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Remembering Sunday

I wasn't the kind of person who had good luck. You always hear about the lucky bastards who win the lottery or new cars or even get prizes in their cereal. I would never be one of those people. I was klutzy and my grades were shit. I played a lot of video games. I loved music and art. I liked scremo music and the color black.
I loved making people laugh but despite that, I didn't have very many friends.
I wasn't drop dead gorgeous and I sure as hell didn't have a perfect figure. My best friend was a guy. Jack Barakat. Boys didn't chase after me, write me sappy love letters or constantly hit on me. I always thought I would die alone.
But it all changed the day I was diagnosed with cancer.
  1. And So It Begins
    Wednesday's POV
  2. Diagnosis
    Wednesday's POV
  3. Something May Come Between Me and You
    Wednesday's POV
  4. The Truth Comes Out
    Jack's POV
  5. Treatment Begins
    Jack's POV
  6. Christmas Catastrophe
    Jack/Wednesday's POV... Christmas dinner with the family ends in shambles.
  7. Relapse Is A Bitch
    Wednesday's POV/Jack's POV
  8. Cancer Sucks
    Wednesday's POV/Jack's POV
  9. The Final Say
    Jack's POV