Status: slowly activeeeee <3

The Best Thing

welcome to wolverhampton

“Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Please prepare for landing by securing your safety belts. Hope you all had a safe flight. We should be landing at Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green pretty soon.” the booming voice clicked off the intercom.

I let a sigh from my lips as I sit up and stretch in my seat best I could. These seats weren’t comfortable as I thought they’d be. I click my seat-belt in place to prepare myself for landing. After a good ten minutes, we are free to move around the cabin. After moving out to the middle aisle, I pull my carry-on – which was my backpack with some things in it like my Macbook, iPhone, headphones and a few books in it – from the compartment above my seat and put it over my shoulder careful of my computer.

Now was definitely going to be the fun part, waiting to get off the plane and heading down the terminal that led inside the airport. The line slowly moves up. I begin to get nervous that I will be standing here for a long time. I sure hope it isn’t because I have people waiting to see me and somewhere I should be getting to. Also, I really had to use the restroom which made things more nerve-wracking. While I wait, I pull out my phone and power it on so I could shoot Liam a text telling him I was waiting to get off the plane.

After a few minutes, the apple logo shows up and the screen pops up for me to unlock my phone. Once I type in my pass code to unlock it, a bunch of messages begin coming in right after another all at once. Thankfully it was on silent so I wouldn’t annoy anyone with my ringtone. I had five text messages and a voice-mail I had received from Liam a little while ago.

I decide to read my text’s first and listen to the voice-mail later. I’m sure he was just reminding me that he would be there to get me from the airport here in Wolverhampton along with his band mates and new girlfriend. I smile to myself as I see the texts he had sent me, two of which that belonged to him, the other three from my mom asking if I got here alright, worrying most likely. She always tends to do that, especially if I’m not in the same vicinity as her especially since we were really close.

I decided to open up Liam’s first and immediately begin to read them. Hey love, just wanted to see where you’re at. Waiting here in the airport with the lads and Sophia. Can’t wait to see you little cousin. :)

I’m actually waiting behind some slow ass people who’re taking forever to get off this damn plane. I just want to get inside, see you and get to the ladies room ‘cause I really need to go. Can’t wait to see you lot either xo

Once I send the message, I glance up and let out a huge sigh of relief when I look up to see it moving up finally. Thank god! I think to myself; I was more than happy to finally be slowly making my way into the airport. I let out a groan when I come up to customs. This was sure going to take a long time, I had a feeling.

I was surprised that it didn’t really take me long to get through customs at all. Once I grabbed my backpack, I pull out my phone before putting the strap over my shoulder and follow the signs that pointed to where I was going to meet up with Liam and the rest of them. First on my mind was the restroom since I’ve had to go ever since I’ve been on the plane. I’m surprised I held it this long but I really had to go. After I wash my hands in the nearest loo, I swing my backpack over my left shoulder and decide where to go from there.

To make things easier, I decide to grab my bags before I begin to look for Liam. The conveyer belt begins to move and the bags are slowly moving down for passengers to retrieve their bags. Surprisingly, my two bags, a rolling suitcase and a duffel bag with the overflow from my other bag, were the first ones to come down the belt. Thank god, that didn’t take long at all! I hear the voice in my mind speak.

I swing my duffel bag over my shoulder, thankful it wasn’t too heavy. My other bag, the rolling suitcase was being dragged behind me. Now, to begin my search for my famous cousin, Liam Payne, who was somewhere in this crowded airport. It was kind of surprising how crowded this place was, considering it wasn’t even a big airport. It wasn’t LAX or Heathrow, even, where I was and those airports are huge compared to this.

I soon hear my name being called or so I thought. As I turn around, I am engulfed in a tight hug and I end up letting go of the handle of my rolling suitcase, which sent it falling to the floor making a loud clunk. “It’s really you, Monroe! You look good, it’s been years, love,” I pull away to find my cousin looking at me, a wide smile on his face.

“It has!” I laugh as I look up at him. He has always been taller than me. “How long has it been?” I question as I look at him.

“’Bout 4 or 5 years, I think, love,” he replies with a laugh.

