Status: Sequel to the devils pet

New Life


Next day Tilly woke up in her cage. She missed copper. She didn't get to say goodbye to him. She was just taken away.

She remember that shadows had forced her to come home and when they got home she was fed and put to bed.

The door opened and shadows came in. He went up to her cage and unlocked it and pulled her out. She was carried down the hall and to the living room.

He washed and put on the ground. She sniffed around and played with Christ feet which made him groan a bit.

She wandered round a bit and wanted to go play outside. But she knew they wouldn't open the door for her. So she went to the kitchen.

No one was in there. She saw the back door open a bit and ran to it and slid through then ran off into the woods.

She was walking when she heard a twig snap. She looked up and saw a wolf come out. But not any old wolf.

It was copper.

"Tilly" he said and ran over.

"Yeah it's me" she said and they came to each other.

"I didn't think I'd be able to see you again" he said.

"Yeah I kinda snuck out" she said.

They walked in the woods talking.

"So who's your parents" he asked.

"My parents are dead, shadows order his friends to kill them because they owned him money and well they saw me and took me in" she said sadly.

"I'm sorry" he said and she shook her head.

"It's alright"

"So you never change into human" he said and she nodded.

"Me too, when I was born my mom gave Beth to me as wolf and she died afterwards, there was a mix up and they said I could never turn human" he said.

"Oh well that's kinda cool, do you miss your mom" she said.

"We'll sort of, I didn't really know her, but I've got my dad" he said.

"Come on let's go play" he said and they played.

They played fight and they riled on to of each other. They laughed and giggled.

They fell down a hill. They ran together and got a lake and drank some water.

"Tilly, your my best friend" said copper.

"Your mine to copper" she said back.

"Tilly". There was a shout and they looked up and saw shadows in the distance yelling.

"Oh no, I have to go" she said put he jumped on her.

"No stay please" he said.

She giggled.

"TILLY" shadows shouted and se rolled over and got up.

"I can't i have to go, he sounds mad" she said.

"Ok but you'll come out tomorrow won't you.

"Yeah I promise" she said and started running away. They said goodbye and she ran away to shadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Tilly snuck out to go play. But shadows isn't happy.

What might happen. And sorry it's short

Comment and enjoy xxxxxx