Status: Completed. I hope you enjoyed it~!

If I Can't Have You, No One Can.

Chapter 1

"I don't want to see a movie."

Matthew complained as his brother dragged him bodily through the thick crowd of people who were glaring and shouting rude things in their direction, but Matthew supposed he would be too, if two people had just cut in front of a whole line of people who were there first to get tickets to some movie.

Alfred ignored his brother (as usual) and ordered to tickets for some movie, Matthew wasn't paying much attention, he was blushing and trying to become a human chameleon and blend in with the bright red carpet on the ground. Once Alfred had paid for the tickets, he continued to drag Matthew to the concession stand.

"Whattaya want ta eat?"

Alfred asked, and, before Matthew could even answer, Alfred was already ordering an extra large bucket of popcorn with lots of melted butter and two extra large slushies (red for Matthew, blue for Alfred). Matthew wanted to complain, but at least Alfred had the decency to pay for the tickets and the food, the least he could do is sit through the two-and-a-half hour movie with him.

According to Alfred, the 'best seats in the house' were in the very back of the theater, so he and Matthew climbed about thirty seven steps (Matthew was counting) until they reached the top and moved past other people until they reached the middle of the room, just under the production widow where the movie was played.

It took about ten minutes for the other seats to fill up, during which time, Alfred snacked on the popcorn and talked loudly to Matthew. Nobody was complaining, because everyone else was doing the same thing.

"You're gonna love this movie, Mattie."

Alfred said with a mouth-full, spewing bits of popcorn into Matthew's face and hair, much to his disgust and annoyance.

"This one chick, [Name] [Last Name] is in it, she's soooo freakin' hot, broski! Like, you have noooo idea!"

Matthew just blinked at him and turned to the giant screen when the lights grew dark. The previews for other movies looked promising, but the movie itself (Matthew still wasn't aware of the name) was fairly basic and boring.

The plot was about a man who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and because he bared an uncanny resemblance to the man who robbed the bank he was in. It turns out he was actually his evil twin (Matthew snorted when he found out, while the others in the theater (including Alfred) gasped in surprise) that wants his brothers girlfriend for himself.

That was the first time Matthew saw her. She was absolutely beautiful even though she was covered in what was supposed to be dirt and sweat (to Matthew, that just made her look even more gorgeous). Her hair was medium length, it just brushed her shoulders and it was tangled and cakes with dirt and dried blood (but through the Hollywood makeup, he knew that it was a perfect shade of [h/c]).

Her eyes were [e/c] and were full of unshed tears and her skin was covered in fake bloody gashes, Matthew had the urge to stand up and punch a hole through the screen to hurt the man that hurt his precious [Name].

The movie ended about half an hour later, with the evil twin dead and [Name] in the arms of the main character the last shot was of them kissing deeply with teeth and tongue and Matthew's blood ran cold. He stayed still in his seat even when the movie was over and other people began to leave.

Alfred took one last slurp of his slushie and looked over at his brother, who was still staring at the blank screen, even the credits were over; the only people left in the theater were he and Matthew.


Alfred said slowly, waving a hand in front of his older (yes, he is older) brother's face. Matthew blinked and slowly turned his head to look at his brother, his long single hair curl bounced in front of his face.


Alfred bit his lip and hesitantly continued,

"You okay?"

The corners of Matthew's lips slowly twitched and raised until he was smiling like the Joker.

"I'm better than okay."

Without any more explanation, Matthew stood up abruptly, staring pointedly at Alfred until he did the same and they finally left the movie theater, throwing out their trash by the door and heading straight for Alfred's black Hummer.

They didn't talk much on the way back to Matthew's townhouse. Alfred was singing along with the radio, but every so often, his gaze would linger from the dotted white lines on the road to Matthew, his expression was partly unreadable. He hadn't seen Matthew this happy since Francis asked him to be his boyfriend.

He was crushed when he found Francis cheating on him, so Alfred started spending more time with him to cheer him up. He was happy that the movie worked, he dropped Matthew off in front of his townhouse and watched and waited until Matthew unlocked the door and waved merrily at his younger brother. Alfred honked the horn in response and drove off to his own apartment on the other side of town.

Matthew shut the door, locked it up and toed off his shoes. He didn't bother to turn on any lights, he walked around the house blindly, accidentally kicking his poor American Eskimo puppy, Kumajiro; He ignored the startled yelp and continued walking through-out the house until he reached the office on the second floor.

He walked straight to the computer, and turned it on, sitting down in the comfortable leather office chair, staring at the screen without blinking. When the computer booted up, Matthew wasted no time bringing up Google.

He brought his fingers to the keys and typed [Name] [Last Name] into the search engine. His eyes stayed glued on the screen, scanning every image, every fact, every interview, everything she had ever done that was on the internet, and he even came across somethings that were from when she was a little girl, before she became famous.