Status: Completed. I hope you enjoyed it~!

If I Can't Have You, No One Can.

Chapter 5

Matthew left the room almost half an hour later, cradling his bruised fist to his chest, sparing one last glance at the broken and bleeding girl who lay unconscious on his bedroom floor. He mumbled to himself as he locked the bedroom door,

"I didn't want you hurt you, you know..."

But [Name] couldn't hear him.

He walked past Kumajiro, who yipped in response, swatting at Matthew's leg when he brushed against his tail, but Matthew continued walking, down the stairs and into the kitchen, where he washed the blood off his hands and taking the chicken and the roasted potatoes out of the oven.

He set the table for three and made a plate for [Name], which he immediately brought upstairs. She was still in the same position when he unlocked and opened the door, but Matthew didn't seem to notice, he set the tray on the dresser, picked her up from the floor and laid her on the bed before he searched through the closet for a clean shirt to wear.

The sound of the door bell alerted him that Alfred and Alice were here. He left the room in a hurry, buttoning his shirt as he ran down the stairs and saw Alice fussily checking the clasp of her purse in the windows of the door.

"What's up, brosef?"

Alfred shouted cheerfully, causing half the street to turn and look in their direction. Alfred nudged his way past Matthew and immediately turned to go into the living room. Alice rolled her eyes and stepped inside the house when Matthew moved aside.

"It was very kind of you to invite us to dinner, Matthew."

She smiled and shook the Tupperware container that Matthew didn't notice until now.

"Alfred said that you said not to bring anything, but I couldn't do that, so I made some scones!"

Matthew tried to stop his gag reflex, and took the Tupperware container from Alice with trembling hands. She asked if he wanted any help with dinner, but Matthew said no, he said that dinner was ready and that Alice should go and get Alfred.

While she did that, Matthew brought the scones into the kitchen, opened the container, his eyes watering at the smell, and proceeded to overturn the contained and watch as the scones fell to the tiled floor, making surprising (and yet, not so surprising) thuds when they hit the floor.


He called out, trying to make his voice upset.

"I dropped them!"

Alice and Alfred joined him in the kitchen.

"Five second rule, dude."

Alfred said, but when he saw the scones on the floor, he quickly said that five seconds were up and Alice pouted when he and Matthew picked up all the scones so Kumajiro couldn't eat them, and threw them out. Kumajiro yipped and quickly went off up the stairs.

Dinner was mostly silent; Alfred provided most of the conversation, while Alice and Matthew chimed in here and there. After they finished eating, Matthew went back to the kitchen to get the cake he baked earlier, while Alfred mentioned something about the bathroom.

Alfred went up the stairs to the bathroom, and did his business. On his way back downstairs, he noticed Kumajiro scratching at Matthew's bedroom door. He wasn't exact;y sure if the dog was allowed in Matthew's room, but he let him on the couch, so Alfred thought this wasn't any different. He opened the door and the dog ran in, jumping up on the bed before jumping on the counter to devour a plate of chicken and roasted potatoes.

That was the first thing Alfred noticed; the second was the bloody girl on the bed. He covered his mouth to keep from swearing and immediately shut the door behind him. He carefully stretched out his hand and touched the girls bare shoulder.

"Uhh, lady?"/center]

She whimpered when Alfred rolled her over and brushed her hair put of her eyes. Her lip was split, as was her forehead and she was covered in bruises, scratches and blood. He recognized her after observing for a few minutes.

This was [Name] [Last Name], she was supposed to be missing, why would she be in Matthew's house? And then it all clicked into Alfred's head. He remembered seeing her at the club when he and Alice took Matthew out, he knew Matthew liked her, but he never thought he'd do something this drastic. Alfred licked his lips nervously and glanced at the door again before he turned his attention back to [Name].

"Umm, [Name]? [Name], can you hear me?"

He sighed in relief when her lifeless [e/c] eyes opened and stared up at him groggily.

"My name's Alfred. My girlfriend is downstairs with Mattie, she'll keep him occupied, but we need to get you out of here. Nod your head if you believe me."

She didn't nod her head, but after whatever she had been through, Alfred wasn't surprised. He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and called 911 and explained the situation, after he was finished talking with them, he sent a text to Alice telling her what was happening and telling her to keep Matthew occupied before the police and paramedics showed up.

Alfred stayed in the room with [Name] for almost ten minutes before he could hear the sirens from the police cars and the ambulance.

"They're here, [Name]. You're safe now. Nod your head if you believe me."

This time, she did nod.

"I'm gonna lift you up and take you downstairs now, okay?"

She didn't respond, but she didn't struggle when Alfred lifted her up like she was a Princess and carried her out of the bedroom, whistling for Kumajiro to follow him. Alfred made it down the stairs and into the living room, where he put [Name] on a couch.

Matthew came in a few seconds later, with Alice tugging on his arm, trying to force him back into the kitchen. He stared at them for a minute, unable to produce words.

Alfred glared at him and told Alice to get away from Matthew. She sat down on the couch next to [Name] and began to gently wipe away the blood on her split forehead. Alfred stood in front of both girls protectively, glaring at his brother.

"What are you doing?"

Matthew asked, looking completely bewildered.

"No. What are you doing? I can't believe you kidnapped her, Mattie!"

Matthew chuckled like he was finally let in on a very amusing inside joke.

"No, no, I didn't kidnap her. She left me, I was just bringing her back where she belongs."

"She doesn't belong with you, you creeper!"

Alfred shouted.

"[Name] is her own person, she has her own mind, do you honestly think she likes being here with you? You, who kidnapped her and did God knows what else!"

"The police are coming, Matthew."

Alice said calmly, though she looked anything but calm.

"You're going to go to prison for a long time."

Matthew froze.

"I.. I..."

His eyes locked onto [Name]'s, she flinched and looked away, hiding her face in Alice's shoulder.

"I love you. One day, you'll learn to love me to, but until then, if I can't have you, no one can."

[Name] and Alice both let out shrill screams when Matthew pulled a switch blade from his belt, but he didn't even have time to step forward, when Alfred football tackled him and knocked him into a cabinet full of priceless works of art, statues and paintings.

Alfred got a cut on the cheek, Matthew got a back full of glass. Then the police kicked down the door and pointed their guns at both Alfred and Matthew, while to female paramedics escorted [Name] and Alice out of the house.

While they were getting looked at, Alfred was escorted out of the house by a police officer and he joined them at the ambulance. He was hugged and kissed by Alice, and, when she finally released him, [Name] hugged him as well.

"Thank you..."

She mumbled into his chest.

"Don't you worry, [Name]. We'll never let anything like that happen to you."

Alice nodded in agreement. Alfred climbed into the back of the ambulance with [Name] and Alice and they set off to the hospital, while the police dragged a hand-cuffed Matthew out of the house, screaming and thrashing and Kumajiro sat in the doorway, yipping in response.