Status: slowly activeeeee <3

The Best Thing

movies and thoughts

The girls and I are soon pulling up in the driveway of Liam’s house. It was about a fifteen minute drive from the mall and didn’t take that long, surprisingly. Sophia parks the car and shuts off the engine before we all get out so we can grab our bags. We each grab our bags from the back with the things we bought while out shopping before we head up to the door.

With the bags on both of my arms, I reach forward to open the front door. I turn the handle and push it open before I walk in, the girls behind me. After walking inside, the door soon slams shut. As I begin to walk toward the stairs, I feel eyes on me. I look up to see Liam standing in the doorway.

“You ladies have a fun day, yeah?” he questions as he comes over to Sophia and envelops her into his arms for a hug before pressing a kiss to her head. I smile at his gesture with his bird. They were too adorable. I smile as I look at them and glance over at Ruth who was smiling as well at her brother and his pretty bird.

“We did, Li,” I smile at him as he pulls away from Sophia and smiles at me.

“That’s good, Roe,” he smiles.

“What did you boys do all afternoon, babe?” Sophia asks her boyfriend as she begins to make her way to the stairs, an arm around his torso.

“A shit ton of press stuff and discussed about our new album and tour coming up,” he tells her.

“The lads and I were just about to watch some films when you lot walked in. Want to watch with us?” he asks and looks at Sophia before turning to look at Ruth and I. The three of us exchange a look before we turn back to Liam and nod our heads.


“Going to take my things upstairs and be right down,” I say and begin to make my way to the stairs toward my room. I hoist my bags up on my arms as I begin to head up the stairs toward the room I was staying in. when I reach the door to the room I was staying in, I push it open and set my bags down on the chest at the end of the bed.

I set my purse down on the chest and grab my phone and slip it in my pocket, mentally reminding myself to call or Skype my Mum later along with Sutton and Chase, who I missed a lot. After I slip my phone back in my pocket, I retreat back out to the hallway so I could meet the rest of them down stairs. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I walk into the living room. The lads were going on about something pertaining to their new album or something from what I heard but I didn’t quite catch it.

“H-hey,” I mumble with a smile.

“How are ya, love?” Louis asks as I stand there.

“Good, yourself?” I reply and look around the room; the guys were lounging around on each of the couches.

“I’m grand, thanks, love,” he smiles politely.

Liam was currently occupying the love seat, which in return, left Sophia, Harry, Niall, Louis and Zayn. Three of them were sitting in the middle of the longer couch, Zayn on the end. Ruth was in the recliner, so I had to take a seat beside Zayn. Just perfect. I think to myself as I go over sit down beside him.

“Li, where’s Sophia?” I ask as I look over at my cousin, a confused look on my face.

“Upstairs still, changing I recall,” he replies with a smile. I nod my head in response to his answer.

“Who’s doing what upstairs?” we all turn to see Sophia standing in the doorway, a smile on her face.

“Nothin’ babe, Roe was just askin’ where you were, is all,” he tells the brunette girl who stood in the doorway.

She nods her head and walks over to where Liam sat. As she sits down, he wraps an arm around her and I can’t help but smile at the two. They were too cute together, I’m happy he has someone that he cares so much about.

“What do you lot feel like watching?” he asks as he looks at the rest of them before I feel his eyes on me.

Niall and Louis begin to name off different films from drama’s to horror ones. Those are ones I couldn’t handle, just a bit too much for me, because I get scared quite easily and I can’t stand the sight of blood or anything of that nature. Never have and never will. Sophia suggests a few, including, The Holiday, which was one of my favorite movies.

I agree with the Sophia’s choice and each of the guys groan at the choice and begin whining about the movie. Ruth, Sophia and I laugh at the lads at how childish they were acting. It’s quite funny how guys are when it comes to things like this.

“Let her choose lads, she’s the guest in my house,” Liam soon interrupts and I feel his eyes on me. I give him a small smile.

“Correction, your mum’s house, mate,” Louis adds with a chuckle.

“Shut up, Louie!” Liam calls out in an annoyed tone toward the messy brown haired boy.

“Well, it’s the truth!” he fires back.

“Alright, that’s enough lads! Just pick a movie, yeah?” Harry asks in annoyance, voice slightly raised a bit.

A good five minutes go by and we finally make a decision on what to watch. The lads soon give in and we put in The Holiday so we can watch it, finally. I was content with the first choice because it’s been a while since I’ve seen it and I’ve wanted to watch it for a while. After we watch The Holiday, one of the lads gets up to put the film in that they picked so we can all watch it.

To pass the time, while one of the lads puts the other movie in, I pull out my phone. I press the home button to see three messages, two from my mum asking how things were going and the other one was from Sutton. After I unlock my phone, I go to my messages so I can reply to them.

I go to my conversation with my mum and reply back to her first, because she always worries when I don’t respond right away. She’s always been like that and I love her for it even if it’s quite annoying at times but that’s one of the reasons I love her so much.

I type up a response to mum, which read: Things are doing great, mum. Just watching some films with the lot. I’ll call soon, love and miss you tons x

After I send it, I go to my conversation with Sutton. My smile drops a bit when I see her message. She was asking if we could meet up and do something and that she missed my company, finishing the message off with a smiley face. I smile a bit at that. I don’t even think I got the chance to tell her since she’s been so busy with Uni lately. It’s been a while since I last heard from her, and I missed her dearly, along with Chase.

I send her a reply, telling her I will Skype her soon and that I miss her too. Just as I send the message, a voice catches me off guard and I practically jump out my skin.

“Everything alright, love?” I look over to see Zayn looking at me, his brows scrunched together.

“Uh…y-yeah, I’m fine,” I reply softly as I set my phone in my lap.

He gives me a small smile. I shift my eyes to the flat screen telly in front of me. The movie soon begins and I have no idea what it is. I am mentally shaking my head and rolling my eyes when I realise what movie they picked; The Other Guys, with Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell. Typical men wanting to watch stuff like this, but hey, I wasn’t one to judge another person’s likes.

After we watch a few more movies, that is when I decide to call it a night. Ruth left after a while because it was getting late. A few of the other lads ended up passing out here in the living room, which was quite funny because one of them was snoring loudly. I was tired and wanted to get some sleep. Liam mentions he wants to head up soon since the guys have a long day at the studio tomorrow. I begin to head toward the stairs when I hear him call out to me.

“Yeah, Li?” I turn to him.

“Would you want to come with us, Roe? To the studio tomorrow?” he asks as he stands up and stretches his arms. I begin to think what I should reply to him. Should I go? I wanted to but I didn’t want to impede. It would be cool to see my cousin along with his band mates do what they love, make music.

“S-sure, I guess so,” I tell him with a small smile and nod.

“Great, see ya in the morning, Roe,” he gives me a smile and moves to the couch where Sophia was asleep.

“You too, Li,” I smile and begin to make my way up the stairs.

I was exhausted; all I wanted was to go to sleep. Once I get up to the room I was staying in, I change into my pajamas which consisted of sleep shorts and a tank top. As I begin to drift off to sleep, I begin to think of how tomorrow was going to go. Random thoughts of Zayn drifted through my mind as well, from our small interaction earlier. Tomorrow is definitely going to be interesting that’s for sure.
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Yay, here's a new chapter!!! Sorry it's beeen a long time since I last updated - stupid writer's block!

I know there wasn't much Zayn in this chapter but they will interact more in the next one!

What does everyone think? Please drop a comment and let me know! I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten on this so much - thank you so much! <3

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thanks for reading! (: