Status: slowly activeeeee <3

The Best Thing

night out

“Sorry it’s a bit messy, Li needs to learn how to pick up things and put them away,” she says with a smile as we enter the room. I laugh a bit and tell her it’s alright. I follow her to the closet where she pushes the sliding door open so she could look better. There were a bunch of numerous cute outfits in the closet that were hers, I was slightly jealous.

“Anything in particular you want to wear?” Sophia asks and looks at me with a small smile before going back to her clothes. I had no idea what I wanted to wear, all I wanted, really, was to be comfortable.

“I don’t know, I just want to be comfortable I guess,” I mumble and motion to the clothes I wore. Jeans and a t-shirt, nothing too complicated. She smiles and turns to look at me for a minute.

“You’re gorgeous, Monroe, you should turn heads, live a little, wear something you aren’t used to, it’s very fun!” she exclaims and pulls a dress from her closet and hands it to me. I laugh a bit and grab the handle of the hanger and lift it up so I could get a good look at it. The dress was black and real cute. I love dresses like this but I wasn’t quite sure what shoes to wear if I wore this. I’ve never been good walking in heels, so might just stick with my toms, the most comfortable shoes ever, in my mind.

“Love the dress but not sure about the shoes I’d wear with it though.” I say honestly as I look at Sophia who was looking at a dress she held in her hand. It was a white dress with a coral colored skirt, which seemed like it went perfect with her tan skin. I know I could never pull something like that off, with my skin tone.

“Might wear heels with mine, what ‘bout you. Monroe?” Sophia asks as she moves from her closet and lays the dress across the bed and sits on the edge of the bed. I sit beside her and set the dress on my lap.

“I would wear heels but I’ve never been good walking in them, wish I was but I’m not. Might stick with my toms since they’re so comfortable and I know how to walk in those,” I say with a laugh and cross my leg over the other.

“Toms are comfortable, ‘specially if you aren’t quite accustomed to wearing heels, they’re definitely somethin’ to get used to,” she replies with a smile. We sit and talk for the next few minutes, laughing about some funny things Liam’s done over the years.

“What’s so funny?” Sophia and I glance over to the doorway to see Liam standing there. His arms were crossed over his chest, a slight smirk on his face and his eyebrows were raised in question.

“Oh, it’s nothing, Li,” I say with a smile and grab the dress I was going to wear and rise up from my spot on the bed.

“Sure it is,” he says as he walks in the room and makes his way over to where Sophia was.

“Well, I’m going to start getting ready,” I say as I make it to the door and turn to see Liam pressing a kiss to Sophia’s forehead. I smile at them for a minute before I walk out and shut the door behind me so I could give them some privacy.

“Us too,” Liam calls out as I shut the door and continue on down the hall, the little black dress in my hand that was on the hanger.

I roll my eyes, not really wanting to know what was going on in there between my cousin and his girlfriend. There are just some things a girl can only take so much of. As I made my way to the room I was staying, I could hear a few of the boys’ voices gradually getting louder by the minute. They had to be coming up the stairs. I couldn’t quite catch what they were going on about, probably some crazy nonsense.

I soon walk up to the door of the room I was staying in and push it open. I walk inside and shut the door behind me so I could get ready in peace. I lay the dress down on the bed careful to not wrinkle it. I stare at the dress for a few minutes before I decide to go take a shower, because I felt dirty from being on a plane just a few hours ago, and wanted to clean myself up a bit. I had more than enough time, being only a quarter to six now; especially if we weren’t going to be heading out until around nine.

After I gather my stuff for my shower, towel included, I head out into the hallway and begin to search for the restroom so I could take my shower. I usually remember where things are in most places I’ve been but I couldn’t place where it was. It had been a long time since I’ve last been here so that must have been it. There were only four other bedrooms on the second floor where I was, could be any one of them.

I open the first door I come to and realize it was a closet. Well, that was embarrassing… I think to myself as I move onto the next one after closing the door of the small closet. Let’s hope it’s this one… I hear the voice in my head speak as I come upon the next door, which was a little ways down from the closet.

I knock on the door and wait for a reply. Nothing happens, so I take the next motion and grab the handle and push on it lightly. I push the door open to see Zayn standing in front of the closet. At the sound of the door creaking open, he glances over at me, a confused look on his face. He was also shirtless, tattoos fully exposed on his chest and arms, clad in a pair of jeans that were ripped in the knees.

“I…uh…sorry, was looking for the bathroom,” I mumble and feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I shift my eyes away from his inked up chest to the floor and take a small step backwards.

