Status: Initiated - Phase 2 - Monthly Updates Expected

All Dressed Up - The Re-Enacting of Joy

Suiting Up:

I had chosen a red suit. Ofcause, there was no room for seams on these suits, it'd ruin the impression.

Only I had chosen a less then commonly recognised character. There could be but one of each character, aside from that, the choice is fairly free.

Each and every character have a predefined personality, he, or she has a special colour, and the characteristic 'Cutie Mark'.

Ofcause I had refused to pick the pink Mare by the name Pinkie Pie. Even if she is the centre of any party. Maybe I couldn't reconcile her strange mannerisms and antics? What about the 'Party Canon', for starters?

I had chosen a dark red pony, a mare, naturally. Not that there were no stallions, which I had been looking forwards to meeting. I had to confess as much.

If only I had known, and realised the end result of the choices? It had sounded as a fun event to take part of, where I could play the part, and then go home as if nothing had happened, just remembering the fun events? I guess that had been the common story about the con.

Looking at the red suit, the mark was to come out, first after I had slipped into the suit. Just as the hooves were never to show before I wear it. Just as was the case with most of the characteristics.

I had had a shower, before I entered my bed room, just as I knew, everyone else would. Maybe they found it the only way, washing off all of mundane life, before slipping into the merry life of the con?

My catsuit, now laying prone on my bed, as if it had been an deflated version of me. Even if it is more general looking, I can't really see a character, or person in it, just the bland out lines.

The suit is elastic, it's why they had promptly chosen this particular rubber. It had been prepared, in order to fit me, without directly being tailor made. The cost for every individual suit, in bulk had been reduced considerably, which is why this preparation had been chosen in the first place.

I could have just slipped into the suit, even without the shower, or it is what I had been told. I still had chosen to have the shower. I could leave all other preparations on the way side, if I chose to, yet I had still chosen to go through the process, all the way. A line of gel jars lined up.

Even if I had had the shower, I still started with the first gel, labelled 'foundation'. Naturally, I had started from the top, as the expression goes, which is my face, where else?

Slowly, gently, I had carefully worked the gel in covering my fore head, then downwards, with closed eyes, as I enjoy my handy work. Then I move down over my nose, out to the right and left, stopping with my ears, before moving downwards, then my lips, before I go down my chin, and finally throat, and neck

Now I continued with my shoulders, outwards, to the right and left, before moving down my chest, up each jigglie, round and round till I came upon the nibble, slowly teasing it, until I felt it standing out firmly under my fingers, with a slight electric tingle. I knew I was excited. Yet I couldn't pass it up, for the sake of the full experience?

Continuing down my chest, feeling the gel spread as my fingers kept moving further and further. Slowly moving down my chest, till I was al the way down on my hips, then closing in on my mound, circling in until I hit the orchid, teasing it from the outside, moving inwards, until I realised, I had slipped my fingers in, inside.

Starting anew from my shoulders, doing my best in order to work my back. It was frustrating, since I had problems reaching much of my back, but finally managed to finish it, as I felt my rump under my fingers, slowly circling inwards, before I went down the crack, the rear orifice, blushing as I realised, I had slipped my fingers inside?

Now I continued down my legs, standing up, down my thigh, over the knee, and the calf, lifting a foot at the time, right and left, covering the foot, upside then down under the soul of my foot, before I slowly worked my toes, one by one, from the larger, to the smaller.

Then I continued with my arms, from the shoulder down the arm, over the elbow and wrist, then the hand, starting with the palm, then the back, finishing with the fingers, from the thumb, till I had finished every last one. Thus declaring victory.

Then I picked the next gel. First I spread it on the palm of my right hand, continuing outwards from the centre, towards the edges, and then my fingers, from my thumb, and finger by finger, starting over with the left hand, and then my right foot, and then the left.

Next I found the gel for my face, repeating the process with the gel. Apparently, it was a 'Hyper Elastic' gel? What ever that meant? Since the gel is clear, I can't really see it. Though it was shiny, for as long as it lay on top of the skin, then it was absorbed, leaving no visible traces.

From there, I moved on to the gel, for my jigglies. The process is easy, I simply started from out on the edge, circling inwards, until I reach the top. That's another elastic gel. Now I pick the nibble gel, it had been marked as 'Extremely Elastic', which excited me at first. I did not read the fine print, maybe I should have, thus missed the detail about lactation, among other things, which will be an interesting surprise, as this is to hit me, later. What I did not miss, is the effect I got, as I tentatively pinched my nibbles, giving them a slight tug, and couldn't help blushing, aside from the electric tingling that instantly hit me.

