Somewhere I Belong

I've Been bouncing from the Bronx to Huntington Beach since i was eleven along with my sister, Aaliyah, and my brother, Ian. When i was 10, my brother 13, and my sister,15, my parents split up and my dad went back to live in his hometown of Huntington Beach, California and my mom stayed in the Bronx. The split was a mutual decision and there was no bad blood. They just outgrew each other, but try explaining that to a ten year old me. I never understood it and when they told me they were no longer going to be together, I almost completely lost it. I just got so upset of the thought of having to lose the happy family we once had. But i got older and grew up and got over it. My parents communicate regularly and have developed a friendship that you wouldn't really expect a divorced couple to form. I've learned to appreciate how they are now. The only thing that sucks is that i have to travel back and forth from California to New York way too many times a year. Considering i DESPISE planes, it requires heavy anti-anxiety pills and sleep inducing medication. The only thing that makes it worth it is looking forward to getting to see my best friends Brian, Matt, Zack, Jimmy, and the little rugrat the we have all learned to love Johnny. That and escape from my crazy stalker ex-boyfriend Luke. He is seriously is borderline insane and i am actually worried, but this trip to Cali is all that i need at the moment. I get to stay as long as i want since i just graduated from high school. Then i get to spend more time with the guys and things will be good. These are some of the best people you could ever come across. Oh and yeah, i've had this crush on Brian since i was 14. I know awkward right?
  1. Arrivals & a new ride..
    Arriving in the Golden State ..
  2. Painful Memories and Pleasant Greetings
    A bit of an insider