Your Guardian Angel

I can show you I'll be the one

Cassidy left her spot on the chair and walked toward Charley.She curled up in his lap and held her face centimeters from his. She looked into his dark brown eyes and could feel the tension in his shoulders. At first, she was supprised she could feel him because, you know he is a ghost ,but she gave that no mind. She drew a breath.
"I love you , Charley." The words felt strange, coming out of her mouth. She had only said them to one other. Mark. She closed her eyes and let the centimeter seperating them slowly disolve. He wrapped his arms around her as she pressed her lips to his. They kissed, emerced in the joy of eachother...until the door slamed.
"Cassidy Luane! Where are you?" Charley picked her up and stood her up on the ground. She grabbed his hand as she walked to the parlor.
"I'm right here, sir."
"Good. Go fix dinner. I want steak with those fries. You know the ones I really like? And I want an ice cold Budwiser." He ordered, listing his desires on his fingers. She nodded and left.
"Oh and Cassidy?" Her father yelled again. She turned.
"There is a party for work at the New West Country Club tomarrow. I want you there at six in a new dress. Nothing black or anything like you usually wear. A nice dress. In fact a nice, PINK dress. No exeptions."
"You, Charley, are coming with me." Cassidy whispered with daggers in her eyes.
'What did you say?" Her father asked.
"Nothing dad."
"Good. I'll leave the money for your dress on the counter in the morning. Don't forget, Pink.
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Cassidy's dad uses her in a LOOK AT MY PERFECT POSTER CHILD way. This is why he's stressing the pink, no goth dress. Cause god forbid his daughtor have any fun or express wh she is because that would totally ruin his reputation.