‹ Prequel: Nocturnal
Sequel: Ethereal



Cameron is alive.
But it came with a cost. A high one. One, he isn't willing to pay.
I want to get Phill back.
I want revenge for my family.
I want to understand what's going on between me and Cam.
He's planning on going on a suicide mission. And where will I be? Right there with him. Whether he wants to or not.



I should be dead. I'm not.
My brother is my last family. My twin. My little brother.
And he's gone.
My whole heart is shooting one way. One goal. Get him back. No matter who I have to kill in the process.
I will end anyone.
There's a fierce pressure building up, threatening to explode out of me. People get hurt when I lose control. And right now, I have one pushy girl on my tail. I don't want her with me. But I do. But I shouldn't.