Status: Just getting it started

Passed Around: Tales From a Post-Apocalyptic World

The Desolation of the world.

Feburary 19th, 1979, 8:27 PM.

My mother told me to start keeping this journal a few days ago. I figured it was just another one of those stupid things she comes up with for me, because she thinks I need to be pre-occupied every second of the day. I love her, but I hate it when she crams things down my throat like this. This whole thing has changed her.

Oh, I guess this is my first time writing in here... I guess I should fill you... uh, I guess, if anyone will ever read this, in on what happened.

On April 1st... No, I think 13th... I can't remember and, I don't have a damn eraser, so please, bare with me. Uhh, I'll go with April 13th..., 1974, Some crazy shit went down. There were already tensions between The U.S. and Soviet Russia. President Johnson came out that day and literally stated that in a few hours he is firing multiple nuclear bombs on Soviet Russia, then stepping down from the presidency.

Well, Soviet Russia caught wind of the shit storm that was heading right for their front door pretty damn quickly, and fired everything they had on us before we even realized what was happening. Right after the presidents address, thousands- probably millions- of family's went into their bomb shelters. Within two weeks a nuclear WWIII broke out and now, the world is nothing more but a big radiation area. The worst part? The united states of america was was the country that set the whole thingin motion, and we didn't even fire a single shot at any other country. We really shot ourselves in the foot on that one. The only thing that came out of us declaring that we were going to fire bombs on Soviet Russia was being bombed into the fucking ground by every country there is and then starting World War III

So... yeah. There are, however, a few countries still functional. Don't get me wrong, even the countries who stayed the hell out of it got bombed, every country did, but some less than others. I hear that Tajikistan, Some country in Asia is still going pretty strong.

The worst country that you could of been in, surprisingly wasn't the United States. Columbia. For some random reason, Columbia just got completely destroyed by every other country this side of the equator... and every country on the other side of the equator too.

Well... I think that's enough for today. Nice to get that off of my chest. Bye, reader.