Status: slowly activeeeee <3

The Best Thing

girls day out

“Monroe, what do you say before we hit the mall we get a mani-pedi at this shop close by?” Sophia asks me as we get to the car that was parked outside. Ruth told me I could sit in the front but I tell her she could but she insisted since I am the “guest” staying at her parent’s house, until I find a place of my own, at least. I nod my head and climb in the car.

“Yeah, sounds good to me! I really want to get my fingers done, my toes too,” I say with a smile as I look at the polish on my fingers and snap my safety belt in place over my body. The black polish was chipping and in massive need of fixing. I was ready for a change. My toes were painted a dark red color but it was starting to fade. The three of us go on and laugh about random things on the way to where we were headed, to the nail salon.

A good ten minutes later, we arrive at the nail place. Sophia pulls into an open spot near the front, the car lot full of cars everywhere. She pulls the keys from the ignition and cuts the engine once we’re stopped. I grab my purse and put the strap over my shoulder as I undo my safety belt and step out of the car on the pavement. The three of us head up to the entrance and walk right in through the door.

“Hello there, what can I help you ladies with?” a tall brunette woman asks behind the front counter, a smile on her face. She had a pen tight in her left hand, like she was writing something down, and a cordless phone in the other.

“Hello,” Sophia greets the woman with a kind smile. “The three of us each want a mani-pedi. Says you take walk-ins, yeah?” she asks the woman who looks at Sophia, Ruth and then me.

She nods and motions for us to follow her. The three of us follow behind her to the back room where they gave the pedicures. I go over to the spot where they had all different colors of nail polish. I spot a pink neon bottle of polish and grab that before I go back to where Sophia and Ruth were. I hand the polish I picked out to the lady in front of the chair I stood beside, a smile on her face.

I slip off my shoes and take a seat in the comfy chair while we get our pedicures. Just as I close my eyes and begin to relax, I’m pulled from my thoughts when Sophia opens her mouth, “Can you tell me now?” I knew what she was asking; she asked the same thing before we left, about what happened last night. I laugh a bit and open my eyes as I turn to her, a small smile on my lips.

“What happened?” Ruth asks a smile on her face. I let out a sigh as I look back at her. It’s been quite a long time since I last had a pedicure and it felt good.

“Tell us!” Sophia replies in a curious tone.

“Fine,” I give in and let out a sigh from my lips.

“So, last night, we all went out, right and got a few drinks. After we got there, I went straight over to the bar to get a drink and when I looked over, Zayn was sitting there. We just sat, drank and talked a bit, is all,” I tell them with a slight shrug of my shoulders.

“Didn’t look like you were just talkin’, love. I looked over and saw you two when I was dancing with Li, and it seemed pretty heated to me,” she gives me a smile. I just shake my head and roll my eyes at her. The three of us continue to talk about random nonsense as we get our toes done. Before too long, our toes are freshly done and polished; we are about to get our fingers done which made me anxious. I was more than ready to rid this crappy black polish on my fingers that was almost chipping completely off.

“I’m sayin’ this one more time, nothing’s going on, I hardly even know him,” I tell her and feel my cheeks heat up a bit as we move to the front to get our manicures done. I can’t help but think of earlier when I was in the living room with them all and noticed him looking over at me every so often. What was that all about? I try to get my mind on something else as one of the nail technicians does my nails. I decided on getting this light pink color on my fingernails.

“Bet you want to, though, get to know him, that is,” Sophia replies and I can’t help but laugh at her words.

“You like him, Roe, admit it!” Ruth gives me a smile from where she sat beside me, on my right, and Sophia on right of me.

“How can I if I hardly know him?” I reply and roll my eyes at my cousin.

“That’s why you get to know ‘im, love. He’s a great guy,” Sophia tells me, a kind smile on her face. “But heard he’s been through a lot lately or so Liam says,” she replies in a sad tone. I nod my head slowly. Of course, that’s what he told me, too! I hear my voice in my head but don’t speak them.

“I wonder what, exactly, like what he’s been going through or whatever, I’m curious to know,” I reply. That was blatantly obvious, the second I saw him when I got here, I’ve had a feeling that something’s up. I just wanted desperately to know what it was.

