Status: Just getting it started

Passed Around: Tales From a Post-Apocalyptic World

On the move

February 22nd, 1979, 11:03 A.M.

I can barely contain myself. This... I... Fuck, I need an erase.... I just need a minute to compose my thoughts, or else this whole thing will just turn into contrived bullshit, and my own opinion, and I kind of want this to be informative as well, in case anyone ever reads it when I'm dead and gone.

Okay. Alright, okay. So, as I suspected, there were still marauders in the area, but, there were a shit ton more than I suspected. Over twenty-five of them ran in, lighting the place up. They killed everyone except for three people. Three fucking people. Three days ago their were nineteen people down here. Now there are only three.

Their is My mom, Jen, then there is me, Jarren, and then there is Mrs. Caroll. I guess I'll still be getting an education...

This is complete Bullshit. That asshole of a president decides he wants to set the next fucking world war into motion, and now My father and close friends are fucking dead for it. Fuck him.

Right now, I am the only capable person with a gun, and the only one with any for that matter. I have my 44. Magnum, with six shots loaded, and seventeen in my case (twenty-three all together), and an m-14 marksman rifle I was able to snatch while running out of the shelter, I have two magazines, both fully loaded (It holds ten rounds), and about 100 extra (one-hundred and twenty all together)

I hate to say this, but I have a feeling that I... that we, aren't going to survive much longer.

Sorry to end on such a shitty note, but I gotta go... Oh fuck me, more marauders, keep you updated, goodbye for now reader, I'll be back.