Status: Lights is hot.

Don't Go


Two Weeks Later

It was mid-december and the snow was coming down for the first snowstorm of the season. There was already a thick layer of snow on the ground with no sign of it slowing down. The upside was there was no school but because of the snow I was stuck in the house all day. I didn’t really mind it though because my mom wasn’t home, so I got to just lay in bed and play video games all day.

Around one o’clock, the doorbell rang. With a groan, I got up and made my way downstairs mumbling to myself, “who is crazy enough to be out in this storm?” I opened the door and saw a snow covered Oli standing on my porch.

“Oli?” I laughed, “What are you doing here?”

“It’s snowing outside!” he replied, smiling like a little kid.

“I see that, that’s why I’m inside,” I smiled, pulling him in and shutting the door so the cold air doesn’t get in.

“Do you wanna play in the snow with me?” he asked.

“Are you on something?” I laughed, waving my hand in front of his face.

He grabbed it, smiling. “No, I just really love snow. C’mon love, come outside with me!”

The butterflies in my stomach told me I was sold on the matter. I would go anywhere with Oli, even if it meant going out into a fucking snow storm. “Alright fine, wait here while I go put on something warmer.”

The smile on his face widened and I couldn’t help but to smile too. It took all of my strength to pull myself away from him and go upstairs and put on something warm.

After securing that I had on enough layers I wouldn’t freeze to death, I went back downstairs to see Oli patiently waiting for me right where I left him. He looked up at me and smiled again, “ready?”

“Ready,” I nodded. He took my hand and led me outside where the snow was falling harder than before, but that didn’t phase Oli. He got off the porch and started running through the snow. He ran onto my front lawn that looked like an endless field of white. The only thing that obstructed the view was the willow tree in the middle of my lawn. It looked beautiful- icicles hanging down from it’s branches and snow piled on so thick it looked like white leaves.

As I was standing there, I felt snowball slam into my arm. I looked over at Oli who was standing a few meters away from me, smiling with his tongue out. “Oh is that how it is?” I shouted. When he nodded, I yelled back, “Alright then, it’s on Sykes.”

I picked up a handful of snow and rolled it around it my hands until it became a ball. Then I ran toward him a few steps and pelted it at him. He ran away as it fell to the ground in the spot Oli was a second ago. I groaned, picking up another one as I saw him doing the same.

He threw his and I felt it hit my back. I turned around and threw mine at him and it hit his shoulder. His eyes widened and he looked at spot where the snowball hit him in pure shock. I laughed at him and how shocked he was. But instead of getting another snowball to hit me back, he started running towards me, smiling. I shrieked and ran away, but it was hard to run in inches of snow. He quickly caught up to me and I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me to the ground. I shrieked again as I went down. I hit the soft ground and looked at Oli, who was laughing. I laughed along with him, his arms wrapping around me, pulling me closer to him. He rolled on top of me, not laughing anymore. He looked down at me and I looked back at him. His face was red from the cold and every part of him was covered in snow.

Oli started to lean in, I closed my eyes and felt Oli’s lips collide with mine.Our lips, both chapped from the cold, were rough against each other. Oli added tongue, to which I reciprocated, the kiss warming my entire body.

Oli pulled away suddenly and jumped up to his feet, leaving me on the ground confused. He took out his phone, pulled off his glove and started typing. My heart sunk, realizing he was probably texting some other girl. It’s not like I could get mad over it, since it’s not like me and Oli were exclusive. He could see other girls if he wanted to… I just wish he didn’t want to…

I looked back up at him when I heard music start to come out of his phone. I recognized the song instantly as Let Her Go by Passenger. Oli grabbed my hands and pulled me up on my feet with him. He bowed, asking, “May I have this dance?”

I giggled, saying, “why yes, you may.”

He smiled, grabbing my hands and dancing with me under the gorgeous willow tree. We kept our eyes locked and I laughed for no other reason but pure elation. It was difficult to move with the snow at our feet, but Oli managed to lead me no problem.

The song ended at just the right time, because I was starting to lose all feeling in my toes. He brought me close to him and kissed me. I kissed him back, smiling. He pulled away, asking, “are you cold?” I nodded, pressing myself further into him. “Wanna go in?” I nodded again. He swooped me up, holding me marriage styled, making his way to the warm house. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck and looked up at him.

We got inside and he brought me into the living room, setting me down gently on the couch. “Does this work?” He asked, pointing to the huge fireplace.

I nodded saying, “yeah, I’ll do it. Why don’t you go into the kitchen and get some drinks?” He nodded before going into the kitchen. I went over to the fireplace and lit it up. Sitting in front of the warm flames, trying to defrost.

Oli came back in a few minutes later with two mugs in his hands. He plopped down next to me, handing me a mug filled to the top with hot chocolate. For a split second, I started to think of all the calories in this tiny mug, until Oli asked, “there something wrong with it, love?”

I looked over at him, his eyes warm but confused. The thoughts scattered away, scared away by the butterflies that filled my stomach. “No, it’s perfect,” I smiled, taking a sip. I leaned into Oli as we started to talk and laugh.

“Hey, Lightsy can I ask you something love?” Oli asked.

“Of course, what’s up?” I asked.

“Uh, will uh, will you be my girlfriend?” I heard him gulped and I couldn’t help but giggle. I have waited for three weeks for him to ask that. I was too happy, I couldn’t speak so for a response I kissed him really passionately. He kissed back, smiling. He pulled away and asked, “can I take that as a yes?” I nodded, pulling his face back to mine and kissing my boyfriend.