‹ Prequel: Nocturnal
Sequel: Ethereal


Chapter 14 - I Need You

Cam's POV

Darkness slowly unwound, like a veil being lifted, leaving a mess of fog. I still couldn't open my eyes, my body rejected every command, like I'd... Like I'd gone through a meat grinder. And it was fucking hot. The inside of my veins were at lava temperature.

Stubbornness rose in my chest as I heaved a long, tired out breath. I knew there was something—someone—close. That little tingle could only mean her.

Flashes of golden flecked eyes rushed at me, smothering my mind, turning me into a heap of relief, excitement, strength and longing.

Memories came in fragments. I'd blacked out constantly while Sabine finished the ritual. But... I'd seen tears down Nina's face, her trembling lips, felt how she'd held my head between her hands, so firmly and yet so afraid... It had given me something to cling onto.

To her. To life. To complete the spell and get my brother. To keep them both safe.

Fog slowly drained and visions of my little, fierce bird crying died down. My eyes flickered. A quick splash of bright color caused me to flinch. It made me feel eight years old under that bright light dentists used. Or under an autopsy light.

Insert shudder here.

Feeling a soft, warm thing touching my cheek, I leaned into it.

"Try again," her voice whispered, raspy like it hadn't been used for weeks. I tried my eyes again, inching them open. "Hey you."

This time they most definitely didn't close. Nina's tawny blond waves fell down her shoulders, hovering my face. Her gentle smile caused my heart to pound harder, my fingers curled.

"Hey... you..." Crap. My voice sounded worse than hers times a million. Guess that after waking up from a Witchy-lobotomy some things were bound to feel shitty. Like my muscles. "How long have I... been out?" I managed with a mild cough.

"Almost two days."

I cleared my throat before speaking, "How long have you been here...?"

Her perfect nose scrunched, "Almost forty-eight hours."

First, I didn't get it; brain still going too slow for math. Then amusement dawned on me, and her lip quirked.

"That's the same as saying you've been here the entire time—" almost two days equaled almost forty-eight hours. "Are you trying to be cute, Miss Cortez?" I mustered my best smirk, that probably looked like a cheap rip-off.

"Maybe. But mainly, I was checking if Sabine's spell had boiled your brain permanently." Oh. Guess not. "Feeling hot?"

"I'm the hottest around, Rapunzel, you know that." Any other time I would've gotten our faces so close she would've only seen my eyes. This time I thought my bones would crack if they moved that fast.

Nina rolled her eyes, but hid a smile.

"Cam." She scolded. Sighing, I nodded. "She said it would pass fast, just an after effect."

For a while we were quiet, staring into one another with an unbreakable force and need. She'd gone to the cemetery. Even after saying she wouldn't. After leaving me outside her door to dry.

Slowly, though, Nina's expression changed.

"You have that look on your face."

Nina's eyebrows drew together. "What look?"

"The one that says you're dying to slap me."

Her lips broke shamelessly into a grin and relief flooded her gaze. She was glad I still hadn't keeled over.

"I'll try to keep my twitchy palm at bay. After all, you did just wake up from cheating death." She paused. "Again. Only this time you managed it out of stubbornness—"

I caught the hand on my shoulder and dragged it slowly over to my chest. To the left side, where my heart was. Nina was staring like I'd just showed her my junk. Caging her small hand, I bored into her eyes with bare honesty.

"You," I breathed. "I remember you got there and... and when you did, it felt like I could do anything."

"When I got there you went under." She muttered.

Smarty. "I came to again, didn't I?" Her lips twitched at my indignation. I went on, hell bent on getting a shiny smile out of her. "I'm giving you the credit of saving my life and you want to argue? Fine. I'm that awesome to cheat death on my own."

There it was. No light in the world could compare to her smile.

Nina's mere presence would've been enough to make me hold on, but her touch, those deep amber eyes and her voice? Automatic out-of-danger-pass.

"That's such a nice sound," her palm rubbed above my fresh cotton T-shirt. "The sound of you alive." It escaped in a breathy whisper causing a small smile to grace my lips. It didn't last long. "I understand why you went through with it, but it doesn't mean I liked it. Or that I approve your constant reckless behavior."