“Missed you, Li Li!” I exclaim happily and pull him into a tight hug. His arms tighten around me and chuckles at my childhood nickname for him. I’ve called him that since we were about six or seven if I can remember right.

“So glad to see you, love,” Liam smiles as we part from the second hug.

“You too!” I exclaim happily. “Sorry it took a while, I was waiting behind a bunch of people and had to use the bathroom,” I tell him with a laugh. He smiles and hugs me once more laughing a bit at what I had said.

“Monroe, there’s a few people I’d like you to meet,” Liam tells me with a smile and turns to the three boys standing a little ways behind him. “That reminds me of when you were younger you know the time you...” I cut Liam off knowing full well what he was trying to get at, when we went to the zoo a long time ago and I ended up wetting myself cause I couldn't hold it anymore. Liam thought it was the funniest thing but I didn't, I was embarrassed as hell since it happened to me. I was only ten I think, which sucked.

“Shut up, Li, don’t you dare tell ‘em, I was so damn embarrassed,” I tell him and feel my cheeks heat up at him bringing that up.

“Tell us what? I want to know!” Niall pipes up smiling widely.

“Uh..never mind,” I mumble and shift my eyes away from Liam’s.

“I might when you’re not around,” he jokes and pinches my cheek. I push him and try to keep from breaking out into a smile but I fail, cracking a small smile.

Beside them stood a tall pretty girl with dark hair, I’m guessing had to be his new lass. He introduces me to each of the guys who each come forward and hug me, which made me felt right at home. There was Niall, the blonde one with baby blues and an Irish accent, and then there was Louis, who had blue eyes like Niall and brown messy hair. Then, there was Harry, the boy with messy curls that reminded me of a mop and forest green eyes and a killer smile with a deep British accent.

That’s when I realize that one of them was missing, Zayn. Obviously, I already knew who the guys were but never met them until today, except for Zayn. I made a mental note to ask Liam later where he was since he isn’t here with the rest of them.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, beautiful,” Harry tells me, a cheeky smile on his face and winks at me.

“Nice to meet you, love,” Louis tells me with a smile.

“Nice to meet ya, babe,” Niall smiles at me.

“Glad to have finally met you guys,” I tell them with a small smile.

“You’ll meet Zayn soon, he’s at the house, was a bit under the weather or so he says,” Liam says with a slight smile. I look at him and can’t help but wonder where he is. It was a bit strange to meet the other three of his band mates but I still have yet to meet the last one of the group. I just shake the thought off my mind as Liam turns to me again, his arm around the girl’s waist.

“Monroe, this is my new girlfriend, Sophia,” he introduces me to her. She gives me a smile and a ‘hello, love’ in a sweet voice. Just like the boys did, she hugged me as well. I return the gesture and pull away from her, staring down at my feet.

“You’re gorgeous, love, it’s so grand to finally meet Li’s cousin. He talks about you all the time,” she tells me with a smile. I smile at her words and laugh a bit.

“You talk about me, Li?” I joke as we all make our way outside along with my bags that were being drug behind me. Liam laughs at my lame attempt at a joke and smiles before offering to carry my bags for me.

I thank him as I hand them over to him. As soon as we step outside, we are being led by security to a black vehicle that hardly looked big enough to hold all of us. Around us, there were a bunch of people with cameras yelling questions left and right about who I was, why I was with the boys and stuff like that. We finally make it to the vehicle and pile in. Surprisingly, all of us fit inside the van.

“Your bags are in the back, Roe,” Liam tells me as he looks over at me.

“Thanks, Li,” I tell him with a smile and turn back so I was facing the front.

I was sitting beside Niall with Louis on the other side of him. Harry was stuck in the back with Liam and Sophia. We are soon on our way to Liam’s parent’s house, where I’m sure we’re all staying, where I was staying at least. It was a pretty big house with enough rooms for all of us since I’m sure his mates are staying there, too. I remind myself to ask Liam a little bit later when I can pull him aside about where his other mate, Zayn was.
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so, here's an update!!

hope you like it! drop a comment and let me know what you think! (: