Status: Changing alot as I go along but comment and give feedback and suggestions. :) <3

You Found Me

I Promise

“YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Daryl shouted throwing a fist hard at Shane’s face.

I stood back and watched in shock as Daryl practically beat the shit out of Shane right in front of me, I didn’t think he ever would do such for me.
Rick came along and pulled Daryl off of Shane before he could smack him again, he pushed him gently away and helped Shane up. Shane stood there surprised, and his nose bleeding quite a bit. I watched as Daryl walked off angrily away from the scene. I didn’t know what to say.

“What’s going on here?” Rick asked Shane.

“He just came up behind me and started beating the shit out of me for no reason!” Shane yelled angrily.

Just as Shane said that, Daryl spun around quickly and stormed back.

“I beat the shit out of you because you don’t know how to keep your hands off people!” He shouted at him.

“Mind your own damn business!” Shane shouted pushing him away.

“Okay, what’s all this about?” Rick asked confused.

“Nothing.” Daryl said walking away again.

I didn’t say anything more, and let Rick and Shane talk and argue about whatever they were arguing about. I decided to follow Daryl again so I could give him back his jacket I still had around me, and to talk about him about the events that had just unfolded.

I wondered up to his tent to see him sitting with his head in his hands by his own small campfire. I shuffled slowly up to him, and he lifted his head and slightly smiled as I sat down in front of him.

“Hey.” Daryl said.

“What was that about Daryl?” I asked him, interested in what he had to say.

He stared at his hands for some time before replying, “I’m sorry, it looked like he was hurting you and, I just... I don’t know. I’m sorry; I should have just stayed out of it.”

“Daryl, don’t ever be sorry. You were just trying to protect me, and that’s okay.” I said.
He looked surprised at my response and didn’t really say anything after that, but just looked down at
his hands again.

I walked over to him and slid off the jacket and began to hand it to him, and as I did my sleeve moved up my arm a bit revealing my fresh cuts from the other night. I tried to hide them before Daryl noticed, but he saw them and looked up at me shocked.

“Sarah…” He said grabbing my arm gently.

I didn’t say anything, and began to turn away from him.

“How long has this been going on?” He asked me.

I turned around and saw that he was very concerned about what I had done, he didn’t seem mad like I thought he would be for some reason. I decided to come clean about everything to him, I felt I could trust him just then.

“Do you remember that other night when you found me sleeping in your tent?” I asked him starting from almost the beginning.

He shook his head, “Yes, I have been meaning to ask why. I just never really got around to it.”
“Well, it was because…” I had then began to explain when I went on that walk with Shane and how he kissed me and tried to shove his hand up my shirt and everything that happened after that. “After that happened, I had wondered up here and it was dark and I couldn’t find my way back to my tent so I just went into yours.”

“I can’t believe he would…. Why didn’t you tell anyone?!” Daryl asked getting upset, not at me but at the entire situation in general.

I was starting to cry at this point, and Daryl grabbed my hand and held it as I continued my story.

“He threatened to kill me if he found out I told anyone.” I said.

“He’d have to get through me before he even considered hurting you.” Daryl said in a serious tone.

“Do you want me to tell the others tomorrow?? I think they need to know. I know you’re scared about Shane finding out, but trust me; you can’t keep that a secret forever. It’s just going to hurt you even more inside.”

I was very iffy on Daryl telling the rest of the camp about what happened, but maybe it was for the best and we would figure out what to do from there.

“Also, no more cutting. Please?” He said glancing at my wrist. “I know this world is getting worse, and it’s difficult to cope. But, you’re not alone. You have your brother, and Savannah.” He said.

“I also have you.” I said smiling at him slightly.

“I’m not the greatest to be depending on, but thanks.” He said.

“I better get going to sleep; we’ve had a long day.” I said getting up to leave.

“Good night, Sarah.” Daryl said watching me walk to my tent.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and dreamt of nothing but the dead. Killing, and eating everything in its path. Destroying what was once known as life, and devouring our will to live. Daryl was right though, I wasn’t alone in this world anymore. I wasn’t prepared to loose anyone else that had meant a lot to me any time soon.

The next morning I had awoken to a warm sunny day, the morning wind was a tad chilly but it felt nice as I stepped outside the tent. I saw that Caleb was over near the edge of the camp digging a grave for Leanne, Savannah was sitting by the campsite and Lori and Carol where comforting her. I walked over to the campfire, and sat down next to her.

“How are you feeling today?” I asked her putting my arm around her.

She just stared blankly into space and didn’t say a word.

“She hasn’t spoken all morning.” Carol told me.

I felt horrible; the death of her sister hit her hard. She never got this upset at situations; she was usually very strong about it. Even when her mother and father had died from this, she still remained strong.

I turned and saw Daryl walking up to the campfire, he waved at me slightly and sat down next to Rick, he looked around for Shane and when he didn’t see him told Rick they needed to talk. He then turned to me and nodded slightly, and him and Rick got up and went off to talk somewhere.
I sat there worrying about how that situation would play out, and tried to get Savannah to eat something at least.

“C’mon Savannah, please eat. Leanne would want you to eat.” I said.
She just turned and looked at me, and sighed loudly and walked away. I sat there, not knowing what to do.

“I’d just leave her alone for a while; she just needs her space.” Lori said putting a hand on my back, and getting up to go check on Carl who was sitting by himself by a tree.

I decided to go to where Rick and Daryl where and see what was going on with that situation, they were over by Daryl’s tent, as I approached Rick watched me closely and Daryl looked concerned.

“I’m sorry to hear about what happened with you and Shane…” Rick said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner.” I said looking at my feet kicking the dirt.

“It’s alright...I just don’t know what to do about it now.” He said looking at Daryl for approval.

“He shouldn’t be here, it’s not right.” Daryl said.

“Are you suggesting we get rid of him?” Rick asked.

“Send him off with a car, he’ll do just fine.” He said.

“We should ask the others what we should do about the situation at least.” I said to both of them.

“What do you think we should do? It happened to you, so it’s your call.” Rick said glancing at me knowing what my final decision would be.

“I don’t feel safe with him around…” I said.

“Then it’s settled.” Rick said.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault.” Daryl said grabbing my hand.

I glanced at him and saw that he was truly worried about me, and everything going on with the situation.

“I’ll let the others know what’s happening.” Rick said walking off in the direction of the rest of the group, to let them know what’s going on.

I stood there next to Daryl not saying a word, I didn’t know what to say. I felt like it was my fault that we were getting rid of Shane but at the same time I didn’t feel safe with him around so it was the best thing to do.

“If you’re worried about him harming you or anything, don’t be. I won’t let that happen to you, I promise.” Daryl said sincerely.