"You went. You said you wouldn't." My voice was so wistful it turned my stomach, sometimes I hated how much power this girl had over me. Enough to make me feel alien things. Enough to keep me alive.

"I went because if you died..." her head turned away a second. "If that happened... I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I hadn't done anything to stop you." A speculative frown creased my brows. The nasty headache worsened. "I care about you, Cameron."

Care. The word felt bitter in my ears.

"Right. You... care." I said in a dispassionate voice. "Like friends care. Yeah, got it." Nina backed away some, eyes slightly hurt with surprise.

Jerking forward on the edge of her chair, Nina truly debated slapping me.

After a long play of insecurity versus trust, she finally spoke in a low tone, "It's more than how friends care." She paused, lips tight. "I know it's probably different for you, but in my book people who fool around with one another aren't just friends."

Maybe my brain was still recovering from the frying pan because I took the highway answer.

"You're right. In my book, people who mess around have a name. Friends with benefits."

Her hand stilled in mine—apparently, I was still holding it—then the slender fingers slipped free. The working tick of her jaw told me she was holding a yell in.


She shook her head, getting up. Feeling awkward enough that she didn't know what to do with her hands. Nina crossed her arms, glaring silently. She didn't say it while staring into my eyes and that was worse. I could read it all over her gaze, its ferocity and disappointment.

Struggling more than ever, I sat up, begging with her to wait...

But Nina spun on her heel marching for the door. She didn't slam it. Calm-angry was the worst kind, I would know.

I sagged on the mattress feeling my chest constrict. I was such a fucking screw up it was disgraceful. Why did I have to go and say that?

Slipping my eyes closed, I wondered if stopping whatever we had growing was such a bad thing. If she found out about my past—and if we were together it would come out—she'd hate me.

Hearing that I was a murderer from anyone else, even my brother, would hurt. But I'd live. If I ever heard it from Nina... I'd break.

"I can't believe you're already fighting. You just woke up!" Rory kicked the door closed, strolling in like she owned the place. "I thought there would be some sappy exchange and kisses, not that you're looking hot, hon."

"Don't feel like it either." I shifted my fingers through my hair, heaving. "Were you outside this whole time?"

She snorted in a all lady-like manner.

"No. What am I, a creeper? I saw Nina leaving and she looked pissed off, and I haven't known her long but only you can push her buttons like that."

One thing I never failed at. Setting Nina's sweet ass on fire.

"Came to lecture me on how you told me so...?" I moaned gripping my head.

Rory quieted down, sitting on the bed. She looked exhausted for a Vampire. Her skin was flabby, like age had caught up all of a sudden, tearing my gaze from the worn out-wreck that was my pseudo-aunt, I focused on the bottle she was holding.

"Hmm, that looks nasty." Inside the bottle, was a light green substance. I bet it tasted as horrible as it looked. "Let me guess..." I wrinkled my nose. "I have to down it?"

"Aren't you a smart one?" She smiled leaning down to kiss my head. "Sabine has been giving you this multi-herbal-swamp drink since you passed out. It helped healing while your Power worked itself out."

How hadn't my gag-reflex kicked in?

"Want to know what's in it?"


"Good, 'cause I haven't got a clue. Somehow I think we're better off not knowing." Agreed. "Nina knows, though, just in case you want to ask." I eyed Rory who showed the starts of a smirk. "She's been playing your bedside nurse for two whole days, I had to bring her food and everything, she wouldn't leave."

Uncapping the bottle, I cringed at the strange scent.

"I was an ass. I know." I swirled the stuff around before sipping it—it tasted like a sour lemon and stale wine after a bad hook up. Not sure there was ever a good one for those two. Still. "This stuff is... horrible."

"It'll help your body." I felt like one of those wannabees athletes drinking whatever milkshakes to keep shape. "Think about it this way, the faster you're back on your feet, the faster you can track Nina down and apologize." That was a tempting motivation. Glaring one last time at the liquid, I started drinking. "Sabine got the energy she needed. It's all being kept inside that moonstone..." I nodded, noticing I'd grazed the middle of the bottle. "She needs to channel it into the Gate now, so whenever you're ready to go, we need to warn her. We only get one chance at it."