From here I moved on, down to my mound, naturally. Scooping up a generous amount of the gel, slowly enjoying massaging the mound, feeling the skin absorb the slippery and glistering gel. Maybe I imagined it, but I clearly feel the mound grew as the gel was absorbed. Maybe I should have stopped, but I insistently kept it up, until the skin stopped absorbing any more of the gel.

Now I started to cover my orchid with the clear gel. I started from the outer rim, working my way in, looking curiously as the glistering gel was absorbed. I also noticed how the skin changed from the light complexion, towards a fluorescent cerise hue, and feeling more like a slippery smooth silicon to the touch. I had started from the outer rim, but soon found my fingers buried deeply inside, only to continue the process from inside, working my way out, I just couldn't stop myself, or could I? Once I reached the outer rime, I simply continued inwards, but stopped at the inner edge, and then back before I finally stop.

Then I picked another gel, marked 'Hands/Feet/Hooves', now I slowly massaged the gel in, covering the skin carefully, right and left, hands and feet.

Now I found another gel, starting to cover my lips, from the rim, and inwards, circling till I had covered my entire lips. Continuing the process with my orchid. From there, I finished the process, going over my rear orifice, not quite sure why, but for some reason, something about it just had me doing it.

What I found next, is a gel that was marked 'Hyper Firm', that was apparently intended for my face, and with that, I teased my entire face, just as I had with the previous gel.

Silly me, I had found another gel, covering my jigglies, from the outer edge, and inwards, finishing by covering my nibbles.

Now I went on with the next gel, intended for my mound, starting from the inner edge towards the orchid, then outwards, only to turn back, circling my way back to the inner edge, towards the orchid.

There was but the final detail, I pick up what appears to be my eye shadow, it is a silver metallic, I soon had managed to apply it, it was easy.

Now I pick up the suit that came with the package. As I had opted for it, it is clearly red, metallic bloody red, by the looks of it. I love the deep red.

After a short moment of exploration and examination, I had figured just how I had been intended to put it on. Maybe I had been told, but after the long time it had taken me, playing around with all the gel, I know I had forgotten anything they may have mentioned, how ever firmly they had instructed me. With that, I slip my right foot into the mouth of the suit, she eagerly swallow it hole, as if she had desired it.

I had enjoyed the sensation of the suit slipping over my skin, maybe the looks had distracted me?

My foot soon slipping down into the suit. I felt the slippery interior of the fabric the suit had been made out of. Then I noticed my foot had reached the end of the line, all to my disappointment. I had enjoyed feeling it slip down, and for her to swallow my foot. I had pulled the suit up to my knee, conveniently. From there, I had simply pushed my left foot into her mouth, allowing her to swallow it.

As I had pulled the suit up to my left knee, I pull it further up, until it reach my waist. Then I slip my hands in, feeling just how tight the suit is around my fairly narrow waist.

I spread my arms wide, and then pull them up, towards the ceiling, only to feel the suit continue slipping up my body, until it slipped over my shoulders, snapping hardly around my throat, momentarily chocking me in the process

Then I pulled the suit the rest of the way up my head, once I had collected myself. With that, the suit cover me from head to tail.

Had the chock made me forget? Or had I mixed up what gel is for what? I had soon covered my hind hooves with the elastic gel, and then repeated the process with my fore hooves. Only to cover the front of them with the firm gel. With that, they will feel and act, as if they were actually hooves. Not just blobs of rubber.

From here I had once again caressed my face with the gel. It felt only too good to pass op, the first time around, even if it felt strange, repeating it with my hooves, such as they are now.

Just as I couldn't pass up teasing my mound and jigglies, repeating the treat. As I finished, I realised, all the gel had been used up. I hope this had been included in the fee.

Looking around, once I had finished caressing, massaging myself, enjoying the spreading of gel onto my self. Now I stand on my hind hooves, just as I had imagined they used to. The pony I had chosen, had not been known to wear much, if any. Maybe I had chosen her for this one purpose?

Looking into the mirror, I noticed my ears standing up, erect. I am fairly excited about myself, after I had finished the job, preparing myself. Only now, I did not quite feel like going anywhere.

I had gone as far as to my kitchen, finding myself something to eat. I had not looked closer, just ate the meal.

Then I had found, what is in the night stand, it was a gel toy. Known as a 'Yello', from what I knew. Not that I could recall if my character had been known to use it, or play with it, either by herself, or in company.

Ofcause I had to try it out, to test it. On myself, since I am clearly alone. I noticed just how easy it slipped in. For a moment, I had had the silly idea, trying to push it out, but failed. Then I had pulled it out. Only to try to prevent it from slipping in, while I pushed it in. That had failed just as miserably. I'm incapable of preventing entry, just as much as I'm incapable of rejecting it, once it was inside. Though I could clearly feel how I contracted around the yello.