I let out a sigh as I look over at Sophia, “Yeah, you’re right I guess. Won’t hurt to get to know him a bit more,” I reply in a soft tone; I knew she was right, they both were. Plus, there isn’t any harm in getting to know him let alone anyone, is there?

Growing up, I always made nice with almost everyone, except a few I didn’t quite favor, and had my selective close best friends like Sutton and Chase, who were back in California off at Uni. I met the two of them in high school during my sophomore year and we hit it right off and been close ever since. Thinking of those two made me miss them. I make a mental note to Skype or even text one of them next chance I get, because I didn’t the chance to tell them I was moving here since life is pretty busy as is.

A good fifteen minutes later, we’re finally done; all of our finger/toe nails painted a nice pretty shade and freshly dry from just being painted. After we pay, we are soon on our way to the mall to begin our shopping. Sophia parks the car in a spot near the front entrance of one of the stores.

“Where to first, ladies?” Ruth pipes up, smiling at each of us as we stood inside the front entrance of the shopping centre.

“Doesn’t matter to me just as long as we get something to eat soon,” I say with a hint of a laugh as I look at my cousin and then Sophia. “I’m starving,” I say as my stomach grumbles loudly.

“Me too!” Sophia replies and loops her arm through mine and her other one through Ruth’s, who was on the other side of her. “Food court here we come,” she finishes and begins to head toward the food court, wherever it was. I was quite unfamiliar with this place since I’ve only been here once years ago.

Once we make our way to the food court, the three of us split so we could get whatever we wanted. I soon pick out a pizza place and get in the line, which wasn’t too incredibly long. Sophia and Ruth went to a different line so I won’t know what they’re getting until we meet up at a table so we can eat. Soon, I’m the next one and I can finally move up and order. Finally! I think to myself; I’m starving.

I decide to get two slices of pepperoni with extra cheese and a drink. When the girl gives me the total, I pull out my wallet to pay for my food and drink. I pick up the tray and move over so I could grab some napkins before I start to make my way to find Sophia and Ruth, wherever they were. I soon spot them at a table near some seafood place. As I walk up to where they were seated, a few young looking girls stood there, fans I presume, talking with Sophia and Ruth.

“Hey Roe,” Ruth looks up and shoots a smile toward me.

“Hey,” I reply with a smile as I set my tray down and take a seat at one of the empty chairs across from where she sat. Sophia soon looks over, a bright smile on her face.

“Uh, who are they?” I motion to the girls who stood there talking with one another.

“Some big fans o’ Liam’s, they spotted Sophia and started talking,” she says as she takes a bite of her fried fish.

I nod my head and tear off a small piece of my pizza and pop it in my mouth. Sophia soon joins us at the table and begins to eat the food she got, chicken from some place, and we talk as we enjoy our lunch. After we finish eating, we toss our trash in the bin and begin our fun day of shopping. The three of us make our way into a cute vintage looking shop.

After looking around the store for a good five minutes or so, I come across this cute belt. It was a dark brown color and looked like it could go with any outfit. I always love how cute they look with shorts or even jeans, depending on what style you wear. It would also go great with this cute sundress I have that I love wearing during the summer months. I pass by a place where they held all kinds of cute bracelets and such.

I come across a cute charm bracelet with quite a few dangly charms on it. One of the charms was something that made me think of a cloud, which I thought fit me to a tee, being the huge dreamer I am. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always loved trying new things and going new places, like how I decided to move out here all on my own, even if it’s a place I’m pretty familiar with.

The next few hours seem to fly by as the girls and I continue to find all these cute things. Now, it was almost four, and we were about ready to head back. The three of us had a good five or six bags each. We put our shopping bags in the trunk before we are on our way back to the house. I had a great day with awesome people but I was ready to kick back and relax with my cousins and new friends I’ve made, once we get back to the house.
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Here's the next chapter!!! :D
I know there wasn't any Zayn in this one but he will be in plenty of upcoming chapters, promise! I have a bunch of great ideas in store for upcoming chapters so stay tuned.. ;)

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