I finished out of breath and with the weird feeling I'd just swallowed mowed grass.

"One chance is all I need." I sat up, feeling some immediate effects. My head hurt less, my muscles didn't feel as shaky. "I just might get that recipe after all."

"Cameron," Rory took the plastic bottle, meaning she wanted me to look at her. Straightening against the headboard, I exhaled. "You almost died—"

"I'm alive."

"You got lucky." She stated firmly, sinking a hand on the mattress. "You're taking too many risks, you have to be more careful. We're going into Hell! It's not a good time for you to play selfless-hero."

A dark eyebrow arched comically, "I might be lots of things but I'm no hero." Rory wanted to punch me. In the gut. "I get what you're saying, Ro, but I'm fine. Alive and kicking, right?" I shrugged. "All's good."

Courtney sighed, defeat written across her face. I wasn't the type of guy who felt remorse on spot. So, I surprised myself by reaching forward, patting her shoulder.

Rory threw me a squint of her eyes.

"Are you trying to act nice?"

"No, I'm trying to look stupid so you'll laugh." I rolled my eyes. "What do you think?" I growled sounding more like myself.

Rory semi-smiled at me and just when I was about to pull apart, she grabbed my hand. Leaning closer, her fingers deftly pushed some bangs to the side of my head.

"I don't think I need to worry about you so much, but..." she cupped my cheek, staring with that ever-loving way of hers. "Don't do something so reckless again."

It was difficult to look at her and say I couldn't make any promises. I did it anyway.

"Figures," Rory shook her head, getting up. "She hasn't changed you that much..."

My eyebrows drew together at the mutter. "What was that?"

My aunt waved it off with the typical 'get some rest' line, walking outside, leaving me stranded to my thoughts.


After a whole day of resting from my limbo-comatose, I was up and running—against Rory's wishes. She said I still winced when I moved. All in her head, though.

I'd urged my healing ability like never before, wanting to recover from all the scrambling Sabine had put me through. My Power hadn't complained. It was always ready to be used, like an hyperactive child—a mischievous one. And a bit sadistic.

I had this crazy theory—that might not be so far-out—that each Power had a mind of its own. That's what made it so dangerous.

I wondered how Nina's Power felt to her. Did she even notice it had a personality apart from her own?

It didn't matter now. I was standing outside her guest bedroom. Rory said she hadn't come out all day.

Pretty sure that was a girl-sign for 'I hate your guts and I never want to see you again'.

There were many reasons why I should let her think we were friends, that I liked her body and nothing more. Walking away was always easier.

Walking away was for cowards.

I knocked. Nada. I rapped my knuckles again.

I thought she was going to say something along the lines "leave me alone", but when the door cracked, she spat, "I'm not in the mood for your flirting and teasing—"

"Nina," I saw how her fingers curled on the door, turning white, as much as her fuming fury. "Let me in. I need to talk to you, I know what I said hurt—"

"That's all you ever do!" She snapped.

My determination flattered. Hurt quickly shaped into anger—wait. Nina was doing what I did all the time. She was hurting me so I'd get pissed, yell some swears and leave. It was an act, a good one when you wanted to be left alone.

Too bad I invented that trick.

I stepped forward with a shaping grin, her eyes bulged when I took her waist, backing us inside her room. I zoomed us to the bed, trapping her down on it.

"Stop," I heard her grit. "Where in your head is this right, Cameron? You hurt me a lot yesterday, the last thing I want is to be with you."

Nina's legs thrashed before I straddled them, maybe with too much force, but she didn't complain.

"Shut up." I said, breathing her scent. "I know, okay? I screwed up. I do that—a lot—when it comes to you." To us. "But I... That wasn't..." I closed my eyes so hard I thought they'd never open again.

I murmured.

"What...?" She breathed angry and confused.

Gritting my molars to breaking point, I tried again, "I... am... sorry." I whispered, eyes averted.

Nina stopped struggling. Stunned.

"Sorry," I think she was smiling. "What was that? I didn't quite catch it." Great, she was mocking me.

