Washed out Rock Song

Chapter One.

This was it. I was done. I have been dealing with that asshole John since before I could remember. But messing with my baby sister meant enough was enough. Breaking hearts was what he did best and Kira was the last heart John O'Callaghan would break. It was time he got a taste of his own medicine.

"It's okay, Kira," I said, hugging her tight. "I'm going to deal with it."

She pulled away and looked up at me with tear stained cheeks. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to break his heart."

Kira was in the middle of asking me how I was going to do it when the second bell rang.

"We'll talk after school, okay?" I said. "I have to get to class, I don't want to deal with dad today."

I left Kira and made my way to first period. History. How boring. I took my usual spot in the back of the classroom and pulled a notebook out of my backpack as the final bell rang. Mr. Holloway stood at the front of the room waiting for the last second students to file through the door.

"Today we're starting Chapter 7," he said, shutting off the lights. "World War 2." He made his way to the projector in the middle of the room and turned it on, making a powerpoint appear on the white board at the front of the room. "Notebooks and pencils out, please." Students around me shuffled to get lined paper ready and started taking down notes.

I looked down at the paper in front of me. School was not my thing, and history was definitely not my thing. It wasn't that I was stupid, I just didn't like it. So I didn't try and I made sure my grades were just good enough to pass.

I looked up from my blank notebook paper and around the room. At least I wasn't the only person not taking notes. In the far right corner Kennedy Brock was staring blankly in front of him with his head against his hand. He was friends with John, but he wasn't one of the jerks. Why couldn't Kira hook up with him instead?

I had no idea how I was going to get back at John for fucking with my sister, but I knew that I had to. The only problem was that Operation: Break John's Heart was close to nonexistent right now. I've been pushing John away from me my entire life. John was an asshole, but I was an asshole to him. How was I going to get him to fall in love with me? He knew I hated him.

I just had to somehow make him interested. I didn't even have to be nice to him right away, I couldn't be nice to him right away. If I was, he would know something was up. But if I gave him the tiniest bit of hope that he could sleep with me, he'd definitely chase after that hope. It's not that John liked me, but I know for a fact he wouldn't mind checking me off of his list. If he thought he had a chance with me, he'd take it. And that's all I needed in order to get him hooked. I would start after school.

I went through the rest of the day trying to figure out what I would do and what I would say. Nothing was coming to me. The final bell of last period rang and I dug through my backpack for my keys before heading towards the parking lot. It was about time too, I needed a smoke.

That was it, a smoke. In the mornings, I would smoke in the back of the school. Nobody was around and I could completely avoid everyone. But after school, John and his posse hung around back there until the parking lot cleared out. I made my way around the school while pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of my backpack. I turned the corner from the side of the school to the back and sure enough John and his friends we're all standing around in a group. I went to my usual spot against the brick wall, an accumulating pile of cigarette butts at my feet. I lit up and watched them, only about 20 feet away from me. One by one they each turned and looked at me, more than likely wondering what the hell I was doing back here. I kept my eyes on John. I hoped that if he caught me staring at him, he would assume I was interested in a conversation.

Sure enough, I was right. It only took a couple of seconds before he departed from his group and made his way over to me. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. His hair was all over the place, like he fell asleep in class and just woke up a few minutes ago. What did girls see in him?

"Leah," he said, leaning against the wall next to me.


"Has anyone ever told you that smoking is bad?"

I rolled my eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that I don't care?"

He smirked but didn't say anything.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Nothing," he shrugged, "It's just been more than twenty seconds and you still haven't told me to fuck off."

"Well isn't this your lucky day." I flashed him an obviously fake smile.

John laughed. "So what are you doing back here anyways? Come to see me?" God he was such a dick.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, sarcastically, "I didn't realize the back of the school was reserved for assholes." I looked back at his group of friends and saw Kennedy again as well as his other friends. I immediately felt bad. I knew not all of them were like John.

"Leah, I think this is the nicest you've been to me in years."

I let out a genuine laugh. It was funny… because it was true.

"But now I understand," John was looking at the pile of butts on the ground. "This spot is actually reserved for you."

I shrugged, "I might spend some mornings back here." I was hoping that just the fact that I was talking to him would make him interested in pursuing me. But just in case it didn't, I would have to leave the conversation being at least a little flirty. This made me want to gag.

I threw my smoke on the ground and stomped it out. I looked back up at John, "I'll see you around." I smiled and walked away.

"I hope so," John called from behind me. And just like that, I was in his radar.
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Alright, well I've been sitting in bed watching movies all weekend so I kind of pulled this idea from both, John Tucker Must Die and 10 Things I Hate About You. So please tell me what you think!