Status: at least once a month

Starving for Perfection

(Triggering; just letting you know.)

It all started when a kid in middle school called Jack fat. More and more people caught on to it and soon Jack was bullied all the way into high school. He got called "fat" or "ugly" or the occasional "fag", so he thought that if he was skinny he'd be more attractive. But the thing is, Jack was normal weight, maybe even underweight. So Jack stopped eating and started cutting, but soon his one friend, Rian, and parents caught on to Jack not eating. All Jack said was, "I'm just not hungry."

And one day, Alex see's this scrawny boy getting beat up by the football players, and he helps Jack. All he wants to do is help Jack, but Jack pushes Jack away.
  1. Prologue
  2. Make A New Connection
    Guts - All Time Low