She Had the World

The kiss of death

School has been horrible; even though I am a girl I get stuffed in lockers right next to Brendon. Why can't people respect the weird kids? There is one good thing about school Frank Jones the new kid from England, he is the only boy other than Brendon who understands me and the five months I have know him I think I am crushing on him, he is great and I can date him even if I am in love with Brendon. Oh, Brendon with his sexy hair and amazing eyes, I want to kiss him everywhere but can't I do not want to lose what we have. Brendon even joined a band Panic! at the Disco. They are really good; thanks to his new friend Brett he gets to be their lead singer, I think before that I was the only one he would ever sing to. They are going to make it big.
My phone rings, and I look at the caller ID Brendon!! I answer with the usual “hey hottie!.”
“How are my sex muffin?” he replies.
“Great, so what?”
“Ryan wants you to come listen to us,” he says before adding in a whisper “I think he is taking a liking to you.”
I laugh Ryan is so cute “Ok, tell Ryan I will be there soon but I made plans to get coffee with Franks so it will be be like an hour.”
“Oh...well come when you can,” he says I can hear the hate in his voice. He doesn't like Frank, because I hang out with him a lot, but Brendon is always with the band and I am not mad at him. He is a hypocrite.
“I will see you in a while...” I can not finish because Brendon interrupts with a quick Ok bye and hangs up.
Even if he is my best friend he makes me so angry. I set my phone down and head over to my ipod dock to put some music on while I change to go to get coffee with Frank. I walk over to my closet and pick out a lacy black tank, a black knee length skirt, black flats and put them on. I go to my jewelry box and put on a white long necklace and the heart necklace Brendon got me when we were twelve. I have about 10 minutes until Frank comes to pick me up, so I decide to try to make my hair decent, five minutes later I have it trapped and put in a bun, and finally I tweak my make-up so I don't look like I am going to a concert . I stand up and twirl around and look at my self when my mother comes in to tell me Frank is here and I look amazing. I turn off my music in the middle of Brett Dennen belting out his great voice. I ran down the stairs and out of the door right into Frank. He is gorgeous with his chin length blond hair, ocean blue eyes, tan skin. His strong arms catch me as I fall into him, I blush and straighten myself.
“You pretty American girls are always falling for me,” he laughs in his to die for English accent.
“Well, you are adorable,” I laugh heading for his Vespa.

We arrive at Starbucks and he buys me a decaf mocha latte; he sits down, and we talk. An hour later before he drops me off at Ryan's house he kisses me.

"How could she kiss that European export?" I stand at Ryan's garage window and watch as my best friend kisses him.
“Brendon, come back, it's okay she really doesn't like him, he made her kiss him,” Ryan says only because he is in love with her.
Marcii walks in smiling like crazy, and I run up to her and yell “Why did you kiss him?”
“Why does it matter? I am not dating you,” she replies sitting on the couch.
“So you are my best friend.”
“You can't control me, Brendon.” That is the last thing she says to me for the rest of our practice. At the end, Ryan runs in his house to get her some cookies in made for her. He is in love with her.
As, I drive her home we say nothing. Why can I not just tell her I have loved her since first grade? I want her body I want to kiss her, I love her.

Why does he have to be jealous? I love him, I want him but I can't ever tell him.
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The next chapter is Brendon's 18th birthday party!!!