"I said," I hated this. How she made my voice tremble. "I'm sorry." This time the words were loud enough and I faced her once she lifted her head, lining up our mouths.

"Are you now?" I shuddered against her, nodding. "I'm not sure that's good enough." She pulled her mouth away and I missed its heat immediately.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, this time fluidly. "Please, Nina, please forgive me." I lowered my forehead to hers, making sure to loosen the hold on all of her. "I was really stupid. I don't like... I can't—" I exhaled a long breath, touching our nose tips. "It's really hard for me to deal with all the emotions. I have to stay together to get Phillip back, but I can't ignore you, what you make me feel..."

My eyes blinked when her lips moved, her body moved against mine. I could taste her apple-juicy lips on mine—but not really.

Nina did something I didn't expect from her. Using her body force, she pushed me aside and rolled on top of me. Pinning me just like I'd done to her.

She was amazing.

"If I forgive you'll just hurt me again..." her voice cracked at the end. I knew this wasn't just about yesterday, it was about everything I'd ever done. The bad stuff. "It's much easier to apologize on your death bed, huh?"

She joked like I wanted to do. The similarities between us thrilled me.

That was true. When I'd been dying from Cambion venom I'd told her I was sorry for everything. Nina forgave me, but... she thought I was going to die.

Was I really forgiven?

"Please," her hands slid off my wrists, falling on my shoulders. "I really need you."

Shivering above me, Nina lowered her head, hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"I really need you, too." Her hands slipped under my head, overlapping behind my nape.

My arms were quick going around her, crushing her into my chest. The little quiet moment of us just laying there, made me realize how afraid I'd been—afraid I'd never see her, hold her, smell her, taste her.

Nina kissed my neck and whispered my name.


"There's something I should tell you."

"Will I like it?"

"Not sure."

"Then don't tell me." I pressed my nose into her hair. "Unless it's a life and death thing, I don't care."

Nina peeked at me through scattered strands of tawny hair.

"I can tell you later?" I brushed back the hair, marveling the beauty of her eyes.

"Later sounds good."

A smile took up her face, "Great! Because Rory's going out to buy stuff for our trip. I said I'd go with." Her nose twitched. "What does a survival kit for Hell look like?" She mumbled getting loose of me.

Kit? Shopping? When had that happened?

"Wait," I grasped her hips and she stilled, sitting on my legs. "When did you decide this?"

"Yesterday when I wanted to give you a black eye. Kinda still do." My eyebrows went up. "I could use some off time—"

"From us?"

She smirked knowingly, "There's an 'us' now?" The burn in my cheeks worsened when she smoothed a hand down my shirt. "I need a break from this place, I felt like Anne Frank cooped up in your bedroom for two days."

"Be careful out there, don't leave Rory's side. I'd hate to learn you'd become easy chow for some wandering Vamp."

"Gee, so passionate." She curled her fingers around my wrists, wanting to pry my hands off.

For a minute, I thought about holding her prisoner. Let Courtney get the stuff. But Nina's glinting eyes spoke of excitement and curiosity, it reminded me of when Phillip had wanted something really badly as a kid.

Resisting my plain old testosterone gene, I let her go.

"Still have battery?" She nodded grabbing the denim jacket off a chair. "Hey." Nina batted her eyelashes questioningly. "Are we good?"

Leaning outside the threshold, I held my breath, hearing the familiar clicking of Rory's heels nearing.

Looking up, she whispered, "I'll talk to you later."

Nina's POV

I wasn't sure what Rory was buying, I just kind of hovered here and there throughout the French Market, aware of some eyes on me. I'd seen tons of young people around the mansion, no doubt more Vampires and Cambions, but hadn't talked to any of them.

Romeo had given everyone orders to stay away from us, but still he'd advised not to make contact. Sometimes they snapped. Sort of like sharks.

I just hoped that dumbass wasn't getting into trouble.

I was vaguely aware of Rory leading me into a clothing store, tossing a few things my way. I tried on several pieces mechanically, not even registering what she was getting me. I was focused on two other things, bigger ones.

The first was the date. It was December seventeen.

I leaned on the counter, hearing the echo of a long ago memory.

"When's your birthday?"

