Status: Lights is hot.

Don't Go


Almost there, I read off my phone from Oli.

Ok, just come in when you’re here I sent back. “Jo! Oli’s almost here so I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick and meet you downstairs,” I shouted to Jo from my bedroom. I rushed to the bathroom and peed. As I was finishing up, I heard the front door open and Jo scream, followed by Oli screaming and what sounded like a high five and childish laughter. I smiled, wishing I could have seen Oli’s face when Jo and Levi jumped in front of him, scaring him. They do it to me all the time, I’m just glad they have someone else to torture now.

I almost left the bathroom when my stomach started to growl with hunger. Knowing I couldn’t eat, but couldn’t have it growling in front of Oli I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of diet pills my mom gave me. I sighed, then popped two into my mouth and dry swallowed. I took them so often I didn’t even need a drink with them anymore. They are like my little slice of paradise because they make me feel full and when I haven’t eaten for days, that can really help… for a little while. However, since I ate last night they should work longer.

As soon as I did that I opened the door to my bathroom and-

“AHHHH!” Jo yelled in my face.

“HOLY SHIT!” I screamed and fell to the floor. I was just thankful I just peed or else it would have been all over me. I heard three sets of laughter and looked up to see Jo, Levi and Oli all looking down at me, laughing.

“Alright, you’re right that was fucking funny as shit,” Oli told Jo and Levi between laughs.

“I’m glad to see you’re all getting along…” I mumbled, getting up. I felt a set of hands on my waist helping me up and I turned to see Oli smiling down at me. “Thanks,” I blushed.

“No problem, love,” Oli smiled. My knees buckled and I felt all my limbs go numb at him calling me love. Oli caught me, laughing. “You alright?” He asked as he helped me to my feet.

“Uh, yeah sorry,” I blushed, not being able to help myself.

“Lights is a clutz, you get used to it,” Levi laughed. I gave him the middle finger.

“So are we going?” I asked.

“We were waiting on you babe!” Jo told me, grabbing my hand and walking out with me. We got to Oli’s car and I sat in the front with him, while Jo and Levi took the back.


The car ride mostly consisted of all of us joking around, talking about music (and me getting butterflies from Oli). We finally got to the venue, which was really small and in a crowded place so we ended up having to park a couple blocks away, which normally I wouldn’t have minded, but it’s November and the air is freezing. We were walking towards the venue, Jo and Levi all cuddled up together for warmth and I was stuck with shoving my hands further in my pockets, hoping that was gonna stop the cold from penetrating my skin. I just don’t understand why my fat refuses to keep me warm, it could at least do something useful…

I felt an arm snake around my waist and I looked to see Oli pulling me into his chest. He smiled at me and I returned it, trying to snuggle as close to him as possible for warmth… and nothing else…

We finally got to the building and the blasting music could be heard from outside. We quickly rushed in, payed for our entry and got marked with big black X’s on our hands so the bar tender’s could distinguish us from the people over 21.

In the venue there was a stage, where a metal band was playing, in the front and the bar in the back. Between the two there was a pit with hundreds of sweaty people, moshing, crowd surfing and having a really good time.

“Alright there’s no way we are gonna be able to stay together, so we’ll just meet you guys after the show, sound good?” Jo yelled over the music. I looked at Oli, who was already looking at me uncertainly, silently asking if that would be okay with me. I smiled, nodding at Jo. She smiled back and disappeared into the crowd with Levi. I felt myself getting pulled further into the crowd by Oli, so I just pressed myself closer to him, so I wouldn’t lose him.

We stood in the crowd, listening to a couple songs before I heard Oli yell in my ear, “You wanna go up?”

“Up where?” I turned to him and asked.

He chuckled before saying, “Crowd surfing? You ever done it?” I shook my head no. I always wanted to try, but was always too chicken. “You’ll love it, I promise! I’ll go right behind you!” He reassured me.

I laughed saying, “hell yeah, let’s go!” He crouched down, holding his hands out for my foot. Then he lifted me up, throwing me on top of the all the other people in front of me, who to my surprise, caught me and helped me get to the front. I felt the flipping sensation in my stomach that I usually only get from rollercoaster’s. Then I felt a security guard pull me out and put me gently on the ground, pointing to the direction I should go. I ran there and looked back, suddenly filled with panic and anxiety as I realized Oli wasn’t near me. But then I saw him get pulled out by the security guard as well, and he ran to me, wrapping his arms around me instantly.

“Did ya like it?” He yelled in my ear. I nodded vigorously, smiling like an idiot. He laughed and said, “wanna go again?” I looked back to the crowd, nodding again. He smiled and led me back into the crowd to which he did the same thing: he held his hands out for my foot and hoisted me on top of the people in front of me.

This time when I got to the front and ran to the side, Oli wasn’t directly behind me. Deciding I should just wait here for him, I stood toward the side, watching the band on stage. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I smiled, turning expecting to see Oli, but instead I saw some weird looking guy creepily smiling at me.

I stepped away, smiling awkwardly at him, but he stepped towards me. “Hey, you’re cute!” He yelled in my ear.

“Thanks,” I yelled back, stepping away from him again.

“Do you wanna get outa here?” He asked. I just looked at him, not really believing how forward this guy was being.

“No thank you,” I yelled into his ear, but he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me toward him. I yanked my hand back and rolled my eyes because this creep was seriously starting to annoy me.

Before he could try anything else, he was suddenly yanked back and on the ground with Oli on top of him. Shock kinda took control as I just stood there watching Oli pound this kids face in. Finally, I shook out of it and ran over and threw Oli off of him, grabbing him and pulling him outside. I didn’t care if it was no re-entry, Oli needed fresh air.

When we got outside I turned to Oli and said, “Oli what the fuck was that? You coulda killed that guy!”

“Wish I had too…” Oli said, fury still burning in his eyes.

“What do you mean you wish you had?” I asked.

“That guy was a fucking low life creep who was trying to get in your pants when you obviously didn’t wanna! Lucky he didn’t try to kiss ya or he woulda been dead…He got off lucky,” He trailed off.

I probably should have been angry or scared considering I met him yesterday and he just tried to kill someone for me, but instead my whole body erupted with butterflies at how protective he is. “Oli, were you being protective of me?” I asked, sarcastically. He smirked.

“Fuck yeah I was,” he looked at me. “I fucking like ya… a lot and I’m not just gonna sit back and watch you get creeped on by some perv!”

“You like me a lot?” I asked.

“Yeah, I do,” he said, stepping closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked at him, my heart suddenly beating out of my chest. He smirked again, this time looking at my lips. I gulped, hopefully unnoticably as he closed his eyes and leant down. His lips connected with mine and I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my body, making my knees involuntarily buckle. Oli held me tighter so I didn’t fall and deepened the kiss. I grabbed his face and kissed him back. “Sorry I ruined the show…” Oli said once he pulled away.

“You didn’t… I’d much rather be alone with you anyway…” I said, grabbing his face and kissing him again. I felt Oli smiling into the kiss and I did too.
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Merry Christmas guys!!!!!!!! Leave me a nice present and comment ;)