Status: I hope you like this! Tell me if you want more

Those in Glass Houses

Chapter 4

In the morning Austin and Raquel was awakened by a knock on their front door. Austin went to answer it and it was Alan and Phil. They were in PJ's with the trailer in the driveway,
"What are you guy's doing my sisters still asleep" Austin yelled walking outside.
"We gotta pack the trailer and get the bus ready. Aaron and Val are on their way over" Alan explained.
"And that's staying at my house?" Austin asked. Alan nodded.
"Lovely" Austin said smiling. Raquel woke up and ran downstairs screaming,
"The bus is staying hear?" she said happy. Austin ignored it. He felt like he was going crazy because he knew he had to go to tour but he didn't want to go on tour, he wanted to be home. He knew the bus was his home away from home but that didn't seem to matter this time. Phil, Val, and Aaron all started to show up to help wash the bus and trailer, and start packing things away to start the tour organized. The guy's took their time to make things as nice as possible and by the time they were done Austin was sitting on the front steps of his porch. It finally hit Austin that tour was tomorrow and he was going to be away form Florida for three months. Alan walked over and sat next to Austin not knowing what was really wrong, thought he could kind of tell,
"Austin what's up man?" Alan asked.
"I can't do this tour" Austin said looking down at his feet.
"Austin this is our first real tour. I know you have a lot going on man but this is huge for us and if people think we can't play Warped they wont...we wont get more fans." Austin didn't say anything back because he knew everything Alan was saying was true and he knew how much it meant to the guy's and himself but Raquel was more important to him. A black car pulled up in front of the house and Austin's dad got out of it. He slammed the door and marched up to the house angrily,
"Dad what's wrong?" Austin asked standing up.
"Where's my other kid I guess I have to take her since your going to be gone for the next three months and decided not to tell anyone."
"Dad I didn't know where you were. You can't take her not till tomorrow I want to spend another day with her and I might not even be going."
"Where is she I'm taking her."
"No your not" Austin shouted guarding the door. Val got in front of the door and Aaron went inside with Raquel. With in about three minutes the whole argument escalated into a fight. Austin was screaming at his dad and his dad was fighting for the door. Austin wouldn't let him and finally Phil and Alan got Austin's dad to his car and he left. Aaron came outside with Raquel and Austin picked her up and hugged her,
"You want to come on tour with us this summer?" Austin asked looking at the guys who all shook their heads.
"Can I please Tiger please" she said smiling.
"Of course" Austin said setting her down. Go run inside and start packing so we can put it in your bunk tonight, I'll be right outside if you need me" Austin explained smiling. Raquel ran inside and started to pack. Austin was still outside with his friends,
"You don't mind?" he asked.
"Not at all if we still get to play every day I'm cool with whatever" Alan said.
"Couldn't agree more" Phil said laughing.
"She's only so big...she can't take up much room" Val said. Everyone agreed.
Raquel came running down stairs with two bags full of stuff. She gave them to Austin who put her on a lower bunk under his. She smiled and put her pillow there and her cover,
"Perfect" she said smiling and hugging Austin's legs.
It was getting late and everyone started to go home, Alan was spending the night at Austin's place just in case his dad decided to start something. Raquel was asleep very early and not too long after so was Austin and Alan sleeping in the living room. They were so ready for Warped Tour. In the morning everyone gathered at Austin's very early, six o'clock. They were packing their final things and got on the road about six thirty. The party began.
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Sorry it's short I just didn't know what else to write