"December eighteen,"

Phillip told me that right before he told me his guilty-pleasure movie. Nothing about that felt funny now.

By now, I had a tolerance to Cameron's hurtful words, especially when he lashed out. I wasn't sad. I was angry and when he'd walked into my bedroom I'd wanted to kick his butt to Saturn. I didn't do it, not because he apologized—because his birthday was coming up and Phillip was trapped in Hell.

Not a great birthday present.

Then there was Courtney and Romeo's... talk.

Yesterday night, I snuck outside my room to snack. On my way to one of the kitchens, I'd heard voices inside the study room Romeo had first taken us to. In the midst of supernatural beings I was the only one who didn't have super-hearing, so, I'd neared the door as much as possible without giving myself away.

They were so caught up, I'd managed to look through the cracked door.

"It's useless to even think any of these girls could replace you, Courtney. They're no match—not even decent distractions. Every day I wake up and every night I go to sleep thinking of you." He'd said in a hush. "I think about that six-year old girl and that eight-year old boy—"

"Don't go there," Rory had turned away, hiding regret. "Please. Don't. We're not children anymore—"

"I loved you while growing up and I loved you afterwards. I still do." He'd paused stepping closer. "Our love... it was the kind of love that made you become a Vampire."

My throat tightened at the remembrance.

I'd watched his hand slide from the curve of her shoulder, curling on her wrist.

"You told me you wanted to love me, that to be with me—"

"I had to live forever!" She'd pushed him away. "I know what I did. You don't need to remind me because for as long as I live, I will never forget it. I can't." She'd spat. "I gave up my humanity for you, the most precious gift anyone could ever give and you tossed it away—"

"I didn't!" "You did!" Courtney's hand had fisted into his jacket, eyes cast into his. "You betrayed me. You betrayed everyone... everyone I ever knew."

"They betrayed me first. What was I supposed to do?"

"Leave them alone. Move on with your life, with me." She'd shook her head sadly. "But I guess you just couldn't help it, it's in a nature to who you are."

"That's not true," Romeo's tone had been clipped. "You didn't used to think that way." "You were different before, I believed that—I saw that. But after that night... I saw the monster.

He'd pushed a long breath, grabbing a fistful of his own hair.

"Courtney they tried to kill me." He'd let out. "I couldn't let it go."

"Why? You always say you couldn't. You never told me why. Just that you couldn't and that's not good enough."

I'd dodged a subject enough to know Romeo was doing the same.

"Why did you come here then? If you don't love anymore, why are you here?"

She'd crossed her arms, showing her best indifference glare. "Don't make this about us. I'm here because of Phillip."

He'd laughed then, "So you trust me enough to keep your little friends safe, to guide you into Hell, but not to love me?"

She hadn't answered and I'd taken that as a cue to scramble down the hall, forgetting the snack.

That little piece of talk had been turning around in my head ever since. It was what I wanted to tell Cameron. Though, I wasn't sure I should. It would only make him more distrustful of Romeo and put Rory in a awkward situation. And the thing was, we needed to use Romeo—if Cam learned he'd something horrific in the past, that he'd betrayed people?

He'd flip off.

After catching a cab to Sabine's store, Rory wandered to the back, searching for some Blood Flower sap. She said it helped keeping cravings down. I hung around, trying not to smile as tourists admired some root specimens in the jars.

"It's different being on the inside of things, huh?" I looked behind me, where a girl with curls just like Sabine's was. She was a good head shorter than me. "I'm Myra, Sabine's my cousin. You're the Psychic?"

The way she said it made me feel like giving out autographs.

"I guess." I shrugged, leaning my hip on the counter. "It's not a big deal, not being a..."

"Witch?" She whispered leaning in. I nodded as a smile formed on her lips. "It's okay to say it, they won't trial and burn us at the stake. I'm sure many people expect to see a broom at a corner and an old woman behind the cashier with a mole on her nose."

"Sounds about right." I smirked while Myra crouched, searching for whatever on a shelf under the counter. "What's that?"

Myra placed small, thick worn book down along with a vial containing little black seeds.

Patting the leather cover, she said, "Sabine is in the mausoleum. She needs to go into a deep trance before channeling the moon's energy, but she wanted you to have these things before venturing off into the land of the wicked."