“Next to Liam’s room, on the right. Um, it’s okay…” he replies quickly and turns back to the clothes in the closet and begins to look through them.

“Right, sorry…” I mutter and walk out, quietly shutting the door as I walked out.

God, that was awkward as hell! I think to myself as I shift the things in my arms and continue on down the hallway. I come to yet another closed door, which was next to Liam’s just like he said, and I knocked lightly. I got nothing back in reply so I take it as a sign it was empty. I push the door open and flick the light on. It was definitely the bathroom; a sink, tub and toilet occupied the small space. I step inside and shut the door, locking it securely after I set my things on the spacious counter near the sink. There were numerous things of makeup along the counter that had to be Sophia’s without a doubt.

About fifteen minutes later, I finish up in the shower. I felt a lot better plus super clean, also glad I didn’t cut myself with my razor while shaving, which definitely sucks. I wrap one towel around my body after drying my wet body off, and don’t bother to use another towel for my hair, because I didn’t like how my hair becomes frizzy whenever I towel dry it. I blow my hair dry with the blow dryer I spotted on the counter, with an attached diffuser, which worked wonders.

I decide to put my things in an open corner and make a mental note to myself to mark it as mine later. I tighten the towel around my body and knot it at the top before I softly open the door. After I stand there for a minute or two, I stick my head out and look down the hall to see it was empty. I was in the clear to go to my room so I could change and start getting ready.

I step inside the room I was staying in and shut the door behind me to have privacy. After I go over to the dresser where I put some of my things, I pull out clean panties and slip them on along with a strapless bra. I toss the damp towel toward the door and walk over to the bed where the dress was laid out. Once I get the dress on, I stare at myself in the full-length mirror that was hanging on the door inside the closet. It looked good even with my fair skin.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. “Yeah?” I call out.

“You decent, love?” I hear Sophia call from the other side of the door.

I call back and tell her I am as I go over and begin to look for my black toms that were still in the bottom of my suitcase, I must’ve forgotten to take them out. I pull them out and set them on the floor before I stand up. A smile appears my face as I look up to see Sophia in that dress she picked out, the coral one.

“You look amazing in that dress, Monroe,” Sophia says with a smile and comes over to where I was.

“Thanks,” I reply with a smile. “You look flawless, plus your legs look great in it,” I finish with a smile and laugh a bit.

“Ugh, you’ve got to be kidding, you look way better than I do,” she smiles, her eyes shining as she looked at me. Her makeup was done up nice, I had yet to do mine.

“What time is it? Are they ready to leave?” I ask as I go over and grab my makeup bag from my suitcase and set it down on the table that was near the mirror for easy access. I begin to do my makeup, starting with some eyeliner, the pencil; I hated the liquid kind since it gets too messy.

“They’re ready but they’re chillin’ downstairs, playing some stupid game on the X Box to pass the time,” Sophia says and rolls her eyes. I smile a bit and continue to focus on my makeup. I do a smoky eye to make my blue eyes stand out even more. As I finish up doing my makeup, the two of us talk and get to know each other.

“I’m almost ready,” I say as I put my toms on and grab a small clutch I brought with me and stuff my phone in there along with a small carry-on bottle of aspirin in case I needed it and some money. I smile as Sophia grabs my hand and drags me out the door and down the hall.

“C’mon, love, they’re waiting for us,” she says as we head for the stairs. I nod and smile a bit as we go down the stairs. As we descend the staircase, I could hear the loud commotion of each of the lads most likely complaining about something in whatever game they were playing. We make our way into the living room.

“Hey bab– wow, you ladies look stunning, lookin’ good Roe,” Liam says with a smile and turns to look at us. I smile a bit as he compliments me and thank him. The other lads compliment me as well and tell me I looked nice.

“We ready to go, lads? Let’s finish this up and get goin’,” Sophia says and stands next to Liam whose eyes were glued to the big flat screen in front of him, fully engaged in the game they were playing. They all finish up whatever round they were on and turn it off along with the telly.

“Let’s get goin’, I’m ready for a drink!” Niall exclaims loudly.

We all follow behind him and are soon on our way to wherever we were headed. It was going to be a fun night out with my cousin and his mates. And maybe I could get to talking with Zayn because I was still curious to find out what his deal was.
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Here's another chapter, yay!!! and Monroe had a run in with Zayn..kind of. haha. Sorry for leaving it hanging there...again ;) I will update again soon!

Monroe's outfit and Sophia's for when they all go out!

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