Your Guardian Angel

Though my skies are turning gray

Sunlight streamed through Cassidy's bedroom curtains. She slowley opened her eyes expecting to see Charley sitting in the black armchair in the corner. He wasn't there. She quickly became worried and tore the blankets off of her. She raged around the room searching for him. Finally, she found a letter.

'Dear Pet,
I must have caused you worry when you found me not sitting on your chair. I'm sorry. Someone visited me when you were asleep. A ghost. She said some things.....Its my turn to be afraid. I'm sorry. I will be back.

Another ghost? Charley scared? This new concept startled Cassidy. She wondered...
"Cass? Good you're up. I'm sorry. It's just." A voice interupted her thoughts. As soon as Charley got through her door, she lept into his arms.
"Don't ever do that again. Don't scare me like that." She said, muffled because her face was pressed into his shirt.
"Liston babe. Sit down." He said as he lead her to her bed. He pushed over the comforter and sheets.
"Remember the ghost?" he started. She nodded. She knew the one. She remembered Charley's annoyance with her when she talked about God.
"She came last night while you were asleep. Remember when I saved you all those times from you dad?" How could she forget. No serious damage had happened since Charley had been here. He saved her. Charley knew that she remembered without her nod yes.
"She said it was good. She said.....she said my work was soon over. I can go to the afterlife." Tears ran down Cassidy's face.
"Don't you want to stay here with me?" She asked.
"Of course I do. If I get the choice I'll never leave you." This made Cassidy a bit happier.
"But I don't know how much longer I get. We have to make the most of our time together. We have to make it last." Cassidy nodded. She would make this last. Forever.
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I'm sorry. I know you wanted longer chapters. But this one had to be short. I promice the next one will be much longer. *holds up 3 fingers*