Status: Changing alot as I go along but comment and give feedback and suggestions. :) <3

You Found Me

Goodbye to another lost soul

I had no idea who this guy was, or if he was on his own or in a group or whatever. I didn’t really care to know him; I just needed to get back to my camp soon.

Daryl then turned around on his bike suddenly “Where am I even driving to?”

“Almost there, look for a sign that says ‘Nature falls camp site’ and turn right” I directed him as clearly as I could.

“Aiightt” He said turning back to the road.

I held on to him as tight as I could because he was driving so fast and I didn’t want to fall off, I was also cold since I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans and the wind from the bike was freezing.
We approached the sign and he turned right onto the dirt road that leads to my camp. There were a few creatures along the path and Daryl just stopped and reached for his cross bow, and then shot them and we kept going.

“Do you ever run out of arrows?” I asked curiously.

“Nawh, I got a nice supply back at my camp” he answered.

“Do you carry a gun too?” I asked.

“Damn woman you ask a lot of questions, and no for your information I don’t. My bow is much quieter than a damn gun” He angrily spatted out.

I stayed quiet the rest of the ride there, I didn’t want to anger him even more and have him drop me off in the middle of nowhere. We then reached a huge clearing were I saw my brother Caleb and my two best friends and everyone else huddled around a campfire. I got off the bike and ran towards


“Sara you’re back!!” My best friend Savannah shouted.

“Yeah, wouldn’t have made it back if it were not for ---“ I turned around to thank Daryl but he was
already gone. I’m guessing he had better things to do than stick around this lousy camp.

“The hottie on the bike?” Said Leanne, giggling.

“Uhm yeah, I wonder where he went off too. I didn’t get to properly thank him. He saved me twice from the creatures” I said looking around hoping he would appear again.

“Oh well, so did you get all the supplies you needed?” She asked glancing at the bag.

“Yes I did, I lost my gun I’m going to need to ask Caleb for another one, he’s not going to be too
happy that I lost my other one.” I explained.

“How did you even lose it?” Asked Savannah curiously

“I left it in a room at the hospital getting the supplies, I had angered a bunch of creatures because I dropped something loud so they were all gathered at the door pushing on it. One got in at first, but after I dropped the piece of metal they all came pouring in so I had to run and jump through a window.” I told them looking away.

“Well come on, lets go get these supplies in the trailer. Miranda and the others really need them, especially Miranda.” Said Savannah hurrying towards the trailer over near the camp fire.

I walked over to the trailer and said hello to the others who were huddled around the fire to keep warm, they had thanked me for going on the run and coming back in one piece.
I entered the trailer to see that our friend Miranda’s conditioned had worsened since I left, her once blue sparkly eyes had dimmed into a dull gray. Her face had lost its color too, and her breathing was much shallower. Our caregiver of the camp George was wiping her face with a cloth because she was hot and very sweaty.

“There isn’t much we can do for her, she’s just going to have to slip away on her own.” He said sadly into his hands.

“NO WE CAN’T! I have the medical supplies you needed, the drugs, everything. She will be okay” I said handing him the bag.

He looked through the tins of medicine I had brought. He took the blood pressure monitor out of the bag as well and used it.

“I’m afraid that no amount of medicine will ever do, her blood pressure is dropped and heart rate is too slow. She’s going to lose oxygen to her brain and suffocate. I’m sorry Sarah but there’s nothing we can do.” He said taking out his gun knowing what he had to do. We never let our own turn, if they were about to die we shot them before it happened. It’s a difficult thing to do but its necessary, to keep the camp and everyone else safe.

“Take her outside and do it, there are children sleeping in here. I don’t need them to wake” Said Leanne who was standing next to the door.

She had already passed within those minutes; I had just wished that I could have been here sooner to help save her. She had children here; they were going to be so devastated by this loss. I was devastated and I hardly knew her.

George had lifted her up and carried her outside near the edge of the camp by the water far from the children's ear sight. As he laid her down onto the surface of the ground, to say his last goodbye she rose suddenly from her sleep and lunged towards him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another slow chapter, but with a clif-hanger ending! :D sorta discovering where im headed with this