Status: Changing alot as I go along but comment and give feedback and suggestions. :) <3

You Found Me

We Finally Meet Again

“So the place just blew up?” Leanne said trying to grasp the story she just heard. “How did you manage to escape?”

Another man with brown hair and amazing brown eyes walked up behind him “We blew up a window with a grenade and jumped out of it, we lost one who decided to stay behind though.” He said wiping his hands on his pants.

“Who are you people anyway, you never introduced yourselves at all.” He continued on.

“My apologizes sir, I am Caleb and this is my sister Sarah.” He started. I nodded to the rest of the group who had started to crowd around now. “As well as our friends Leanne, and Savannah and Rachael.”

The man with the brown hair walked up to my brother and stuck out his and they shook, my brother not taking his eyes off the ground.

“I’m Shane, and this is Rick” He said pointing to the man in the sheriff’s hat.

“You some sort of police officer?” Caleb asked jokingly.

“I am a sheriff actually, and if you do anything stupid you’ll regret it.” He said with a serious tone in his voice.

“What about the rest of yous, you gunna introduce yourselves?” Savannah asked looking over the group.

Rick who seemed to be the leader of the group started slowly introducing everybody. “As Shane said I am Rick, this here is my son Carl, that’s my wife Lori sitting on the red car, next to her is Carol and her daughter Sophia.” I looked over and saw a young girl who was no more than 11 or 12 sitting next to her mother who had short hair and had a sad look in her eyes. She and the women next to her, Lori waved over at us and smiled.

“The man you shoved a gun in his face that would be Dale, and next to him is T-Dog.” He continued on introducing more of the group to us.

“I’m Andrea.” Said the blond girl who was with Dale when my brother shoved the gun in his face, she seemed to be uninterested in meeting new people but smiled at us anyway.

“There are two other people in our group but right now they are off hunting and looking for more supplies and what not.” Shane told us looking out into the forest, with hope that they would return shortly.

“Who might that be?” My brother asked curiously.

“Glen and Daryl.” Shane said.

“Daryl?” I said, could it be the same guy who saved my life not even two days ago? Who had drove off the second he dropped me off? This was the group he belonged to?

“Yeah, they went off about an hour ago. Said they’d be back, I’m sure they will be fine. Daryl has a cross bow and can shoot anything without attracting noise, and well Glen? He’s pretty damn smart.” Rick said with hope in his voice.

So it was the same man who saved my life the other day, I had decided not to mention that to the group. I didn’t want them asking me anything about the incident. This Daryl guy didn’t seem like the type to help others that much.

All of a sudden I heard Dale shout from the top of the RV with panic in his voice. “WALKERS!!!” He said pointing down the highway. I looked up and saw that there were a group of maybe 100 or so ‘walkers’ making their way down the highway.
Shane looked over at me and shouted under his breath, “GET DOWN” He said and I slid underneath a car and hid myself the best I could.

The walkers now knew that there were people occupying this space, and they wanted to devour every last one of us. All we could do was hide and wait for the herd to pass on through and hopefully find somewhere else to stay.

I looked over at Shane who was lying underneath the vehicle next to me, he had his hand over his mouth to keep himself from breathing heavy. We locked eyes and he didn’t say a word as we lied there waiting for the heard to pass through. I wanted to get up and look to see if they had made any progress passing through but I didn’t want any coming over and attack me and Shane.
I wondered where everyone else was and if they were doing alright, I had hoped that at least Savannah and Leanne and my brother were together. I had hoped they were safe, I didn’t want to lose and more of my group.

Moments passed and I didn’t hear anymore growling noises so I crawled out from beneath the car to look and see if it was safe to come out. I looked around and didn’t see anything; they had all passed by without a care in the world.

Shane came out where he was hiding from and slowly made his way over to Rick who was hiding behind one of the vehicles, all seemed to be calm for now and I walked around the cars looking for Savannah and everyone else.

I saw them hunched up behind a car huddled together, my brother and Rachael where on the other side of the car doing the same. They seemed to be holding up all right as far as I could see.

“Is everybody okay?” I whispered to them.

“Yea, we are fine. Where did you hide?” Savannah asked me standing up.

“Over more near the road, Shane got me to crawl underneath a car and wait there. Nothing came and attacked me or him.” I said turning around and saw that Shane was getting in a heated argument with Rick over what to do next.

“We had one come by here, it walked right passed us and didn’t seem to notice” Caleb said getting up and brushing himself off.

We all went and walked over to T-Dog and Dale, and Andrea who was standing around the RV
figuring out what just happened.

“Is everyone all right?” Asked Dale to me and Caleb.

“Yes, we are fine.” I said. “Is T-Dog okay?” I asked noticing he had cut his arm very badly and was bleeding quite a lot.

“Was he bit?” Rachael asked backing up.

“No I was not; I cut my arm trying to get away from some walkers.” He explained wincing from the pain of the cut.

I walked over to him and pulled off one of the sleeves from the shirt I had tied around my waist, and
wrapped it tight around the wound.

“Keep pressure on it, it will stop the bleeding.” I instructed him.

“Thank you, very much.” He said.

“No need to thank me.” I said casually.

“We need to get out of here; another herd could pass through any minute now.” Said Rick, walking up to the group with Shane closely behind him.

“Like now for that matter.” Dale said looking through his binoculars.

“For fuck sakes, not again.” Shane shouted.

Everyone else ran into the RV and closed the doors tightly behind them, there was one coming up behind me so instead of ducking under a car I ran to the cars by the forest, I had my gun ready to aim and shoot at anything that came near me. There were quite a lot of the walkers, so it didn’t make a difference if I shot them or not. I slid under a car once more, and as I did one went and grabbed me by the ankle and proceeded to pull me out, I backed up into one of the cars and just as it was about to bite me, an arrow flew and shot it in the brain and it fell to the ground and I got up safely.

“Next time, I’m just going to let it get you. Now duck the fuck down and stay there until they pass by.” I looked up and saw Daryl standing there with Glen by his side and a bunch of dead squirrels hanging off his bag.

He had saved me yet again.