Seven Weeks To Love:The Shooting Star Miracle

On the night of Thursday, November 15, 2007, seven eighth grade girls stayed in a hotel in Washington D.C. on a school trip. On that night something magical happened. A shooting star lit up the sky, and it was these seven girls who would wish upon it, oddly enough, all of them making almost the exact same wish....

This is the story of seven girls, all friends, who make a wish on a shooting star to find their dream guy. Each one has a specific guy in mind while making the wish, and they all happen to be characters from mangas, books, or movies that they perceive to be their ideals. None of them truly believe in magic, or wishes, but seven weeks and a day later, odd things start to happen. Samantha Ward, the first to wish, suddenly meets a guy who looks exactly like Hakuron, the ideal she'd wished for that night of the shooting star...
  1. Prologue: The Night the Star Passed By; The Seven
    The seven girls make their wishes...
  2. Week One: Samantha Ward;Day One-Friday, December 2
    The first day, Samantha meets a man who saves her from getting mugged..
  3. Day two-Saturday, December 29, 2007
    Samantha goes on a walk, and...?
  4. Day three-Sunday, December 30, 2007-New Year's Eve
    Samantha gets her cell phone back...
  5. Day four-Monday, January 1, 2008-New Year's Day
    Samantha goes to school and discovers Hakuron is....?
  6. Day five-Tuesday, January 2, 2008
  7. Day six-Wednesday, January 3, 2008
    Hakuron and Sam go to the park...and the sparks, they fly! Kind of. Until an interruption at the worst of moments, I mean.
  8. Day seven-Thursday, January 4, 2008-Sam's Last Day
    Samantha takes some advice form Ariel that results in an interesting encounter, and an Oh-My-God! moment.