Status: slowly activeeeee <3

The Best Thing

flight to a new home

“Are you sure you have everything?” my mum asked me a third or fourth time as we walked through the airport to the security checkpoint. I just chuckle a bit and smile at her, nodding at her. I had my passport tight in my grasp along with my ticket to get on my flight. About ten minutes ago, we were standing in line to check in my bags I was taking with me, a rolling suitcase and a duffel bag I put overflow into.

“Yeah, Mum, I do,” I tell her with a small smile and sniffle a bit.

As I looked at my mum with similar blue eyes like mine, only a shade darker, I couldn’t help but tear up. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. And the fact she let me do this. I was going to London, England, well, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, really. I wasn’t just visiting, I was moving there. I was glad my Aunt Karen and Uncle Geoff were kind enough to let me stay with them until I find a place of my own.

For the longest time I’ve wanted to get out of this town I lived in for most of my life. California wasn’t too bad but I yearned for something better. I needed a change; England seemed like the right place for that. It has been quite a while since I was last there, about four almost four and a half years ago. I’ve lived here in America in the grand state of California ever since I was four or five I recall. I was 15, I think, the last time I was in Wolverhampton. I’m currently 19 now so I’ve grown quite a lot since I was last in Wolverhampton.

The last time I went there, I was going to visit my Aunt Karen, Uncle Geoff, cousins, Ruth, Nicola and Liam. That was right before Liam went off to audition for the X Factor in the UK, of course, the second time, and then became famous in One Direction, world’s biggest boy band. Yes, Liam Payne is my cousin, full-blood cousin, no lie. Our mum’s are sisters. Before then, he was just normal, my cousin Liam from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England.

Just a few months ago, I decided I wanted to go there, back to England. I was talking to Liam over a Skype video call. He had asked me how I was doing and I told him I was alright, but wanted a new start and was thinking of coming to England. And not to just visit, I wanted a new start, meaning I wanted to move there. He had told me it was a great idea and he would love if I decided to do that. And that’s exactly what I’m about to do.

I glance down and check the time on the watch I had on my right wrist. It was almost ten till twelve. My flight was taking off in a half hour at twelve-thirty. I let out a nervous sigh and look back at my mom, feeling my eyes well up again.

“Mum, I best be going, my flight’s takin’ off in a bit,” I tell her and pull her in my arms, tightening my arms around her frame. She sniffles and tightens her grip on me. I knew she was trying her best to hold back her tears. I was trying my best I could, too, but I knew I would cry sooner or later. Hopefully when I was alone, I have a feeling I will once I walk off. “I’m going to miss you mum, I love you so much,” I tell her and sniffle again, burying my face in her shoulder.

“I love you too, baby girl,” she mutters into my hair, her voice quivering a bit. I knew she was in tears because I could feel her shake in my arms as she hugged me.

“Send Karen, Geoff, the girls and Liam my love, darling,” she mutters with a kind smile as she pulls away.

“Please let me know when you land, love,” she tells me. I give her a firm nod in response along with a sad smile.

“I will, promise, mum, love you,” I tell her and hug her tightly once more before I begin to walk off.

“Love you too, Monroe, so much. Have a safe flight!” she calls out.

I turn and tell her I will. As I begin to walk off, I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I let out a sigh from my lips as I walk to the security, not even looking back once. If I did, I wouldn’t be where I’m headed, to England. It takes me a good five almost ten minutes to get through security. I get through without any problems, which I was thankful for. It wasn’t too crowded either, which I thought was nice.

I take a seat in one of the empty chairs while I wait for my flight to be called. Shrugging my backpack off my shoulders, I set it on the floor beneath my feet. To pass the time, I decide to pull out my headphones along with my iPhone 5 so I could listen to some music. Beforehand, I decided to shoot a quick text to Liam telling him I was at LAX waiting to get on my flight to Wolverhampton.

I soon receive a response back from him. As I began to read it, I couldn’t help but smile. I’ll be waiting for you at the airport along with the lads and my new bird. Let me know when you land. Can’t wait to see you, love. x :)

I was excited; I couldn’t wait to get there, to Wolverhampton. I’ve dreamed of this for so long. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. This was really happening, I was finally moving back to England after living most of my life here in the U.S. in California. I still had part of my British side in me but part of me was also “American” I guess you could say as well.

I smile as I begin to send Liam a reply. Can’t wait to see you either, Li-li. I’m anxious to meet your new girl and the lads as well. (: see you soon!

After I send the message, I go back to my music. I begin to scroll through my music to find something to listen to pass the time while I wait for my flight. My eyes glance up to the top of the screen of my iPhone to see it was a little after twelve o’clock. My flight leaves in about thirty minutes but would most likely be loading sooner. I go back to listening to my music for a few more minutes before my phone buzzes again.

This time, I noticed a text from my mum. I smiled as I tap on the message so I could read it all. The message read: Monroe, I love you so much. Have a safe flight, your dad says he wishes he could’ve been there with us but he was held up at work. Be safe, darling. Love you and be sure to text either one of us to let you know you made it. xx

I smile at her message and feel the tears that welled up in my eyes brimming about to fall down my already pale cheeks.

With about fifteen more minutes to kill before my flight would be called, I decided now was the perfect time for me to go to the bathroom before I get on the plane. It was definitely going to be a long while before I’ll be able to use proper restrooms again, because ones on planes really grossed me out, especially in the small confines they were in. I always got nervous especially at times like this, when I was about to be somewhere like I was now, going all the way from California, all the way to Wolverhampton, England.

I make sure to place my ticket carefully in the empty front pocket of my backpack so I would have easy access to it when I get on the plane. This is the only carry-on I brought with me; all of my electronics such as my phone and MacBook laptop were in here and I didn’t want to risk losing them here at LAX. I carefully swing my backpack over my shoulder as I head for the nearest restroom.

It wasn’t packed but there were a few people waiting in line ahead of me. There wasn’t really that many stalls, only four, which I thought was a bit surprising. I was glad I didn’t have to go really bad so I could stand here and wait for a few minutes longer. After I finish up, I wash my hands and dry them, my backpack over my shoulder that had all of my things in there I was taking with me on the plane.

As soon as I walk out into the airport back to where I was sitting before, a loud voice comes over the intercom. “Flight 26 B to Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green is now boarding, all passengers report to Gate F to begin boarding the aircraft, thank you!” an overly excited woman’s voice spoke over the intercom.

I hoist my bag higher up on my shoulder and pull the other shoulder strap over my other arm. I begin to make my way toward the gate. There were quite a few people ahead of me, waiting to board just like I was. I stood behind a family of four, the mother holding a little girl that clung to her, that looked about two, three even, with blonde curls and the father held the hand of a little boy who looked about five or six that was noticeably bigger than the girl.

I really begin to feel my emotions set in even more that I was waiting to board my plane. It was going to be a long flight, but I was more than ready for this. Here I come, England.
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Here's the actual first chapter! :D
I hope y'all like it so far! Zayn won't be in the story until chapter three or so c;

I'd love to know what y'all think! Drop a comment and let me know (:

thanks for reading & enjoy!
