Status: Just getting it started

Passed Around: Tales From a Post-Apocalyptic World

Just found this notebook

October 31st, 1983, 8:00 A.M.

I found this notebook a few weeks ago. This little kid had a life. A family. A cause. In just a few short weeks, his whole life came crumbling down around him. I picked it up off of his corpse, along with a few other things.

I finally decided to write in it, maybe to fulfill his goal of keeping everything informed, in this little notebook. I guess I'll introduce myself first, my name is Joseph Anver. I was a doctor, before everything. I... I am traveling alone at the moment. I have lost a lot of people. I saw that this kid... Sorry, Jarren, wrote about Tajikistan, a country in Asia, that is "still going strong." Well, I can tell you that that is no longer the truth.

In fact, when Mr. Nichols wrote this four years ago, he had it wrong,m they weren't just "going strong", they were a fully functioning and breathing country. they were doing great, but as one of the only countries to be doing good for itself, it attracted a lot of attention from everybody else. they started getting attacked frequently. As time when on, the attacks got more frequent, and started getting bigger and bigger, until they just fell, and were utterly destroyed, being attacked by all sides, by groups of all different people. It's still a war zone there, with all the new, different factions fighting.

Well, fuck, I... Shit, I hear something, gotta go, bye.