Your Guardian Angel

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Sunlight poured from the cracks in the old shed walls. Cassidy slowly opened her eyes. Her nightmares long gone. She sat up.
"Morning, Sunshine." said Charley. She laughed. Cassidy hadn't been called Sunshine since... since Mark.
"So listen, babe. i'm thinking that i'll just stay with you 'cause your dad doesnt seem to notice and I don't have anywhere else to stay and well I don't want to leave you alone, okay?" Cassidy nodded. This sounded like a great plan. She didn't want to be hurt again.
"I know you don't. I'll keep it from happening." Charley said.
"I didn't say anything." Cassidy said confused.
"I know ,but you thought it."
"So now you can read minds?!!?"
"Cassidy, honey," Charley said as he crept toward her. He lifted her unto his leg. "It's okay. I'm here now. It's going to be okay."


The couple walked hand in hand to the door. Cassidy led Charley to the kitchen. There was a note folded on the tabe. She gave him a worried glance. It read:

I'm at work. Will be home late. Don't get into trouble. I will find out.

"C'mon Cass, just don't think about it. You need a shower lets go upstairs and get you some clean clothes." Charley said. Cassidy's eyes were still glued to the note. She carefully set it down and hesitently followed Charley.
After a nice, long shower and change of clothes later, they both sat in the antique chairs in the sunroom, looking as out of place as a chained wallet in Banana Repulic. Cassidy had curled herself up into her mothers favorite chair, listening to Charley's stories about his life.
"My parents died when I was five in a freak car accident. I then moved to live with my grandma in Massachusetts. It was boring and I had like zero friends. Well, I had one. His name was Bryan."
"Tell me about him." Cassidy said eagerly.
"I don't remember much. It's been so long. But I do remeber he brought me to the goth scene or emo, I don't know. I don't think I fit either of those catigories perfectly. Actually, I don't like steriotypes. Okay, your turn. Tell me about this Mark guy." Cassidy breathed deeply.
"He was tall. He loved me when no one did. Everyone at school said you had to be goth or prep; you have to be one or the other. I dressed punk or goth I guess." She said looking down at her lime green skinny jean coverd legs. "And I listen to the music , but I don't think I have the additude. And Mark loved that. He loved me."
"And so do I," Charley said. She looked up at him and smiled for the first time in weeks.