My stomach did a weird flip of anxiety. We were hours away from going into Hell.

"She said you seemed to have an inclining for plants and mixing them? You know, potions. This book has many species and their abilities. Sabine wanted you to take it." I touched the book briefly, remembering watching Sabine preparing that green gooey potion for Cameron. It oddly fascinated me. "And these," she said shaking the seeds in front of my face. "Are Datura seeds. People who had your ability used them to boost their Power. After consuming it, you won't be able to stop using. Only when the seed is washed out from your system."

I took the little vial, watching the seeds, mystified.

"If you ever use them don't consume more than one. And only use it in dire cases." My eyes lifted to hers. "There are consequences when you take too many, even death."

"Don't worry, I have no intention of dying. Not anytime soon." I smiled, feeling it bitter and forced. Death wasn't a subject I felt comfortable with these last weeks. "Can you tell Sabine thank-you? Not just for this... for everything."

I didn't understand why she was helping us so promptly. Maybe because if she didn't Romeo would pull her arm like he'd done to that Vampire. Or because she was getting to perform rituals she'd never attempted before. Whatever the reason, I was thankful.

"You guys need more Blood Flower sap." Rory mumbled, slapping a wine bottle beside my book. Inside was a dark-red liquid. Looked thick and rich.

"Hey, this place is crawling with Vamps, they buy it all the time. Romeo makes them." She shrugged taking Rory's bill. "He doesn't want them robbing the hospitals blood supplies day and night. Or feeding off locals."

"Yeah, he's a real saint." Courtney snorted, rolling her eyes.

I was zipping my backpack—book and vial inside—when a bracelet caught my eye. I slung my bag over the shoulder and walked to the round table where the handcrafted bracelet was. Picking it up, I felt the leather and cotton cords wrapping it, I traced the round bone charm where a pentacle was engraved. The store bell chimed and I saw Rory walking out, stopping near our awaiting cab. Probably making sure he was still there.

"This is the Fallens symbol..." I whispered back on the counter. I wanted to demand what it was doing on a Witch's charm. Did they have an alliance with them—

"No. It would be inverted if it was." Myra shared, this time her voice was quiet. Like it wasn't okay for us to talk about Fallen Angels. "In a pentagram there are five points. Four for matter—fire, air, earth and water—and one for quintessential—spirit." She tapped each star point as she explained. "This single point pointing upwards? It's how you tell our pentagram apart from the Fallens'. They're spirit point is set downwards, meaning the spirit is controlled by desires. Carnal and otherwise—in a nutshell, everything that isn't pure."

I'd been about to question her CIA style for nothing. Good thing she shut me up.

"Our symbol is meant for protection, not harm."

Fingering the amber star, I relaxed, allowing the walls of anger for Cameron to tumble. When they did, it felt silly to have been mad in the first place. He had that effect on me.


When me and Rory got back to the mansion, I set out to find Cameron. We should be heading into the cemetery in a little while. Outside his bedroom, I didn't think twice.

I half-tumbled in. Good thing it was empty, it would've been very uncool for me to fall face-first with him present.

"Looking for your boyfriend?" The British accent whirled me all on its own. I wasn't Cameron-

distrustful, but I knew better than to have my back to him. Though with Romeo maybe giving him my back was better. He couldn't steal my soul.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Up on the roof." He said joggling to his other hand what looked like a dagger. How medieval of him. "Where are you going?"

"To the roof." I picked up pace.

"You're going the wrong way, Blondie Bear." It wasn't the teasing that made me jump three-feet back, it was him showing up right in front of me. One Cameron wasn't bad enough. "Watch your step."

I breathed down a comeback fully aware I was alone and defenseless with a guy who could rip out my heart. That would suck.

Smiling sweetly, I gritted, "My bad. What's the right way?"

Arching an amused brow, Romeo nodded his chin behind me, going around me, wanting me to follow him.

I did my best not to check out the way he held himself while walking, like a ruler who could conquer any kingdom, taking no prisoners, but it was hard. Especially when he gazed over a shoulder, smiling wickedly.

"You're scared of me."

