Washed out Rock Song

Chapter Two.

"You have to tell me everything. From beginning to end," I said. Kira and I were sitting across from each other on my bedroom floor. I had a notebook and pen in hand just in case I needed to take notes.

Kira moaned. "This is so embarrassing."

"Kira, I need to know every detail. I need to know his plan, how he does it. It's the only way I'll be able to do any retaliation."

Kira put her head in her hands. "Fine," she said, "Just please don't get mad at me." Kira looked up and took a deep breath. "He came up to me after the first football game. That's when it started."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "Kira, that was a two weeks ago! Why didn't you tell me?" I was under the impression that this was a one night stand sort of situation.

"I said don't get mad. I knew how much you hated him, how was I supposed to tell you?"

"Fine, just go on," I said. I was already frustrated.

"Well he came up to me after the game. He introduced himself and said I was the most beautiful girl out on the field."

I rolled my eyes. "That's it? You fell for that?"

"Leah, you don't get it, he was sweet." She was clearly frustrated with me for judging her for this. "That night we went to a party and Scott Christian's. Nothing happened, we just talked. He told me really personal things that night. Things I didn't think he would just tell any other girl."

"Like what? What did he tell you?"

"John said his parents both died when he was really young and he was forced to live with his aunt and uncle who neglected him. They completely spoiled his cousin and John got nothing. When he was younger, they even made him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs."

"Oh my God, you have got to be kidding me."


"Kira!" I was beyond frustrated by now. She was a smart girl, how could she be this dumb? "That is not John! That is Harry Potter!"

"What?" She asked again.

"The cupboard under the stairs. He stole that from Harry Potter."

Kira sighed. "You know I've never seen those movies. Or read the books."

This was absolutely ridiculous. John was going around with these insane lies and not a single girl noticed so far? How does that even happen? "Alright Kira, just go on."

"Well he didn't try anything on me that night, I thought it was sweet. He didn't just want to get me in bed. He didn't even kiss me. At first I thought that he just didn't like me, but then he called me a couple days later asking me out to dinner. That night he picked me up, he even brought me flowers. It was the night I told dad I was babysitting. He took me to a diner a few towns over. It was nice, you know?"

Part of me was actually surprised. He clearly went through a lot to get a girl in bed. But then again, maybe that's how he manages to get so many of them. "Keep going."

"Well he dropped me off that night and walked me to the door. He kissed me, it was nice. It was really romantic and sweet." She smiled thinking about it and I felt like running into my bathroom and puking thinking about it. "Well then he didn't call for a couple of days. Well, he didn't call for a week. Then on Friday while I was on the bus home from the away game, he called. He asked me to sneak out to see him, so I did. We went to this random park and we talked in his car for a little while. And then we started making out, and you know."

"You had sex in his car?" I asked, disgusted.

"It wasn't planned, it just happened. I thought he liked me. But he didn't. Today at school I found out that he slept with Jessica last night."

I sighed. He slept with my sister and her best friend in the same week? He was the biggest slut. He's already gone through the entire senior class, aside from me, so now he was taking on the juniors. I was beyond grossed out right now.

"So what are you going to do?" Kira asked? "How are you going to do this?"

I shrugged a little bit. "I'm going to go with the flow for now," I said. "I'm going to let him pull out all of his tricks, but I'm going to react differently to them. And I'm NOT going to sleep with him. Which will just make him want it even more, until eventually it's not the sex that he wants."

"Be careful, Leah. He's smooth. Just don't fall for his trap."

"Don't worry," I said. "How can I fall for someone I hate?"