that. I remember when i first came here. I was scared and everybody was being nice to me. We had story time and i started to trust them. It is nice to tell stories once in a while, though i don't like that they listen in to all of our conversations. I like story telling; it gets rid of sadness inside my mind. Today's story was from Quentin. He talked about the time a kid tried to rob him and his wife on a street. Quentin didn't kill the kid; instead Quentin almost sliced the kid in half until his wife stopped him. His stories are less exciting these days.