I could lie, but he could hear my heart beating in a frenzy. Why bother?

"Didn't you expect me to be?" I'd seen him eating a soul for God's sake!

"I've learned to expect the unexpected." His longs legs carried him faster over the flight of stairs. "Your fear was expected. Only I thought it would be... on a greater scale. That surprised me."

That's a good thing to have, I thought, the element of surprise.

Romeo stepped aside after wrenching open a door. Cool air greeted my cheeks and my eyes were on his as I passed him, but those cement irises were already looking behind me. Door shutting behind me, I ambulated towards the ledge. Biting my lip, I did my best to be silent, outstretching my hands and—

"Boo!" I yelled in his ear, covering his eyes with both hands. He jolted back and I smelled the silkiness of his hair.

Feeling my hands with the tips of his fingers, Cameron chuckled.

"Let me guess... Short, blond, annoying—" I jabbed his side. He took that moment to slip my palms off. "Beautiful, alluring... aggressive." He murmured, facing me with glinting eyes. Breath died as Cam's arms claimed me, pushing my chest to his.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Just thinking," he pressed the small of my back causing my shoulders to hunch, my hands falling

on his shoulders. "You and Rory got everything you needed?"

"She bought me a bunch of clothes. I wasn't really paying attention to what she picked out, though." The thread of conversation from yesterday played in a loop—again. Should I tell him? "I had other things running through my mind."

"Right. Wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?"

This was one of those sweet moments no one should ruin. Cameron was normally the one ruining ours. With his arms around me and my chin on his chest, I didn't want to throw it away.

"It's about tomorrow." It wasn't exactly a lie.

Cam frowned, "What about it?"

"It's December eighteen. Your... birthday." I whispered, subconsciously digging my fingers into his shirt.

Cameron looked at me funny. Then, his expression grew livid, his hold closing a bit more.

"Phillip told me his birthday once—which is also yours. Obviously, and I didn't think you were paying attention or cared really but—"

Cameron kissed my forehead. Right between my eyebrows. Words failed me and I was glad, I'd been babbling.

"My phone has a nifty thing called calendar. I knew." He tilted his head. "I hoped no one remembered, though. It's not something I'm eager to celebrated this year."

Of course. Nothing got past Cameron.

"Sorry to have brought it up." Cam guided me to the ledge, sitting me beside him. An arm came around my shoulders, fast and dominating. "Was that what you were thinking about? Your birthday?"

"That, among other things." He said in a detached tone. I wondered what the other things were. As he continued to look into the setting horizon, I reached into pocket of my jacket.

I felt the circle of leather, the round shield of bone and swallowed. Hoping he didn't toss it away in an angry fit, I dug it out and patted his leg.

Cameron probably knew the difference between a regular pentagram and an inverted one, but he stared for a long time at the engrave.

"Huh," I started feeling stupid. "I saw this at Sabine's store and I thought it would look good on you. I didn't have time to write a card in neat calligraphy..."

Cameron pursed his lips, tuning down a smile.

"You bought me a gift?" His thumb coursed over the pentacle and the symbols at each point, each for an element. "Does this mean you were thinking about me all afternoon?"

His nose brushed along the edge of my cheek, I oversaw the Mississippi river, the sun had now vanished, in a few more minutes when night fell over completely, Sabine would be ready to channel

the energy.

"Put it on for me, please." Cam held out his left wrist.

Pulling on the cotton cords to change the bracelet's size, I slid it through his hand, tugging it towards the wrist where I pulled the cords, fasting it. The leather and charm were as fitting on him as I'd imagined.

"I never wore a bracelet before." He smirked. "I make it look badass, though." I couldn't help myself, I laughed and through the slit that were my eyes I saw Cam leaning closer, then his lips touched a corner of my lips. "It's the best early gift anyone's ever given me. Thank you."

"It's just a bracelet."

He shook his head, "I liked that, too. But I was talking about something else." My forehead crinkled. "Your laugh."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter wasn't action packed but it felt right to have a slower one after almost killing Cameron. You guys know what comes next? Well, if you comment you'll find out faster ;)

PS: Also, have been dealing with exams which I'm doing pretty well at.