Status: Please don't expect much :)

And to All a Very Good Night

I think you're the One

Title: I think you’re the One
Summary: A cold winter morning deserved a warm coffee and maybe a little extra something to go.
* * *
It wasn’t like Kellin hated winter.

He loathed it to be exact.

What was so great about freezing cold weather and snow that blanket everything?

You had to chuck on so many layers to hopefully start feeling any semblance of warmth, since nobody was allowed to stay home from work, even on cold days like to today. And then the snow, don’t even get him started on the powdery white stuff that comes and doesn’t let up until the middle of spring.

Except he wasn’t always like this, once upon a time, Kellin actually loved winter, every little detail about it. Especially since in just under a month, everyone’s favourite holiday was coming, Christmas.
But this year’s winter hadn’t started that great, so basically his whole winter was, and maybe just his Christmas was ruined because of that one little thing.

Okay it wasn’t little, because I’m sure finding out that your girlfriend, who had been going out for the past three years, hoping to start a family with and get married eventually to, had to go along and cheat on him. Not once at that. Multiple, for the past six months, just because he wasn’t always there, didn’t appreciate her like he should, but he was trying to make a future for them.

Or the future he thought they were going to have. Doesn’t seem like it anymore.

Having found out everything when he went home to surprise his girlfriend for their third anniversary, dinner plans and surprised announcement already planned out, he just needed that last piece and everything would have been fine.

Except instead he found his girlfriend going at it with some random dude he never met, in their bed at that. The bed they brought together and shared so many special moments’ together, passionate loving moments and all of it was tainted by; he doesn’t even want to know how many guys she’s shared their bed with.

And like any normal person would do, he kicked them out, actually, demanded they get the fuck out, not once listening to her protest or fake apologizes because she wasn’t sorry, nobody can ever be sorry for cheating on someone because if they were, why would they have done it to begin with?

So for the past three weeks, give or take, he had been either delving himself deep into his work or going to the bars with his friends, sleeping with one person after the other.

Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t some sort of man whore or anything of the likes, he just needed to find a way to forget and if that meant getting drunk off his face and finding some chick or even sometimes a dude to sleep his pain away, he doesn’t really care.

What he did care about was the hangover he got the next morning. And the fact that he had to get up to go to work the next day, because he can’t keep ringing in that he was ‘sick’ all the time, he’ll lose his job, which means he’ll lose everything he owns and that means all the hard work he put into making their life, would all be for nothing. Losing his girlfriend would be all for nothing.

So he got up, went to work, with a hangover and repeated everything.

It wasn’t a good way of living, but what other choice did he have?

Sighing, he rubbed at his temples where there was pounding headache going on, pushing the café door open, because above everything and what was probably the only thing normal in his life, was the fact that he still needed his morning caffeine kick to get him started. Without it, he was, basically, a bitch as nicely put and nobody liked bitchy Kellin, which was why before people let him start work, they always asked if he had his morning coffee. And they literally would tear it out of some poor morsels hand if it meant that they could have a free flowing day without the need to rip their hair out and kill a certain boss.

So for both his and everyone’s sanity, Kellin obliged to getting a cup of coffee every morning before he went to work.

This was the reason why he was stopping in at his usual cafe, the one on the corner of his street, because work was just another two streets over and no one made coffee like them.

Letting the cold flush from his body and the warmth seep into his skin as he drew in a breath of freshly ground coffee and homemade goodies.

The cafe wasn't very busy, considering it was tucked in-between two major stores that it got over looked, which Kellin didn't mind that very much since that meant less noise to edge on his headache and it was a great place to be.

Everything about it just drew those worthy, or at least that's what he thinks, in, with its homely feeling and amazing staff, sometimes Kellin could sit there for hours and he wouldn't notice. He did that once, stayed there till they closed, so immersed in drinking smooth coffee and nibbling on savory and sweets, that when he was told they were closing, he almost wanted to complain like a child, luckily he held himself back and left before he ruined his dignity.

It was around the time he and his girlfriend had one of their tiffs about Kellin "not" appreciating her enough that he had stormed out and had nowhere to go that he decided to head there.

He hadn't done something like that lately, because every drink out of work had to be something alcoholic.

Pushing that aside though, because it was still morning and he shouldn't be thinking like that just yet, he stood in the short line of one person, waiting to take his order, finger scrolling through his emails, since he might as well get a early start on work which meant a early finish. Shuffling through the multiple messages and deciding the ones that were important to everyday notices.

"Next," a voice called for and without really lifting his head up, he took the few steps up to the counter, too immerse in his email about expansion and such.

"Yes, can I have a large long black coffee, takeaway please," he placed his order in, as he switched his phone for his wallet, so he could at least give the person some recognition, even if it was a bit late.

Opening his wallet, he pulled out a twenty, lifting his head and handing his money over to the barista, though stopping short, cause man he'd never seen him before.

Brown, soft locks that reached just below his shoulders and were curled just the slightest at the bottom. Warm and wide matching coloured eyes that sparkled with curiosity that Kellin was sure he could stare at them and never get bored, never get enough of. Smooth tan skin and a cute button nose that had a small nose ring on the right that made him more adorable. He was shorter than Kellin by a few inches.

"$7.50 please," the boy smiled, holding his hand out for Kellin's money.

