A Week in Utah

Photographer/models trip to Utah

I sped down the long road on my Iron 883 Harley Davidson through the land of the red canyons that was Utah. The early morning heat making my clothes stick and cling onto my lightly tanned skin. In the distance there was the perfect place to stop, it looked like a bar and motel complex. I needed to get away from the city and my life. Working as a model and photographer back in New York was great but I needed the chance to escape for a change, get a break from it all.

I parked my bike outside the entrance of what seemed to be an old run down bar that really could of done with some work doing, I took off my helmet letting my golden blonde hair flow down and popped on my ray bans over my baby blues pools before entering. The place was full of men but it didn’t phase me, I could handle my own. I placed the helmet down on the bar, removing her gloves and jacket as an older male from behind the bar approached her.

“Welcome to the Luna Mesa, may I help you ma’am?”
I leaned over the counter a little whilst smiling.
“Yes may I get a jack and coke please, oh and how much is it to stay in the motel?”
“Sure and I don’t think you’d best stay here ma’am, not safe for a woman out in the canyons.”
His worry towards me did not faze me but I understood being surrounded by men and being the only woman in the bar.
“Oh but I can take care of myself, I always have. Plus a girl knows how to put a man down easily.”
I winked as he passed me the drink I ordered.
“Well it is $50 a night but I’ll give you the sheriffs’ details in case you need them. It is $4.20 for the drink by the way.”
He passed me the number on a napkin and grabbed a small book and a pen. I grabbed my wallet from my jacket and took out the money needed to pay for a week stay and the drink.
“There is enough for a week, name is Helena Connors.”
I put the wallet away and took a long sip of her drink enjoying the fizz and the whiskey slide down my throat as the man passed me a set of keys for the room.
“My names Walter, you will have room 5 at the very end Miss Connors.” I quickly shoved the keys and paper into her pocket downing what was left of her drink and thanking Walter before heading to her bike to park it outside her room.

I walked the bike over outside the room and parked it up taking all of the gear I had brought, my backpack and hold all bag to the motel room door while the loud motor of a red worn down truck parked up next to my bike. A man in blue overalls and messy blond hair got out of the vehicle lighting a smoke. Without hesitation I carried on unlocking the door and entering putting the backpack down whilst going out to retrieve the hold all to see the man holding it for me.

“Oh umm…thank you.” I smiled taking her ray bans off so both pools of blue made full contact.
“You can buy me a whiskey at the bar.” He smirked whilst checking me out. He was covered in motor oil and dirt, possibly a mechanic for the area. Before I could say anything he was walking off to the bar.

I sighed and closed the room door locking it behind me knowing tonight would be full of surprises with this guy being at the bar waiting for me to show up. The one good thing was that he was pretty smoking hot. I quickly unpacked and hopped into the shower washing off the sweat from riding in the blazing sun with my strawberry scented showering gel with matching scent shampoo. After hopping out and drying off, I got out my kitten heel boots and a black dress, slipping on a pocketknife garter just in case then grabbing my purse before heading to the bar.

I could see him playing pool with a bunch of guys through the murky window. Pushing the door open all eyes were on me scanning my whole outfit and staring at inappropriate places. I kept my head up and sat at the bar.

“Welcome back Helena what can I get you?” He smiled slightly but looked worried on how I was dressed in a bar full of guys.
“Its not too late to order a cheese burger is it?” I questioned looking at the time.
“Not at all, I guess you want a jack and coke to go with it too right?” I smiled whilst pulling my money out.
“Of course I would.” I placed a note on the counter whilst pulling out a smoke to calm my nerves along with the whiskey that would be soon pouring down my neck.
“Here is your drink I will have the burger out in a few minutes.” He vanished into the back where the smell of beef wafted its way to me into my lungs along with the cigarette smoke I was inhaling. I turned to look where the guy was seeing he had finished his game and heading towards me. I turned my gaze back to my drink and concentrated on what was left of my smoke as he stood beside me at the bar.

Picking up my drink he smelled it noticing a strong hint of whiskey in the mix of soda and taking a sip and placing it the drink back next to my meal.
“You still owe me a whiskey girl.” I smirked at him stubbing out my cigarette and grabbing my burger.
“You can have one when he comes back.” I heard him scoff as he grabbed a bottle of JD with two shot glasses before retuning back to the customer side of the bar.
“I don’t need to wait for no one.” He poured the dark liquid into both glasses, quickly drinking down one and pushing one infront of me. After a few bites on my burger I picked up the glass and let the alcohol burn down my throat. His eyes glared at me while I finished my burger and the drink I originally ordered while every now and again he took a shot. I put my money for the bottle he took when Walter came back.
“That’s for the bottle he decided to grab behind your umm bar Walter.” His presence had an effect on my speech once again like before at my motel room.
“Thank you Hannah. Mac what did I say about going behind the bar?” He just scoffed and continued to pour more whiskey for both of us as Walter kept his eyes on him. I guess he was worried about me.
We got through the half the bottle before I pushed my glass away from me.
“What’s the matter can’t ya drink girl?” I looked at his smirking face before I lit a smoke and him taking one off me without asking sharing the flame. I choked on the smoke and he laughed.
“I can drink, I just want to be in control in case you pull something MAC.” I poked his chest and walked outside to stand in the cool air as he followed me. I didn’t know if it was the drink or just me anymore but he seemed more attractive than when I first saw him at my motel door. I tried to shake it out of my head throwing my smoke and walking back to my motel room, he still followed.

I fumbled for the lock until he took over and opened it for me.
“Thanks, but you can go now Mac.” He gave me that intense stare making my thoughts become unclear and confused.
“I’m going no where.” He shut the door and walked toward me as the back of my legs hit the bed. He pushed me hard onto the bed and climbed over me.
“Mac what are you…”
“Shut it.” His mouth crashed on mine with rough bruising kisses and his hands roaming up my thighs. My mind was spinning but my body was screaming for it. He grabbed the knife from your garter and laughed.
“That’s no good against me girlie.” He attacked my neck biting and sucking the skin, I moaned as he hit the sensitive spot on my neck. He flipped the knife then cut the straps of my dress off then yanked the rest of the material over my head somewhere. He was about to cut at my bra but I knocked to knife from his hands and pinned him to the bed as he smirked at me.
“That’s more like it.” He growled at me, which turned me on even more than I was already roughly kissing him while I unbuttoned his overalls and yanked then down while he kicked them off with his shoes. I found the knife and cut off the dirty white wife beater off him then yanked the material away while my hand roamed toward his boxers as he flipped me over kissing down to my breasts, unclasping and throwing the bra away as his mouth found my nipples as I moaned loudly while his hands were busy yanking my panties off. I pushed him off removing my boots pushing me back on the bed kissing down onto my thighs and biting till he drew blood. I slapped him but all he did was laugh.

“Dick.” He growled pulling off his boxers and positioning himself above me.
“Oh I’ll give you dick bitch!” He slapped me across the face then began attacking my neck again as he forced himself into me. I moaned loudly, fuck he was huge but gave me no time to adjust as he continued to slam into me harder, picking up the pace. The pain soon turned into overwhelming please as I bit down on his shoulder trying not to scream in pleasure while we both rode to an intense orgasm drawing blood from him making him thrust harder at his release.

He pulled out then laid next to me catching his breath. I lit two smokes and popped it in his mouth staying sat on the edge of the bed. I knew this was going to be a fun and crazy week here.
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Cold shower time for the Mac girls =]