Status: Completed. Comments = sequel.


Ending Time

8 months later, Billie and I were sitting on his couch. I suddenly felt something cold creep down my pant leg. It was wet.
"Billie..." I said slowly as he looked down. "I think my water just broke." He picked me up, surprised that he could carry me, and we went to the car. I was a monster. My stomach went to my knees when I sat down. I felt fat and disgusting, but Billie still told me I was beautiful. We had been down a long road from where we began. I ended up asking him about 'Emily' and he was honest with me. He told me that she gave him her number, but he never called. I watched him burn the paper. Adrienne stopped calling and stopping by randomly. Joey made a mends with Billie, because of me. I can't stand people being mad for too long. Billie and I went to many doctors appointments, and we finally found out the sex of the baby, or should I say, babies. Yep, I was having twins. Two baby girls. Billie was ecstatic about it, too.
Billie walked me into the hospital and sat me in a wheelchair. He seen a nurse and told her I was going into labor. She quickly ran over to me. She rolled me to the elevator and we headed upstairs. I could smell the bleach on the white floors. I heard a ding and we rolled into another room where I'm guessing I was going to have my children. I could barely lift my leg to get on the bed.
Sooner than later, the contractions began. That might have been the worst part. I laid miserably in the uncomfortable bed with my lower stomach aching. I screamed in agony. Billie held my hand for every second.
Eight hours later, the doctor came in. He had been in to check on me six times now.
"Alrighty, they're on their way!" I smiled and looked at Billie. It was rudely interrupted by another contraction. "Your next one, push." Fear washed over me and I got nervous. Only a few seconds later, I felt it coming. I began pushing and in all honesty, the birthing part didn't really hurt all that bad. I pushed four or five times. I heard a cry. My heart dropped, in a good way. Tears instantly came to my eyes as I looked at Billie. He was already crying. The nurse washed her off and wrapped her up. She laid baby Kiara in my arms. Kiara Anne Armstrong, my first child. The moment was cut short by another pain. I suddenly felt dizzy. I could faintly hear doctors scurrying and yelling.
I didn't know how long I was out, but it was scary. My eyes shot open and I seen Billie hung over in sadness.
"Billie?" I whispered. His head flew up and tears fell from his eyes.
"Oh my God, baby, you're okay!" He kissed me all over.
"What happened?"
"Your blood pressure dropped almost completely, you almost didn't make it. They did a c-section on you to get baby Blaze out."
I thought for a moment.
"Yep. Surprise! A boy, too." He smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay." He pulled me into a tight hug.
"I want to see them."
Billie rolled me down to the maternal ward and I looked at my babies. I could tell right off the bat that Blaze was going to be a hellian, while his twin sister would be an angel.
"I've never been so happy." Billie said as a tear slid down his cheek.
"Me either." I looked at my faint reflection in the glass. I am the mother of twins. Two babies that I helped make and I gave birth to. And the best part is, their father. The greatest man to ever walk this earth is my children's father. Billie Joe Armstrong stole my heart from the moment I heard him, and now, we are one, big, happy family.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I get ten comments, I'll do a sequel. Go!
The end.