Without much of a response, Kellin lifted his own hand with the 20 and held it towards him, the slightest of shivers going down his back as their finger touch for the barest of seconds as the boy took the money and tallied up his purchase in the cash register, collecting his change.

"12.50 change," he announce, now it was his turn to hold money for Kellin to collect, still moving without really registering it.

"Thank you," Kellin finally saying something, because there were pretty pearly whites and this soft look Kellin really wanted to skim his fingertips just to see how soft it really was.

"That would just be a few moments, unless there something else I can get you," tilting his head to the side as he waited.

Shaking his head, for more reasons than one, "No thank you that would be all," he said as he stepped back, his lips twitching into what could possibly be a genuine smile, something he hasn't done in a while, as the boy nodded to his answer and gave his own before he was off, tending to not just Kellin's order but otherwise, especially the line that had built up behind him without he really noticing.
Who could with someone that pretty taking your order?

* * *

"Have a good day," a new barista, one that look similar to his barista just taller, though take note in the fact that he didn't notice the claim he held for someone he only met for 5 minutes ago, nodding his head in recognition before he was pushing the door open and stepping out.

Though he stopped for bit in front of the large window, look through the glass and noticed his barista serving a mother and her child, smiling softly as he held out a chocolate fish for the little girl that was hiding in her mother's shoulder. If only with the slightest of hesitation, and with some encouragement from her mother, the little girl reached out with a small hand and took the fish before hiding back in her mother's shoulder and keeping her tightly clutched hand close to her chest.

With a smile on his own face, Kellin took a sip of his coffee, relishing in the warming sensation as the liquid spilled over his tongue and down his throat, spreading quickly through his body.

Going on his merry way, not once noticing the person watching with a mischief smirk.

* * *

"So who's this Vic person," Jesse questioned, eyebrows raised as he looked at Kellin's coffee cup from this morning interestingly

He was a friend of his that spent majority of his time annoying Kellin whenever he could, which even meant dropping in at random times of the day when he should be at his own place work instead of his.

Sometimes Kellin has to think on why he hasn't been fired yet, but then he remembers that he works for a friend of theirs and they are just as laid back as Jesse is, so basically he answers his own question every wasteful time he should be dedicating to his own work instead of his friend.

"What?" Kellin inquired, not really sure or really paying attention as he sorted through one paper after the other. He had been doing that mostly all day and it was nearly driving him nuts.

So many numbers, so many words, too many pieces of paper to go through over and over and over again. One phone call here, one email there, one decision after the other, he wouldn't be surprised if he started ripping his hair out any time soon, especially since he hasn't had a break since he first stepped through the building doors.

Being hassled the moment he arrived, without even giving him time to get himself sorted in his office, there was just so much to do and so little time to do it in.

"On your coffee cup, it says, 'his name is Vic' and it has a number at the bottom with a smiley face," he explained, turning the cup so the writing was now facing Kellin.
Basically jumping up from his seat as he snatched the cup that once had freshly made coffee from scratch instead of the stuff he had to survive on here at work, looking the writing once, twice, thrice, and then he stopped keeping count because he went over it so many times, he didn't notice himself falling back into his chair or Jesse trying to get his attention.

"Kellin, earth to Kellin," leaning over his table and waving a hand in his face, falling back into his own chair once he was sure he got through to his friend.

"Yeah?" A little stunned, as his eyes never once strayed from the cup, scared that it might suddenly disappear if he did so. Sure that he was crazy for seeing something he wished for, though Jesse saw it too, so he might not be?

"Who's this Vic person?" Jesse ask curious, because it wasn't like Kellin didn't experiment before his last relationship, it's just when he's in one he's a one person kind of man, never once being the cheater, which was sad. Though when he's single he gives himself "choices", per say. Doesn't matter if your a guy or girl, he'll go for you if your worth it.

So he wasn't really surprised that he was getting numbers from guys, except for the fact that by the message, it seemed like someone was setting them up, Kellin and this Vic person? Someone this Vic person knew?

"He's the barista that took my order this morning," Kellin dutifully relayed, now confused because, and he can't really be hundred percent sure, or sure at all, but he wasn't giving off that many vibes. Or again, he wouldn't really know since yeah he was, except he didn't really notice himself at the time, now that he thinks back.

But who could real concentrate straight when you had him, Vic, right there?

His pretty hair, pretty eyes and his pretty lips, lips he wouldn't mind kissing over and over and over again, never once getting tired of them. Then there was that smooth tanned skin and that certain glow he gets when the light shines perfectly down on him.
Everything about Vic was, perfect amazing, beautiful.

"And?" Still curious as he jumped in before Kellin lost himself in his thoughts, because he's done that, when he was walking to work this morning. Everything on auto-pilot that Kellin has to really wonder about himself sometimes, as his thoughts had centred on a person he only met once for barely five minutes and he'd watched from a window.

It didn't make sense in one way, because he's never felt like this before, in his past relationships or ever, so why was this one any different?

Though, on the other hand it made perfect sense.

All of it.

"And I think I found the one Jesse."

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I hope you like the first chapter.

If you have any ideas you wouldn't mind sharing that I could use for future chapters, send them in. If you got opinions, send them in as well.

Until next time,