Under the Red Hot Moon

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I growled low in my throat at the sight of the domestic dog. I was hungry, and I didn't care if I had to eat another canine for my nutrition. The German Shepard heard my growl and snarled back. I was bigger and stronger than he was; did he really think challenging me would be a smart idea? I stepped closer and gave another low, demanding growl only to get the same angry snarl back.

You want a challenge, asshole? You got one.

I charged, flying over the small fence that surrounded the yard, and leapt onto the back of the German Shepard that howled and swung his body from left to right in a mad attempt to get me off. He wouldn't be able to. I was almost a full thirty pounds heavier than he was and he knew that just from my scent alone I was alpha in this mix. His shrill yelps and barks of terror, anger and pleading turned to whimpers and snarls of forgiveness, but I wasn't going to let him live.

With a terrifying final yelp, the German Shepard was killed. Slicing the collar from around his neck I grabbed his dead body with my fangs and dragged it into a dark corner away from peering eyes of humans and other dogs. Normally, I would howl my victory, but under the agonizing hunger was guilt, and that guilt seemed to only get stronger as I bit and ate the flesh of the other dog.

Being a werewolf in this time wasn't good. Hell, it was almost downright dangerous.

Werewolves came 'out of hiding' about fifty years ago. In that time, we developed and accomplished building a small 'rights' bill that allowed us to work and live like normal humans, only we were allowed up to four days off following a full moon. It was pretty nice, honestly. Other than the obvious bible-thumpers and people who thought we weren't truly human were cruel to us.

But about ten years ago, the current Mayor was overthrown and replaced with someone who disliked werewolves, and moved to remove us from the town. We rebelled. A leader of our people stood up to the humans who wanted to skin us and kill us, and instead of fighting for our rights, we simply fought for life. In the end of the rebellion, we were forced underground - literally. The mayor had told us that if any of us were to "rear our ugly heads above the sewers", we would be imprisoned for life.

So, like good little dogs we sunk undergound. The stinky sewers became our haven and as long as we stayed here, nothing could go wrong.

But we were wrong. Every fucking day some human would drop trash and shit and yell at us in the sewers. They would taunt us with fresh cooked meat or burgers. That was when their own mayor turned the table and said that if any human was caught with a known werewolf, they would be imprisoned automatically.

It was disgusting. Finishing my meal I slunk back towards the manhole I had crawled out of, and slid it over top of me as my well-adjusted eyes re focused and centred in on the approaching sounds of my pack. They could smell fresh blood on me and I wasn't surprised when they began to whimper and snarl at one another. I wasn't the pack mother, I wasn't going to bring them food. They needed to grow some balls and hunt for themselves. Pushing through them with a snarl I headed into the deeper recently restructured tunnels of the sewers.

Since being forced underground my kind - the werewolves - had taken control of the sewers. All shit and garbage was disposed off and sent to the water cleansing plant, where they could deal with it. Fresh water was pumped out of the wells and the stores of it throughout the town, which we siphoned for our own needs. I headed into the warmer and cleaner parts of our massive pack beehive, and bowed my head at the sight of the alpha.

'You've killed,' He murmured in my head. 'I was hungry.' I wasn't going to hide behind excuses. I was his Beta, his second in command. I was going to stand up for myself. His tail swung behind him as he gave a short huff. 'Next time you decide to go top side, don't come back with blood all over your face. You look like an inexperienced pup.' I nodded, tucked my tail and headed into my own quarters where I could sulk in peace.

I originally hadn't just gone up to hunt. I went up to check up on her, my soul mate.

But, she wasn't home, and I wasn't going to risk searching for her incase she was anti-werewolf. You could tell a werewolf from a normal dog, hell, even apart from a normal wolf. We walked on two legs, but hunched and in our werewolf form we were all almost seven to eight feet tall. Our claws never distended and we had two sets of fangs - a pair for our bottom jaw and a pair for out top. We were dangerous and ugly, and that was how it was going to stay.

I waited the rest of the full moon out, only joining my brothers and sisters in our pained yowling and screaming as we changed back into our human forms. Then, I went to bed, my head filled with the scent of her and her life, her lust for someone just like her.